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Just realized we lost everything with this past election.


- Lost the White House

- Lost the Senate

- Lost the House Of Representatives

- Lost the Supreme Court nominations for the next 4 years.


The Republicans are in a position to pretty much pass whatever they want. They will completely erase all of the progress Obama made with regards to everything. It will be like he was never even in office.


Have the Democrats ever received a trouncing this bad in the history of the understanding of  the current two party system? Having all of the Democrats saying they are willing to work with Trump is disgraceful, but they have no bargaining ground whatsoever. All they can do is pretty much beg.



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2001-2006 was pretty rough. The only reason Democrats had the Senate was because Jim Jeffords left the GOP and that gave Democrats control for about a year and half. That also meant Roberts and Alito on the Court - Roberts, for all the far right rage at him, has helped unleash a slew of rulings that have helped damage America, especially the gutting of the Voting Rights Act. 


The main difference between then and now was Rove wanted to build things up while Trump's people want to burn it down. 

Edited by DRW50
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This is why I was telling a friend that it was more about payback for the U.S. having the temerity to elect and re-elect Obama, it was even stronger than their hatred of Hillary. People are now exclaiming that they are taking back their country and POC have already reported incidents of harrassment and intimidation post election.  One Muslim woman has already reported that her hijab wearing cousin was assaulted.

The most disturbing thing about this is the number of White women who closed their mouths and voted for Trump. They were the 'silent Trump voter' that his campaign alluded to throughout the campaign.


What was weird was that earlier yesterday, by noon the news was announced that the HRC campaign had cancelled the fireworks. Everyone was curious what that meant. 


I am having flashbacks to Election Day 2000 when I was at University and had an evening writing class and had voted earlier that day and the polls were still open for another 3 hours and this wealthy white guy who was in my class, walks in and says "My Dad told me, it's already been decided, Bush won". We were all stunned but somehow I believed him. Later on, I would hope he was wrong but eventually the kid's father turned out to be correct.

Of course, we remember that in 2000 and yesterday, both Democratic candidates won the Popular Vote but lost the Electoral College.

This felt similar when the news announced that HRC had cancelled the fireworks. With early voting, there was probably a strong sense of how certain states were going to lean and the media, for ratings, kept up the suspense.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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How awful. It reminds me of reports earlier this year like the two Muslim women in NYC who had an insane woman (I think she was a Trump supporter) trying to push over their baby carriages. 


I imagine the reports of harassment will keep going up and up, with many turning a blind eye. America has always been hypocritical about "all are welcome" - they've been trying to turf people out for centuries. But this time around they are just blatantly saying all people who aren't white (and straight and gentile, I guess) should burn in hell. Once this becomes codified into law, as it likely will sometime in the next 4 years, it's going to probably be carnage in the streets. 

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That tweet is spot on. In the email dumps we saw that the Clinton team considered outing Bernie as an atheist. They decided against it, but the Republicans would not have been so kind. Jews poll way better than atheists, Even Muslims are seen more favorably. 51% of people polled are less likely to vote for an atheist. I've also seen polling that shows 40% of people will not vote for an atheist under any circumstance. So Bernie is a Jew by birth, an atheist in practice and a social democrat, which the majority of the people read as socialist (even though it's different). He was not going to win.


Can you even imagine how riled up the alt right would have been if a Jew had been running in the general election? They already think Jews run the world, it would have been a nightmare. Selfishly, I'm very grateful that didn't happen.


Anyone interested in seeing the polling on how various religious affiliations effect votes should check out this link, it's pretty interesting. The second chart down is where they compare religions.


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Our news was suggesting that one way to help from here is to send donations to the organisations that will be most effected by this shitshow. I already donated just a bit ago to the NAACP, Planned Parenthood, and ACLU. What are some other good organisations to donate to? I have the money and it's the least I can try and do. 

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Planned Parenthood is probably the organization highest on their target list.     That is very generous of you, and whoever it was on your news that suggested that.   I feel really terrible about what happened here.  I am trying to remember what happened the last time this happened, and that was 2004.   Bush was in the middle of his war and they were interested in torturing people and whatever.   Compared to Trump, Bush comes off as this perfect gentleman. 


I think it is so funny that your TV discusses America like this disaster area in need of funds.  And it's true, you can do nothing except laugh about how horrible it is.     His 100 day plan I think was all about doing away with environmental protections, water protections, and whatever other kind of protections republicans hate.   I just hope the gods of plague and disease know to strike Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota and every other state that stabbed Hillary in the back.   I don't blame republican states for voting republican; they are too dumb to know any better.   These other states however are a different story.    They hadn't voted republican in 25 years.




It's funny that Trump fits some of those negatives.   He doesn't believe in god by any real measure, and he had personal financial troubles.   He had extramarital affairs too.

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