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He still seems to think that China is going to fall prey to his calling them out. And now he's also calling out South Korea in the process, because I guess they aren't devoted enough to essentially seeing their nation slaughtered. I also read that he's trying to strongarm South Korea about a trade deal at what is the worst possible time. 


I imagine we'd be in this situation no matter who was President but at least there might be a coherent response from some. And honestly deep down I don't even really think he cares, as long as he isn't personally affected. The only thing he might care about is losing face. 


It just feels like something terrible is going to happen soon and nothing can prevent it. 

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"A screaming comes across the sky..."


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And it all might have been avoided, I think, if so many of us hadn't fallen down the rabbit hole that was Hillary's e-mails.

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About whether or not it matters whether it was Hillary in the WH, I actually do believe it matters who is in the Oval office.


You don't think Kim Jong-un doesn't register Trump's threats to "unleash fire and fury" as a challenge to more nuclear tests? Does anyone think that Obama would've used language like that?  For all the criticism of Hillary, I don't believe she would use such intentionally provocative language at a critical juncture.

Kim certainly tried Obama in '09 early in his presidency but really didn't get much of a reaction because Obama actually exercised executive discretion. Trump has not.


There is a reason that NK is performing more "tests" during Trump's first term than the presidents who preceded him, just as there is a reason why Al Qaeda decided to strike the U.S. during W.'s term and not Clinton.  These warmongers know who to provoke-- other warmongers and unstable heads of state who may respond in kind.


And as a result of all these "tests", NK is causing earthquakes on the Korean peninsula--possibly a looming man-made disaster in the making as if the threat of nuclear implosion isn't enough to worry about.




God, the day I agree with Ted Cruz on anything, even one sole statement. Perhaps the end of the world is nigh...


Cruz: ‘I Wouldn’t Speak’ About North Korea Threats The Way Trump Does

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Neither do I.  Hillary would have known how to handle this.  Obama would have known how to handle this (and did, thanks for the reminder, DD).  Hell, even RICHARD. F**KING. NIXON. would have known how to handle this.  And when even one of us can say, unequivocally, that RICHARD. F**KING. NIXON. would make a better leader at THIS point?  With the threat of nuclear war so close to us that we can literally smell it?  You KNOW this whole experiment in having a non-politician run this country was the worst idea ever.


If we live through this, I never again want to hear anyone talk anymore about "shaking up" Washington, D.C.  For God's sake, give us business as usual, PLEASE.


Nor do I want to hear any more talk about how much worse it would be to have Miss Pence take over.  (I know you weren't one of 'em, DD.)  Seriously.  No more.


As Auntie Maxine Waters says, as soon as we're done with Trump, we'll get Pence.  But now, more than ever, we have to get Trump's ass out of there, and we have to do it fast.  This is not a game, people, or a drill.  Screw the damn voter base.  Trump is literally on the precipice of getting us all blown to kingdom come.  

Edited by Khan
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I think that Trump's big mouth and pointless threats give them a cover - they can say that he's provoking them. Beyond that I think this is something that was going to happen no matter what, because they know that there's nothing we can do. They knew it with Obama as well. We're too boxed in as we don't want them to blow up Japan and South Korea, and the military was scaled back for years because of a belief that this era of superpowers was on the wane. And all the time and money wasted in Afghanistan and Iraq. 

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Well Paul Ryan said himself the other day it should be a congressional issue. So let them fix it permanently. Question is will they and risk losing their KKK base(although where would the KKK go?) If they don't do something they risk losing the Latino vote for good. It's funny how there seems to be no memory of what a disaster Proposition 187 was for the GOP in California. The ramifications are still being felt 20 years later.

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Speaking of Trump and those who support him, this is insane. 


Sunnyside building decorated with Nazi propaganda, Jim Crow images terrifies neighbors


The follow-up on this story is that this man has been arrested and police swept out the guns out of his apartment but tenants are still fearful that he will make bail and return.

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Yes, the North Korean government tests every leader but they do so in a way specific to how they think they can best get to each administration. They knew continually poking at the Obama administration wouldn't work because Obama had discipline and would not react to them every time- hence, they at least restricted themselves to one or less, per year.

Trump already has six and it hasn't even been one full year!

To the people in the back,


When I say that the North Koreans are now provoking the U.S. in way specific to Trump, it's because when you look at the history of their missile tests, in less than a year, they've already had six missile tests!  6!!!  That is not "unpresidented" as Trump would say, it's "UNPRECEDENTED" as normal people would say!

Six missile tests is almost more than during Obama's entire two terms in office!!  And during Obama's terms, a few of those tests were failures.  So far, we cannot say the same for this year.


Also, the Chinese have stepped up their trade with North Korea.  The Chinese weren't warm nor fuzzy with the Obama administration, but at least they took time to chide, scold even occasionally warn North Korea. Now, they seem to turn their admonitions on the U.S., and why?  Because Trump derided them as "currency manipulators" before he even got into office. Good luck with getting China to do anything but tread water while waiting for a different administration to work with- preferably one that doesn't brand them before meeting with them.


According to the blog of the Guardian newspaper, Russia also vehemently opposes Trump's rhetoric on North Korea and have said so, publicly.  The Russians, it seems, only regard Trump as a fool, not a usefool fool. They now look for ways to openly oppose him on the public stage.  

Personally, I'm waiting on the kompromat to start coming.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Don't know if anyone post this story yet, but Mexico is sending the victims of Harvey aid.


But these are the so called "bad hombres" that are supposed to pay for the wall Trump wants to build. 

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I cannot wait for the excuses from "the deplorables" to come oozing out their mouths.

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