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It's so strange to think this happened only 80 years ago.  Also strange to think that AM won't be leading Germany much longer.


I would argue that 18 year olds are intellectually capable of understanding the issues involved in voting. That's so different from seeing the consequences of drinking. Even many older adults can't or won't do that. I've known more than one person far over the age of 18 who claim to be better drivers after they've had a few.  So damn stupid. Also, voting is a constitutional right. Drinking is not.


To me the closer one is driving itself.  In some states a 15 year old can drive.  When you think of all the judgments drivers make every day, I find it terrifying that people under the age of 18 (and over the age of 80) are out there doing it everyday.  The self driving car revolution cannot come soon enough for me.

Edited by Juliajms
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I'd support prohibition if I thought it would work. We just need drunk driving penalties like they have in Germany.  First time is fine of  500-1500 Euros. guns can be treated the same way. It's easy to stop the everyday gun violence (As opposed to mass shootings, which are different motivation) just have a criminal offense committed with a gun carry life in prison with no parole. 

Edited by alphanguy74
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I still find it uproariously funny that this guys name is David PECKER. It just never gets old laughing at that. 

Still hearing Kemp's bigoted butt in Georgia telling people he's won and it's time to move on. Hell no! Count those provisional ballots and then have a run off. Several lawsuits about voter suppression are taking place, this is gonna be bloody knuckles to the end. 

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I, too, find it terrifying, lol.


From the WSJ article:


When the Justice Department accused John Edwards, a former senator from North Carolina, of using illegal campaign contributions to conceal an affair during his 2008 presidential run, he argued the money was meant to hide his mistress from his wife, not to influence the election.


I'm sorry, but I could never argue something like that w/o collapsing into laughter afterward.  Not even if it were the truth.

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Sometimes, though, I think Democrats play a little TOO nicely; and that Republicans, self-entitled bullies that they are, behave as they do, because they see Democrats as being too wimpy to fight back.


I think that's also why Republicans hate the Clintons so much, because the Clintons were/are two Democrats who never appear afraid of them.  No matter how much dirt the GOP had or THOUGHT they had on the two, Bill and Hillary were always willing to get down in the mud with them and fight.  And if there's one thing that a bully despises and fears most, it's a victim who refuses to be one.


So, in a way, it's fitting the GOP now has two problems -- Trump, who is the ultimate bully, and the people who love him -- that are out of their control.  Don't get me wrong, they LOVE what Trump is doing on some level, but there have been times when we KNOW they wanted to pull the reins on him.  Doing so, however, would have meant alienating his base; and they know that w/o those voters -- who, on any other day of the week, they'd disparage just as much as we do (even as they secretly agree with them ideologically) -- they would be nowhere.


At best, Trumpists are tearing down facades that the GOP has worked decades to erect.  At worst, they're outright killing the party, and the country.

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I will never forget the John Edwards sections of Game Change. Absolutely stunning. I thought the world of that man at one point and believed he'd be President, but who he was off-camera was utterly different. He destroyed himself. I think it was Aaron Sorkin who had an Edwards film in development at one point - I hope that happens, because it's just an unbelievable story.

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So... Trump outright calls April Ryan  a "loser", then Abby Miller asks him "do you want him to reign in Robert Muller"? And he just tells her it's a stupid question, and talks to her like a 6 year old that has pooped her pants. What a racist and misogynist scum. 

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We need to.  However, many from the right have been complaining all along about things becoming "too p.c." in our society -- which, as we all know by now, is another, less inflammatory way of saying "too black."  So, if these voters were lying to pollsters about voting for Gillum, then I have to believe that they did so, because they wanted to lull him and his true voters into states of false security.


It's either that OR, the votes have been rigged.  And since this IS Florida we are talking about, I'm almost inclined to believe the latter.


(Have you found another saw yet, Roman?)



Does Trump and his minions look like they even CARE about finding an official replacement for Jeff Sessions?  Because, it sure doesn't look that way to me.

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