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Not being illegal doesn't make it less wrong. A draft dodger attacking the personal character of a veteran is wrong.

As for New Jersey, the court ruled the Democratic Party could field a replacement, so it was settled in law and there was no illegality.

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Redd, I am not at all condemning anybody for thinking what happened in GA was worse than what occurred in NJ (which is why I originally used the phrase "one could argue" that what happened in GA was worse). I am merely stating my own opinion that what happened in NJ was worse, but I was highly condemned (not by you, but by someone else) for holding that viewpoint. (Regarding court decisions involving elections, I seem to recall that Democrats trashed the Bush v. Gore U.S. Supreme Court decision, but--ironically--had no problems when a state supreme court ruled in their favor two years later in New Jersey.)

I don't understand why there just can't be some things about which folks can agree to disagree.

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Rapper Cee Lo Green sings "F*ck You" at an Obama fundraiser:


I am a little surprised that such vulgar language would come from a wealthy and prominent supporter of a candidate who has pledged to return civility to politics. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney apparently did not condemn Cee Lo, but did say that the president was a fan of his.

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But really, why would even a single Puerto Rican ever vote for Santorum? His bizarre insistence that Puerto Ricans should speak english is a giant assault on that island. You don't see Canada demanding Quebec speaks english. It is almost a cliche example of that old worn out phrase, cultural imperialism.

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Has anyone found that video of that preacher introducing Santorum anywhere? I saw a bit of it on The Today Show, but I'm at work right now and can't find it.

You've got to be kidding me. You are willing to criticize anything Obama does but you want to brush off those racist bumper stickers. And I am late to the party but how do you feel on the comments Gingrich and Santorum made about blacks? Would love to hear your response on that.

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Exactly. I guess the only way to be a real American to him is to speak English and be white. Ugh, just to even insist that pissed me it was completley disrespectful and made me dislike Santorum even more than I already do. He is so incompetent and is a male Sarah Palin. I want this loser to win the nominee so Obama can crush him in November.

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When exactly did I "brush off" that racist bumper sticker? And because you are indeed "late to the party," you obviously are unaware that I don't support either Santorum or Gingrich for president. (In fact, my first choice for president was Huntsman, who was the one candidate a lot of Democrats seemed to heap token praise on. After he dropped out, I shifted my support to Romney.)

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