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What police force in daytime is the worst?

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1.) Days! Days Days Days Days, Roman "What da hell" and "Dammit Sami" Brady is denser than the population of China.

2.) Guiding Light - Harlot Cooper parading around pretending to do something while Frank, Marina, Remy and Mallet walk around with their thumbs up their ass

3.) General Hospital - Gangsta's paradise.. keep trying Mac!

4.)Oakdale - You go Margo... :P it's a joke nothing ever sticks and they're clueless.

Y&R and B&B interestingly enough dont employ many civil servants (doctors, policemen etc) on their roster, usually they're filled in by dayplayers.

the rest I can't much comment on

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PCPD on GH, easy.

Close seconds: PVPD, on AMC, where Ryan beats up cops and Chief Jesse arrives on the scene all "calm down, Ryan! Calm down! No big deal, just calm down! Here, can I get you something hot to drink, baby?"

Also, GL. In the course of a year on that show, one of their detectives (later Acting Chief) turned out to have moonlighted as a contract killer for the criminal underworld, another plotted to aid her con man boyfriend in a jewel heist and skip town, and the third helped a underage fugitive flee the country after shooting the District Attorney, and is still on the run today (though no one seems to fuckin' care or notice that Harley is still a goddamn motherfucking fugitive, no problem, just send her her kids Rick, no big deal!). And except Harley, both the other two are still on the force!

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LOL...you guys are right about ATWT. They are pathetic! I saw a recent episode where some chick name Spencer faked her death and stupid Dani AND Margo ended up getting tied up by her. Spencer looked very amateurish and like some stupid cartoon minion from Scooby Doo or something, yet these 2 cops couldnt handle her

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LOL. Spencer might actually end up in jail because she's unfortunate enough to fall into the villain of the month category. Simply put, the VOM drops into Oakdale, pretends to be all nice, then goes whacko, and ends up either in jail or murdered. It's been a pretty common trend over the last (*gasp*) THREE years now. BJ Green, Eve Browning, Colonel Mayer, Cleo Babbitt, Sofie Duran...even established characters like Damian Grimaldi and Adam Hughes. Jail or death. The only character who was sent to jail for a good couple of months then came back was Casey, but he's still out there breaking rules and laws (to help his little boyfriend Luke).

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well I dunno about B&B, that det. Baker kept letting Morgan and Sheila and every other psycho of the month run free. Y&R's seem to be OK, charges stick, things go to trial where people get off with legal trickery.

GH obviously for their inability to even take down a mob lackey.

GL's is a joke, Marina Cooper somehow ends up one minute being a detective?!

Days ... there arent even words.

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I can't believe I never noticed this before (SHAME ON ME!), but you're so right about the Bell shows.

I would love for some of these soaps to veer away from hospital/police station worlds. Obviously, not General Hospital (no need to explain why - LOL!), but I don't know where it was ever written in stone that cops and doctors MUST be front-burner on a soap opera. There are a lot of other interesting professions out there.

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