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I read about the pants in one of the reports. the other danger in those damn pants, is that in an emergency, it keep you from being able to run quickly in the event of ANY emergency, no matter what it may be. And yes... he called 46 times, and that's what I feel is BY FAR the biggest issue here. The Homeowner's association dropped the ball COMPLETELY by allowing this man to be any kind of neighborhood watch captain. If I were in charge of that HOA, Zimmerman would have been told that he is NOT to patrol the neighborhood, and if he continued, I would have served him with a cease and desist order.

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So what this tells me is, noatter what kind of education I have have (which can't be judged by my attire) no matter where I'm going or coming from (which shouldn't be judged by my attire) no matter how I speak(which shouldn't be judged by my attire), no matter what, the statement meant to my came in this fashion....

I'm walkinmg where I shouldn't be and dressed the way i shouldn't dress because of the color of my skin.

Truly offensive to me.

And i'm sorry but when was the last time a white person dressed as a punk rocker been shot and killed because of the clothing they are wearing?

Millions upon millions of people of color are really sick of being told this garbage. I know I am. Instead of judging with your eyes or your close mindedness, while not judge by actually getting to know someone? An inncocent kid was cut down, and statements like these make it sound like it's either his fault or his parents fault.

That is truly unfortunate.

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That's not realistic to get to know everyone before making a judgment. I live in NYC and ride the subways sometimes late at night. They are relatively safe these days but I rode them back in the 80s and 90s too. You are confronted with dozens of people of which anyone can be trouble. All you have to go on is looking at everyone making a snap judgment based on what you see, and then deciding if this person is someone you are comfortable being around. I always look at clothing and the eyes. The eyes tell more always, but clothing helps paint a picture. This person has his pants down and his ass half exposed, and he is on the subway talking loudly and cursing with his friend. What do I now know? He has no regard for anyone being bothered by his loud voice and manners, has little regard for himself and therefore little regard for anyone else, and he is taken with thug inspired culture. Not interested in spending 35 minutes with him and upon the next stop I will be switching cars.

That said, Zimmerman should rot in jail, and this FL law should be overturned. It just proves once again how the NRA and conservative second amendment freaks in government are ruining society. Life shouldn't be the OK Corral but this is what they crave.

Edited by quartermainefan
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To answer your question:


And once again, nobody it's saying the clothes are compeltely at fault, it's a contirbuting factor. So many things are contributing factors to this problem, and many of the older generation are sick and tired of seeing everything they worked and marched, and sometimes DIED for slip through their fingers because the young kid want to act like punks, and if they are good kids, they still want to LOOK like punks. I ain't the only one who thinks this:

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And the artcile does say that the weapon he was holding was a pellet gun. Trayvon was holding A BAG OF SKITTLES. And I, as many other black men, have been told since we can remember that ANYTHING we do will be looked upon in a negative light. I'm sorry, but your comment will continue to smack of negativity and ignorance to me. We will contnue to see it differently.

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It's just a truth that today's youth do not WANT to see. The last 15 years or so is one of the first time in history that mainstream youth has mimicked the look, mannerisms, and dress of the criminal element. And society has just looked the other way because they are too damn scared that someone is going to call them a racist, and it's having tragic outcomes for these kids. When I was growing up, young people did not aspire to emulate the criminal element. And like it or not, the criminal element has always had a certain look... soemtimes it's accurate, sometimes not, but it EXISTS..But kids did not strive to look like that. Here's the look of the Pimp from that time:


And now look at these kids, are any of these kids dressed like that?

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you want to talk smacking of negativity, 95 percent of the entire rap/ hip hop culture is compeltely BASED on negativity and misogyny.

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And you keep talking about it. I'm done. I've said what i wanted to say.

Now moving on...


And I heard once again matthew Doud on This Week say there is no "War On Women" in the GOP. Wonder what makes him say this other than party politics?

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The media will ignore it, as always, but this is nasty stuff. NOM is openly working to foment hostility between blacks and white gays. This is a big strategy of theirs.

I hope some of those in the media like Newsweek or Washington Post who had such kind words for Brian Brown, NOM head, will cover this. I doubt it though.


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Hardly a surprise. Republicans will always flip on a dime to wage war against a democrat. Even if a democrat agrees with what the republicans say all that will lead to is republicans flipping their position. They were for pre-emptive wars and a strong international policy. Anyone who disagreed was a Dixie Chick/Bill Mahar loving anti-american who undoubtedly spoke French. Obama came in and they cried he would make us weak. Just the way President Cheney invaded Iraq, Obama Invaded Libya--only he managed to do it without getting any americans killed. Suddenly all the neo-con warmongers who measure success by how many American GIs wind up paraplegic were anti-war. So then he turns around and doesn't go into Syria and the very same hypocrites who moaned about his militaristic junta waging in Libya suddenly were aghast he was not banging down the doors in Damascus. Bush strapped on his toy guns and said Osama: Wanted Dead or Alive and all the republicans had an orgasm. Obama actually got Osama and suddenly this was no longer all that important.

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Ugh...from the sounds of it CNN is expecting a loss for Obama in regards to the healthcare law. I was expecting Obama to have this in his pocket, but from the sounds of it the general solicitor representing the administration fumbled a few times.

So if the law is deemed unconstitutional, what next? And what would this say about laws stating that automobile owners must have auto insurance?

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There is a difference. This law says you have to get medical insurance because you are alive, no law is forcing you to buy a car. I could see why the court might rule it unconstitutional because it is creating new powers. You aren't even forced to pay taxes if you choose not to work, this health care law almost creates membership dues for being an American.

And that said, would it be a great loss? I would be fine for socialized medicine, but I never understood the logic of "we have the worst medical system and our corrupt gouging insurance companies make billions. Therefore, from here on out everyone who chooses not to give them their money is forced to under penalty of law" The goal is universal health care, not universal health coverage in a system designed to rob Americans blind. At least that is what the goal should be.

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