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Any concern troll articles from Politico/Axios are always suspect at this point (and have been for over a decade). I can point to a half dozen equally encouraging signs for most swing states. I have no idea what will happen in NC or NV post-early vote but I wouldn't be shocked if we take both.

Unity is with our side too based on the closing events. A couple hecklers and angry leftists on Twitter don't change that. And frankly the Biden thing just has not taken hold outside of the right in a major way. It's not that serious. Meanwhile, Puerto Rico remains in the news.

I really do not think the "Other" vote is going red.

Meanwhile, the likes of Cernovich are worried Trump is losing PA, and Charlie Kirk is very nervous that early vote is inordinately female. Hate to see it.

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No, it's been happening for me too. I tried again, reloaded a few times and it just worked.



@Errol I wasn't sure what to open this up as for a new support thread, but this is a recurring new bug - it says there's no tweet at the link when we try to paste/embed these, but after a number of reloads or re-pastes and eventually the tweet will appear as an embed. Just FYI.

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So far many of the early voting analyses I've seen, and polling, etc. have leaned more toward Trump benefiting, so I wonder if Kirk and Cernovich are lying to keep voter turnout going, but I hope you're right.

I tend to tale Axios as the full shill experience while Politico is more mixed (and Politico has more stuff I see elsewhere rather than just 'sources'), but they have seen better days. 

Thanks. The antivaxx clip is one I had tried to post. Amazing how quickly we've moved from them insisting it's only the COVID vaccine.


More on the anti-vaxx guy:


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Like I keep saying through the years: Not everything the right does or says is part of some brilliant master plan. The truth is most of these people are just not that bright. If they were Trump would've won four years ago, or at least succeed in stealing it. They are not constantly ten steps ahead of you. If they were they wouldn't keep losing elections: Generals, midterms, you name it. All those losses weren't all some big feint to get us here.

Just as many analyses and polling I've seen show Dems benefitting. I've seen both and tried to show both but we can't just lean on our own priors, as Jain says above.

As for Politico, it is owned by a right-wing German magnate who told his staff to pray Donald Trump wins. And most of its staff came from conservative outlets. Politico itself originated from conservative journalists and their newsletter.

Edited by Vee
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You know, with Kamala Harris able to miraculously set up a great campaign in a little under 4 months until election day back in July, I think that should be the norm for every candidate/election going forward.

The years-long (yes, plural - seems like people have been obsessing over 2024 since at least 2022!) slog of US elections just lead to needless anxiety and burn out.

A few months seems perfect, to me!

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The democratic panic is really off the charts at this point and sitting back and interpreting every lead as some magic sauce by the GOP is really over the top.  Am I concerned yes and no. But how does it help feeding panic time and time again.

I laughed actually when Musk tweeted based on early vote totals in New Jersey, that it's going red. 

I understand the anxiety.  I am anxious but these folks all over social media and elsewhere should follow Michelle Obama's advice and DO SOMETHING. She is. She was just in Georgia. Not for Harris, but for her organization's non partisan GOTV effort.

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