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Y&R: Week of December 29, 2008

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Jill was very loyal to Victor when Jack and Bradley schemed their way to take over Newman Enterprises with the help of Michael and Diane'e divorce settlement coupled with Victor's disappeanace in the desert with Romano and Chet.

She tried to stop the takeover with Neil and Nick. This was a great story in 98 and allowed the Abbotts to gain control of Jabot again after Jack lost control of it to Victor in the early 90's.

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Yeah, as I mentioned before, I LOVED today's US epispde. I totally didn't see the Jill and Victor ending coming, and I don't think it was given away bluntly in spoilers. There was a lot of character interactions too. Also, how nice was it to see Jack back at Jabot? So many possible storylines were set up in this one episode.

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I say this:

Step 1 Ship off Devon and the little girl (off on tour, of course, to torture, um, I mean entertain the world with their "music".

Step 2- Give Tyra Banks Winters some backstory, THEN, turn her STONE COLD PSYCHO CRAZY!! She will never be likeable. She is very tall and beautiful and could be a FRIGHTENING psycho villian.

Step 3- Somehow bring back Drucilla into this ruckus- Can you imagine Drucilla and Tyra Banks becoming the new Sheila and Lauren. ME LIKEY ALOT!

I think there could be some amazing drama here. This crap now is snoozefest. Despite her boirng character, I REALLY like Nia Peeples and I hope she stays on Y&R.

Victor and Jill- BRILLIANT.

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I didn't see Jill/Victor coming. I thought he was calling Baldwin or someone from the press to announce Jack back at Jabot...Never saw it coming. I'm looking forward to their scenes.

They could salvage this story: sending Karen off to NY and putting Neil and Tyra in bed together. Make Lily Karen's public enemy number one since they spent so much time making sure Lily and karen became friends. Maybe they can give LIly a bitch bone. Give Tyra a hot scheming ex boyfriend in need of some cash, and the rest writes itself.

If they want Neil to stay sympathetic pin him as still in love with Karen but tricked into bed. It's a classic cheating tale. "She felt like you."LMAO!

I just don't think Y&R wants VR's Dru back!!! She's much needed and yet that haven't picked up the phone. Having Tyra crying in the hallway over a child that was never hers is not working- I think the actress has a "dark" look to her- coniving, manipulative. She just doesn't strike me as some "angel".

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I knew it....I always wrote the pairing off because I suspected bad blood. Diane was the killer, and she was married to Jack at the time. It was a good story and made it to primetime. That was when they were showing Y&R at night once a year for ratings.

I wonder if CBS has considered doing something like that again. I think it was on a Friday.

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I never liked Mary Jo Mason- even the name. eck!

I'm liking the Victoria/Victor interaction. There's not enough water under the bridge for me, and I was happy the writers addressed that. Personally, I don't think Nick should ever return the NE.

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