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Richard Lugar was elected to the Senate from Indiana in 1976, nearly 12 years before I was born in the same state. Now, at 80 years old and as the longest serving Republican in the Senate, he may lose his primary to a Tea Partier on May 8th. I may be a Democrat, I may live in Maryland now and Mitt Romney may be all but the GOP nominee for president now, but my political-junkie heart is ready for this primary. I have no idea how it may turn out.

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With the garbage that has been said about the Fist Lady, I'm not surprisedn this was made into something huge by the CNM. Only the pundits on MSNBC have called it what it is, and Romney and his wife are now desparetly trying to raise hay out of it. Honestly, IMO, having nannies and babysitters taking care of your chldren is NOT work. Others are doing your job. But, Lord knows a Romney is not one for the unvarnished truth.

Willard should be named a new comic book villian...The Chameleon.

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The media isn't truly liberal though. Maybe the anchors are, but the people who own the media are these multinational giants like Disney and Viacom. And even the anchors are not that liberal. David Gregory of NBC is a republican shill who just echoes whatever talking point his republican masters hand to him, Chris Matthews is pro-Obama now but it was 2002 and 2003 he was having an orgasm over "Mission Accomplished" and how Bush was such a macho stud. He just goes wherever the prevailing wind is.

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Heather Wilson, long lauded by the Beltway and "liberal" media as a moderate, is now criticizing anti-bullying legislation, saying that bullying is just "teasing."


Funny how she is horrified at what Janet Jackson's nipple will do to children, but has zero problem with the torment which drives many, many kids to suicide.

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She did not even have a word to say about a vicious hate crime.. How moderate of her.

This is the type of thing which always makes me laugh at the idea of how very, very tolerant today's GOP is and how it's all about fiscal issues.

Edited by CarlD2
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Minnesota GOP served with eviction papers.


It sounds like they are not going to actually be evicted. I wonder how the party of Tim Pawlenty and Michelle Bachmann reacts to this after years spent demonizing the poor. They have all the money in the world and they can't even pay for a headquarters.

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Ann Romney just loves that some women have no choice but to work. I'm sure they really appreciate that.

Cue the liberal media telling us how kick-ass this is. I saw some Jeff Greenfield comment saying that this speech must make Obama's team take Maalox. I guess we've gotten to the point where a happy-smiley version of "let them eat cake" is kick-ass??


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Wow. Florida's governor slashes funding for rape crisis centers, then goes to a big event about violence against women. This is during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Disgusting.



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It's all going to backfire on them. There are more poor people than rich people and it will be decidedly odd when they campaign on taxing the poor and cutting taxes on the rich. Still, I am glad that for once in their miserable movement, conservatives are finally being honest about what they want for the country. Between this and their fetish for a gun in every pocket in America and mandatory Ten Commandment seminars in every class, sooner or later the chickens will come home to roost. It's just a shame the media is in their pocket and tell lies about how mainstream their sickening theories are.

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