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Y&R: Week of December 29, 2008

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Is it me, or are they filming Neil's apartment differently now? It looks a lot larger that it used to be, and the kitchen and dining-room area seem a lot more connected than they used to be. Also, sometimes, they have the camera start at an angle atop the Abbot house staircase before it comes down. I like, I guess it's a Rauch influence.

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Random thoughts

The direction/camera angles seem to be making the sets look bigger.particularly Winters and Abbott house.

Couldn't believe the 'artwork' that Sharon installed at the Abbotts.Looks like she had raided the throw out bins at Ikea.

Karen asking Victoria to be her matron of honour? Seemed random-wouldn't she have asked her backstabbing bitch of a friend Olivia?

Where does Karen work anyway?

What is Olivia's agenda? Maybe the story would work if Liv knew something about Karen's past .

Amber is sooo annoying.The non story about her suspicions of Kevin is a waste of airtime.

The jail set is being given a workout.Victor,Lowell,Adam,Frank,Gloria and now Katherine have been behind bars in the past month.

I hope there is follow up to the diary saga.It seems Jack is going to get off scot free.It doesn't make sense at this point.

I thought Jill turning against Katherine was too rushed. All of a sudden,she remembers Marge.It would have worked better had Murphy been there and called Katherine Marge,thus jolting Jill's memories.

I guess we all think we could do better than the writers,but those little little details do bug me.

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I thought the Jill Katerine story came a little too soon- although I don't think it's anywhere close to wrapping up...or maybe I'm just used to the poor timing on stories like Gloria's crimes, Victor's mourning, ....but I think the show has a rather swell pace with so many stories wrapping up, starting, and being midpoint.

I'm tired of everyone being in jail. I think it should be one character per 6 month period. So IMO, Katherine should have been brought home by the police instead of jail. Gloria should be released into someone's custody seeing how long she's stayed in Genoa City- I wouldn't consider her a flight risk.

As for Olivia- she does know about Karen's past, but I find her envolvement to be so dry for this story. Her character has a history of meddling, but not to the point of stopping a wedding to an absolutely normal woman. Something needs to come out about Karen's past that proves her to be a threat to Neil's life and make Olivia out to be a professional. Karen can be a gold digger, have a second husband/ex-husband....anything.

Why they're trying to involve Victoria into this story?- is it just me, or is she every new woman in town's best friend? People are always asking her to be in their wedding. I can see why people miss HT, she was one of the baddest bitches in town, and no one would be asking her to get them down the aisle.

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I don't know why Karen should be dragged down just to prop up Olivia and make her justified. I think she's the nutter who has found a sister replacement in Tyra and wants to latch onto her. Karen could be a more interesting character if the writers would invest. When she is given stuff to do, she brings the emotions to the table. That is a far cry from what I have seen out of the one playing Tyra who has potential but is in no way a compelling actress. This storyline might be working if Neil and Tyra had chemistry, but they don't. She looks like a young girl seeking a father figure and he is either too dumb to see her longing looks, or is actually ignoring them with the hopes that she'll lose interest and find someone else. I'm eagerly waiting for tomorrow's show.

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I can definitely agree on the Tyra/Neil chemistry- and I don't understand why Olivia was brought back to be act as a prop to her character.

Karen would have been more interesting without her relationship ties to Neil- he's just boring, and has always been boring. He should be apart of the Michael/Victor/Adam story line. With that said, I would have much preferred Karen as apart of Newman Enterprises- or involved in the more political aspects of Genoa City- Heather.

This part of Young and the restless is weak!!!But only because they are an island unto themselves. They aren't integrated and therefore feel and seem as if they are all smoke and no fire. Of course Olivia looks like a busy body, she has nothing else to do. Olivia should be planted back in the hospital, Neil-the ex-alcoholic- should be back at Newman, and Karen should be involved in whatever she does. The actors they are capable and IMO talented, but they are floating. WHy should the viewers care? Because Dru used to be there? I can understand they are trying to establish family- but they need to move this crap along and get them into a real story.

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There was a point early last year when all we saw was Crimson Lights, the Abbott living-room, the GC Athletic Club, and Newman Enterprises.

We've been seeing more of the individual characters houses lately, and some newer sets have been created for certain episodes and some sets have been brought back. There's been more variety in terms of sets lately, which can't come cheap.

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