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This is from the beginning of the campaign (summer 2015), but something tells me it didn't quite get the reaction that Hillary's half comment got from the press. No, he's not calling anyone deplorable here but he is generalizing and calling people lazy. 


"The problem we have right now—we have a society that sits back and says we don’t have to do anything. Eventually, the 50 percent cannot carry—and it’s unfair to them—but cannot carry the other 50 percent."

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I saw that on the news. I am apalled by the act as well as the reporting on it, which seemed to suggest that there was reasonable doubt as to whether it was a hate crime. Oh really?? A Muslim woman catches a guy holding a lighter who has just set her on fire?! :rolleyes: The sad and infuriating thing about it is that this is one of quite a few criminal acts perpetrated on Muslims in NYC that are being reporter as doubtful of being a hate crime. Two men were killed leaving a mosque after prayers and the NYPD has yet to determine whether it was a hate crime. I'm extremely disappointed in the City that I once loved so dearly.:(

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Another day totally frustrated with the MSM and I think I need to tune out for a while. While I might agree with Vee that they don't want Trump, everyday I watch they make a case for him. Every news outlet talks about HRC's lead shrinking(yeah I know it's been mostly stagnant the past 2 weeks) but I just don't get it.


And again I see talk about the Clinton Foundation and how Bill is going to step down but not one word about the Trump Foundation and what's going on there even as it's being overcovered by the Post to an extent.


I know the debates are going to move in HRC's favor but really, the MSM is a sham and these execs who run them who control the narrative IMO should be ashamed. If the unthinkable happens and Trump manages to somehow win they have to look long in the mirror, not that any of them would care.


Vent over!!!!



Sept 13, 2016

There are five articles in NY Times today on Hillary's health, 3 A1 Plus an editorial, a column, and an op-ed Nothing on Trump Foundation


The Post on the flip side has balanced coverage today and one article on her illness along with several blasting Trump. Even Jennifer Rubin that nutjob has changed.

Edited by JaneAusten
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Newly released emails (from a hacker that may be connected to the Russians per the link to follow) show Powell rather pissed with Hillary and her campaign. He also seems like a jerk in some of these. Which is odd because their correspondence released by Cummings seemed so nice, especially with the "Love, Colin." Ha. Maybe things got bad after her email issue came to light and he was worried how it would look on him?


Some random quotes...


"Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris."
"I should send her the bill."



Edit: At least he puts down Trump in the same email... 






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Yea, the MSM are doing a number on HRC and the health "conspiracy".  It's concerning me that if they keep harping on this non-story, it could sway some voters.


My partner never follows politics as closely as I do, and he came home this afternoon talking about how unhealthy she is.  So he would fall into an average, run-of-mill voter, IMO.  It's scary.



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^^^ When my mom came to visit me before Labor Day, she was telling me about a colleague who was asking her about Hillary's health. My mom thought it was a bunch of BS, but she wasn't sure if her colleague felt the same. I bet he does now know though after the non-stop coverage. 


More Powell emails, this time from the liberal BuzzFeed...


Powell calls him a national disgrace and international pariah. So, if the Trump campaign wants to use Powell's words against Hillary, then, they'll have to expect her to do the same right back...


Powell to CNN anchor in an email about Trump: "You guys are playing his game, you are his oxygen..."


"[Trump] is in the process of destroying himself, no need for Dems to attack him. Paul Ryan is calibrating his position again.”


In another email, Powell wrote to a recipient about his aversion to giving Trump any more media attention: “To go on and call him an idiot just emboldens him.”


In a July 21, 2015, email, in response to a news article about Trump’s giving out US Sen. Lindsey Graham’s phone number, Powell called it a “Celebrification of society,” adding that “Trump has no sense of shame.”


Powell also blasts Trump for embarking on racist movement in terms of Obama and birtherism. 



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Breaking: The NY Attorney General's office has opened an investigation into the Trump Foundation, as per the scandals mentioned upthread.


Also, just now: MSNBC runs with a portion of tomorrow's major Newsweek story about Trump's ties to foreign powers and criminals, and the conflicts with national security.



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Holy crap that email stuff from Powell is pretty scathing. He has the media's number and basically slammed Paul Ryan also and layed out the entire motivation behind the birther movement.

So doesn't conflicts with National Security basically disqualify him from office. If this doesn't get the GOP to drop his ass nothing will.

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Powell calls Benghazi a stupid witch hunt but places blame on the ambassador, his leaders and supports back here, Pat Kennedy, Intel community, DS and yes HRC. (He forgot Congress imo and ridiculous to blame Chris Stevens imo). Emails also reveal Condoleezza Rice agreeing with him. And what the hell does Pat Kennedy have to do with this? 



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