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After reading about how early voting is going to Republicans in Nevada and Florida, I hope people are listening to him. It often feels like people never do until its too late. 


The media is going wild finding ways to tell us there is no wave. Politico had some bizarre article up from the Charlotte suburbs to that effect. I doubt anyone expected change there.

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That's probably because, it does no good to challenge a pathological liar who would lie even when confronted with the truth.


I mean, you could TRY...but you are gonna get nowhere.  Trust me.

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Really though, did the Obamas or Clintons want Trump to call? He's about the last person I'd want to hear from in times of trouble or ever.  I used to think it was so rude when college students would refuse to shake hands with Clinton or Bush at commencement speeches, but I get it now. 

Edited by Juliajms
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I was just watching an old documentary from during Gerald Ford's Presidency, and saw all the crowds out who had little to say about him but basically supported him just because he was the President. One little old lady said all the Presidents are special. I thought to myself - can anyone ever say that again after Trump? We already saw the hardening and contempt toward the office from Clinton on but I think Trump has permanently destroyed the office for many.


I see that he is upset the mail bombs have distracted from his wonderful message. I wonder if any of the press is still waiting for him to have his "moment" and show his "stature." He can barely even keep his eyes open.

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I think Nixon probably ended that in modern times, but Trump took it to the next level.  I'll never be able to look at the government the same way again. The level of incompetence is off the charts. The man's own people had a plan to tackle him if he tried to nuke North Korea for pity's sake!  It's insane.  Just a few weeks ago I said I wish he would just raise his fist and yell "blood and soil" and he basically did it a few days ago.  In the year of our Lord 2018, the American president said "I am a Nationalist". What!?


I think it's particularly jarring to have a regime like this in power during modern times. I suppose it's partially because the internet gives us a 24/7 view of the sideshow. 

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