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From my admittedly partisan viewpoint, it looks like Obama is more than happy to cave in and do deep cuts to Medicare and Social Security, but he still wants tax increases, and Republicans don't want tax increases. They want even more cuts to federal spending. Obama is now saying that by August 3 they will stop sending checks for social security, disability, or veterans.

I have seen no evidence in recent years that Republicans in power care about veterans, and they hate social security and Medicare. Are they willing to just stand this out so they can have an excuse to gut these entitlements once and for all?

I keep telling myself that both parties will not let this happen, but I'm less and less sure. They don't care about the struggles of ordinary people, or how this will devastate us.

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Hasn't that been the defining characteristic of his entire presidency?

He is a joke in this regard. He was going to raise taxes back to the Clinton levels--not even raise them, just let the Bush cuts expire--and he caved in and then said with a straight face "ok, but NEXT TIME I am going to let those cuts expire!" His medical bill is an incomprehensible joke, he reneged on his pledge to end Guantanamo, he doubled down in Afghanistan, and here he comes again and sure enough if the republicans hold firm he will cave again.

Like Nancy Pelosi or hate her, she was tough. David Brooks, a conservative, wrote today in the Times,

this month, David Stockman, architect of Reaganomics, what all Republicans pledge allegiance to said this

If Mr Reaganomics says you have to raise taxes and cut the military alongside cut to entitlements, what the hell are these new Republicans waiting for?

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Obama is a friggin coward so I totally agree with this viewpoint. He was never ever going to be able to come close to the pedestal he, his campaign and his mob of supporters put himself up on. There was no chance, and I was willing to cut him a break because of that, but it goes beyond that now. Imagine, a democrat WILLING to toy with social security cuts in a game of political chicken with his opponents. I think it makes a STRONG case for the democrats to go against popular conmvention and run a legitimate candidate in the primaries. If the Republican Party itself wasn't in such shambles and divided and actually had a candidate worth getting behind he'd easily be a one-term president. I think Obama may set a precedent here because usually when the economy is bad, and its BAD right now and probably only going to get worse, that usually spells instant death for an incumbent... probably not. here The only aspect of his presidency that does seem to have a bit of credibility is the foreign policy aspect, but I think you can pretty much thank Hillary for that... and soon he won't even have her. Isn't she going to head up the World Bank once her term as Sec of State expires?

Edited by Adam
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I totally agree as well, and both Adam and Qfan should be commended for speaking truth to power.

I never understood Obama's appeal, and found it beyond disgusting how so many worshipped the man and kissed the ground that he walked on. The only possible explanation for his huge popularity was that Obama was a blank slate that people could project their hopes and dreams onto. Unfortunately, voters completely overlooked the fact that he was dangerously inexperienced to become president (with a resume consisting of four years in Congress and being a "community organizer").

Obama should be challenged in the primaries, and many Democrats deserve to have somebody better as their standard bearer in 2012. I think that the main reason why no challenger has come forward is because Obama's huge popularity in the African American community (where his approval rating still must be at least 90%) would make it just about impossible for another Democrat to topple him in the primary. (I apologize if that past comment is perceived as racist, but it is a political reality that Obama is still so beloved by most black people.)

At this point in time, I believe that any one of the three mainstream Republican candidates--Romney, Pawlenty, and Huntsman--would have a strong chance of defeating Obama. However, it is extremely scary that Bachmann's campaign has caught so much fire. If she were to actually capture the nomination, I would not be surprised if a serious independent candidate enters the race.

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I think this is true, it kind of got out of hand and kind of set Obama back from the outset as I said, he was never ever going to be able to live up to the hype. If I was an American voter, I would have voted for him... because I think the country needed change direction.... and if Obama had been able to SUCCESSFULLY maneuver his policy ideas through the system, then I think we might be getting somewhere. The point of the matter is he has not been successful. Almost every major thing he promised during that "Change" campaign has been side-stepped, or seriously watered down. Obamacare, Gitmo, the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan... and of course economic issues. I don't doubt Obama has strong convictions, he just doesn't have the political skills or experience to transfer them into legitimate policy. He is of course further hampered by the fact the Democrats do not control the house and do not have a filibuster-proof majority in the senate, but with alot of Democrats publically speaking out against Obama on his handling of the debt crisis.... I am not so sure that can be used as a legitimate excuse.

IF Obama does go down, which I am still highly skeptical of.....

Hillary 2016.

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How is Pawlenty mainstream? While we're having huge problems, he is spending his time...telling us that being gay may be a choice. I know a lot of people feel that way but I would hope few would spend their time running for President focusing on that.

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Yeah, most pundits continue to write him off. As Max said, Bachmann has the momentum right now.... its between her and Romney as of right now.....

Bachmann's claim "God talks to her" is justification enough that this individual cannot be trusted with the capability to order a nuclear strike.

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That's a sure fire way of handing the white house to the fundie freepers known as republicans. Anyone who believes Adam and Eve should be taught in school as science is not qualified to be President, but perhaps they could be an imam somewhere in a fundamental country they would feel right at home in.

Edited by quartermainefan
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There's one more thing in regards to the whole Obama worship thing: it's equally sickening when conservatives behave the same way towards Ronald Reagan. Honestly, I don't recall ever watching a Republican presidential primary debate (in recent times) when each candidatate failed to kiss Reagan's a$$ at least once. The bottom line is that politicans are just human, and to make them out to be anything more than that is delusional and possibly even dangerous.

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The same thing happened here (Canada) in the late 60's-1970's when Pierre Trudeau was Prime Minister. He was worshiped by millions for his charisma and very non-traditionalist approach. Sure, it coincided with the era of free love and peace for all and he definitely played into that, but he was made out to be nothing short of a political god, much like Obama is. Now I did not live through the Trudeau era, I am basing my opinion purely on research and talking to my parents, but I can honestly say Trudeau for as many supporters as he had, he probably has 2x the detractors, and not just detractors. He's been out of power for over 25 years, dead for a decade and in certain parts of the country just mentioning his name incites anger in people.

The one thing though that separates Trudeau from Obama is that he was not afraid to do something unpopular for what he believed in....

Hearing Obama walked out in anger out of the debt meetings, while maybe irresponsible, does give me hope that he does actually have a spine....

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No problem! He's a fascinating character. Even just browsing his wikipedia article I am sure will give you even more interesting information! Look up some clips of him speaking on youtube too. He was definitely this country's Obama, and his legacy, while tainted in some areas, is quite positive. Over his 16 years in power (minus a 9 month reprieve where he "retired" after an election defeat, only to come back and win the next election handily) he accomplished alot. He is best known for his social reforms to welfare, EI, and of course "bring the constitution home" as until 1982, Canada still technically did not have full sovereignty from the British government.

He is most reviled for his economic policies, which it would appear will be Obama's eventual downfall too.

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