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Really. THis ban was supposed to be in effect for 90 days to shore up Visa procedures. So let me ask you since January when the ban was shot down by the courts, what has this administration done to up vetting? It's been what 150 days? The ban should not be needed right.  You don't give a [!@#$%^&*] if this ban discriminates or even protects us. No terrorist attacks have been undertaken by anyone from any of these counties. So I am confident the entire ban will be shot down when it's proven it's based on religious discrimination but [!@#$%^&*], do all you morons care about is hurting others regardless of what the action is. It's all about your white mediocrity and persecuting others who are black, brown, and female so you don't have the more capable people competing against your mediocrity. Pathetic.


It's been 150 days since Trump exec order claiming he needed 90 days to review vetting--and no terror attacks. So he needs another 90 days?




So if these GOPers are oh so proud of their healthcare bill, why on earth can't they actually tell voters the truth. Seriously you have Trump surrogates running all over TV denying the cuts in Medicaid when the bill slashes Medicaid by over 800 billion so the Koch brothers can get a 3.2% tax decrease.


But if they are so proud of this legislation, why lie about it? Because Trump is quoted in many places at RALLYS saying he would not cut it.



Edited by JaneAusten
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As much as I disliked Bush even he did a couple of things I admired. The program @DramatistDreamer  being one of them. Also how he attended those services in Washington at the Mosque to show his support of Muslims after 9/11(even if his policies didn't). But I can't get over the venom people have for people not like them. I admit to being appalled by some of the policies in this country over the past maybe 20 peoples(yes even under Obama) but I always felt the people in this country had compassion.  Now it's all about blaming black and brown people and yes women and targeting them for the most hurtful legislation and programs over guess who.


My dad a veteran who fought in WW2, was at Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany and saw the horrors they committed against their fellow people(he never talked about it until he was much older), and we are reliving parts of this. Yes I know much of this is not new to many black and brown people, but it's never been so open and accepted. I am ashamed of our country and to be an American now. I never believed I would reach that day.

Well then I have no words if that's true. You have a political party who has actively worked against black people for 60 years(and yes the democrats have their issues) and a blatant racist in the white house now intent on enacting anything that destroys any kind of legacy the first black president has. But hey if you can sleep at night that's all that matters.

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See I actually live in a state where the democrats have done equally as much damage as the GOP. And see I can actually acknowledge that many democrats suck.  I actually voted for 2 GOP governors in this state years back who it turns out were culpable in the financial mess this state is in and a governor now who wants us to turn into Kansas, as if the state of Illinois is not in bad enough shape now. So I don't need any lectures on how awful democrats are but then I also don't need lectures on identity politics from people who are blind to the fact the GOP has used this for the last 60 years. Read up on the Southern Strategy.

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Keeping libraries open and funded, supporting after-school programs, attempting to reform the justice system and focusing on rehab instead of punishment for non-violent drug convictions, and lastly extending health and preventative care to areas with a high population of minorities is "offering free [!@#$%^&*]" these days?



Edited by MichaelGL
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Republicans passed the 13 Amendment, which ended slavery.

Republicans passed the 14th Amendment, which made black people citizens.
Republicans passed the 15th Amendment, which gave black people the right to vote.
Republicans started Howard University for blacks.

Republicans started Spelman College for blacks.

Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which gave blacks the right to buy and own property

Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1871, to protect blacks from the Ku Klux Klan

Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which gave blacks the right to serve on a Jury

Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957

Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1960

Republican president Dwight Eisenhower sent in the Federal troops to escort black kids to school in Arkansas, this is known as the Little Rock 9

Republicans created 40 Acres and a Mule for blacks----Republican (Thaddeus Stevens) created a bill saying that black people should get 40 acres and a mule

Republican president Ronald Reagan signed into law the bill making Dr. King birthday a national holiday.

George W Bush increased funding to black colleges

In 1956 Republicans endorsed and supported Brown VS Board of Education, which desegregated public schools in America



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