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There just aren't any words for what Trump says and does... I don't understand why people are voting for him. At the very least, don't vote!!!


That portrait of Trump has been located!!! Wonder if the media is covering it. Also, he used 258,000 from his charity to pay for legal fees.


Obama is to campaign 1-2 times a week for Hillary and Dems down the ballot. 


One last thing... Trump says Crooked Hillary is copying him and his plane... 

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I think the jig is up with Trump and the press. The MSM is still going to belittle Clinton and always make her less. I've accepted that. But I think people have to realize now how much racism still exists. People voting GOP and for them claiming not to be accepting of racism are liars and we have to accept that.  And it's been a part of the GOP for years now. It's exposed people I know who are still voting for this clown for who they are and not who I thought they were. I don't think I can ever be friends with these people again. I cant accept they are any kind of angels of our better nature ever. The people who grew up in poverty and don't know better I think I can be more tolerant of. We need to accept this.

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The  underreported potential blue state. As the MSM focuses on swing states wanting to create a horse race, Texas has a real chance of going blue this election. This is fricking amazing and not one person talks about it including Nate Silver who I am beginning to wonder about(even when Clinton was way ahead he was a Debbie downer) and he's been stoking the fears of democrats IMO. This is not one poll, this is based on an email from the current Governor of Texas who is worried about the state going blue.

(forget no one talks about Georgia where Clinton is just 2 points behind or Arizona either)


"Any other Republican would be winning by at least 10 points in the state of Texas, but it's Donald Trump,” said Manuel Medina, the Bexar County Democratic Party chairman who’s optimism is fed by raw data. “We have more than 1 million voters registered in Bexar County for the first time in the history of Bexar County. And you look at where they're registering at, and they're registering from places that traditionally vote democrat. It's younger people, it's Hispanic people, it's women.”




Edited by JaneAusten
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Vee what is your opinion on Nate Silver this election season.


I've been disappointed. When HRC was losing points nationally yet the state numbers didn't reflect that, he kept telling people the state polls take time to catch up. Now with HRC's national numbers rebounding rather well he seems like he's trolling HRC supporters saying she's still behind in key states.


Someone also pointed out to him why Texas is not shown as being closer since that email sent by the texas governer to the local party members about Clinton and Trump running neck and neck and how he's worried about Texas turning Blue yet none of the polling Silver is including show texas as a tossup. In fact it's pretty solidly in trump's corner.


A couple of people have claimed the polling system is even more flawed this season because it's not capturing an adequate amount of voting minorities, others continue to justify Silver. Although it did come out that CNN actually changed their own polling to intentionally overpoll republicans.


He was true and blue in 2012 but now I am beginning to wonder if hes being used also to perpetrate "the close race" aspect.

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I trust Nate Silver. So far he hasn't given me any reason not to. Silver at least admits when he's wrong as he did with Trump and he's transparent about his statistical model. He can only work with the data he's given and tries hard to be as objective as possible. I trust him to tell me what he thinks the data shows even when I hate hearing it. He's always been a stats wonk first and foremost. We can't hold him responsible for CNN's polling shenanigans. IMO, it's important that we don't become people looking to unskew polls just because we don't like the numbers. 


I compare three different polling sites: Real Clear Politics (which does seem to enjoy the horserace aspect so I give them the least weight), FiveThirtyEight and the Princeton Election Consortium.

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Apparently the NYT had an article, and while people remember a variety of things reported on Trump, they mainly only associate Hillary with emails. I know my Dad at one point said that's why he's not voting for her - says she'll jeopardize national security with a server in her basement. Not saying the server wasn't dumb, because it was... but you'd think the media could have mentioned her handling classified information on paper, face to face, over secure phone phones, in tents upon landing, even in locked suitcases!!! I think the only time I heard that was from Hillary herself or the state department. But I suppose that's a boring story and doesn't fit their narrative. 

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