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Y&R: Week of March 2, 2009

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same here. I was thinking, since when was Billy such a loser. I thought he was always written was one of the good guys till now but they write him as if he's always been a screwup.

Line of the day yesterday went to Esther and Katherine

Esther: "Jill is still a...."

Kat: "Bitch?"

LMAO! That was a good one

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Nick HAS NOTHING to think about, he is married to Phyllis, his love for Sharon is a love in the PAST! not once since Paris has there been any communication between Nick and Sharon about the present and how their adultery will effect their spouses (yes Sharon is still married to Jack, as Jack points out at least once a show) and their future, only about the past and what was! Sorry but Cassie is dead and Noah is no longer 7 years old, it is time TIIC moved one and left SHICK where it belongs...in THE PAST, with Lauren and Paul and Jill and Jack and all the other couples of THE PAST!

Love EH scenes with Billy and Jack!! who would have thunk Jack Abbott was going to turn into his father!!!!

Amber, AF kicked ASS in those scenes with Delia, you could see the pain and the memories on her face and her body movement!! I would love to see a more developed friendship between the two!!!

Lane - suck, sorry but they are a waste of air time, Cane needs to wrap up his woman and throw her over his shoulder and take to Australia!!! and ove my screen!

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nick loves little nick.

he will fling with phyliss, confess love for sharon, sleep with dog face grace, and down the line he will woo another woman and ping pong all around.

hes a guy. a very typical good looking ex-fratboy that has daddys money guy, sure. but still just a guy.

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I have loved the Billy/Chloe, Jack/Chloe and Billy/Jack scenes. I love that Billy and Chloe aren't falling into a loving relationship. It should be hard for them with Billy distracted by his feelings for Lily and Chloe full of doubts. Chloe and Delia in the pool house is a great idea. I love seeing the Abbotts re-constituted as a family. Jack was always meant to be a patriarch although he hasn't been allowed to raise his own children.

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Loving the Abbott interactions. Your so right about Jack, I've missed seeing him being allowed to raise his children.

If Y/R are trying to sell me that Billy felt anything for Lilly, it feel flat. I could care less, the best thing they could do with Lily and Cane is to send them off to Aust. for a few years.

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I honestly think that Y&R are not pushing Chloe & Billy as a couple, but as Partners in Crime. I think Billy is going to be all over Lily like a rash -- and possibly Sharon as well. Methinks the vets ALL want a piece of BM's acting ass and that's why Billy gets lots of scenes with Jack, Jill, Ashley, Victor and now Sharon. Phyllis is only a matter of time!

I want to get behind Chloe & Billy as a love connection SO bad. But BM's just not playing it that way. He seems to be all about his baby and less about his babymama. Granted, I haven't seen Monday's Y&R, so maybe there are some additional sparks there that will change my mind...

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Holy crap, would you lighten the hell up? Sometimes overboard, obsessive fangirls can be delusional and if they want to post their delusions on the net, it's perfectly fine to criticize, ridicule and/or mock them. Heard of the internet? Message boards? Everybody's comments are fair game. It's just the way it is. And, sorry, but anyone who thinks that Colleen is capable of being the new Jill is delusional. They'd be better served comparing Sursok to an actress or character in the same ballpark as she. Charity Rahmer comes to mind.

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Well since it's fine to call people delusional then I guess I'll say you're delusional for thinking your opinion is the final say on the matter.

y&r fan is entitled to believe what he wants to believe and he's not delusional for thinking Colleen could possibly be the next Jill. You're just attacking him for no other reason than the fact that he likes Colleen as usual...

Yes it's the internet but that doesn't mean you should act like a jerk. Which you clearly seem intent on doing to provoke a reaction.

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I think the Billy character is written as a complicated one, I would think (I missed out on the couple at that time I wasn't watching) if they bring this Mac character back it would probably re-introduce viewers to that part of Billy he has just gotten more complicated over the years

lol yes I loved that line and the way both Esther and Katherine said boy do they ever know.

lol perhaps not, that's y for the life of me I don't see why both women aren't trying to kick him to the curb by now. Sharon's not in her right mind it seems is at least making an attempt

That's the thing he is definitly wrong and I think for the first time they've written for Phyllis a story in which I 100% sympathize w/the character because she's trying to hold on to a man who's directly hurting her. In anycase in alot of sense Nick and Sharon seem to be the once a cheater always a cheater team so in thats ense they deserve each other I suppose.

Yes who-ever he ends up with he will definitly cheat on, at least if it's Sharon more than likely he will get it done back to him.

AF was excellent in her scene about the babies she lost

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Seriously guys is this what your going to do every week in these threads? Someone WILL always say something , you will always get defensive over the same character but please stop whining as a defense. EVERYBODY has a right to his or her opinion. WE get it YOU LIKE CK and TS acting and some other people disagree, please break the cycle one day let's move on...

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