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I could be wrong but I believe that they were trying to enact this prior to 2010. It wasn't until shortly after that it be came more heard of. This is not a new thing ten states passed the voter Id law after the 2010 election. This wasn't talked about much in the news until lately with the closeness of the election but it is not a new idea.

I believe that there should be some sort of identification process- but I also don't think it should cost money for it, it should be somehow accesible to everyone.

Edited by soapfan4life
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Our embassies and consulates are under attack, people dead... the Middle East remains enflamed.

And President Obama will not meet with Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss security concerns in Israel. I am absolutely disgusted with this president and his failure or blatant refusal to lead on these issues.

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A film that is deemed anti-Muslim sets off attacks against the embassies resulting in death/murder and somehow Iran's nuclear missile program is at the root of it.

So taking a hard line against Iran and starting another war would fix the whole film protest? Diplomacy is even more convoluted than I thought.

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Ah, the warmongers emerge. Always ready to send other people's children off to war to be killed and maimed and do the same to others in a drop of a hat. Anything to waste lives and make profit for their allies in the military industrial complex.

Here is a tip to the warmongers: Netanyahu is doing a favor to support his friends, Sheldon Adelson and Mitt Romney, but he is NOT the President of the United States. He does not get to dictate when he meets with the President or the foreign policy of the United States. If Netanyahu wants to bomb Iran, I don't see what is stopping him. But I think that his government and our supposed allied Arab governments have killed and/or contributed to the deaths of enough Americans to last a lifetime.

Like when 14 of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudis and somehow Iraq that was the real problem.


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Republicans do not want a national system. It would take the ability to manipulate and suppress the vote of a segment of the population in specific states out of their hands. This is why they keep trotting out the few instances where voter fraud occurs, to try to bolster their lie that it is widespread when the evidence indicates otherwise.

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I don't think that there is any concrete evidence that the film inspired this attack but I'm sure it's no coincidence that is happened on September 11th.

I have to ask those who think the answer is the US getting involved militarily, do you want a draft? I've felt for a long time that the reason Americans in some ways seem so apathetic regarding Iraq and Afghanistan is the lack of a draft. It's one thing sending over troops from an all volunteer army its another thing asking mothers to unwillingly send their children to fight a war that's not yours.theres been no real sacrifice asked on the part of the American people other than a huge deficit.

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Sorry I don't mean to kick a dead horse here, I know its been discussed earlier but in regards to the voter i.d. issue; I don't understand the rush to have it for THIS election? A nice compromise and a more logical step would be to slowly but surely implement these new voter i.d. laws, so that at least by 2014 or 2016 every voter; black, white, asian, or hispanic; young or old would have had enough time to get their i.d. However the sudden rush to make sure everyone has their i.d. to vote for this election, the presidential election, makes the GOP's motivation for this more obvious than ever, especially knowing WHO this will affect, who said constituents may vote for, and the ever seldom occurence of actual voter fraud. I ask, why quickly implement this when a slower implementation of this would make sure EVERY voter has an i.d. for an election?

I dont have an issue with the request for a picture i.d. to vote, just the timing and how its being carried out.

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Everyone, including The New York Times, says a youtube video produced by some neoconservative Israeli-Americans caused all of the uproar and violence. It started in Egypt when a radical cleric found the video and later added Arabic subtitles and began speaking about it on Egyptian TV. Supposedly, the video portrayed Mohammed as a pedophile and homosexual and the whole religion as a cancer. The man who produced it is now in hiding and that crazy pastor from Florida, Terry Jones, who in the past threatened to burn korans has been promoting the film.

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