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OLTL Discussion: Week of December 1-5

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Viki still doesnt know that Todd knew about Tess for months and did absolutely nothing to help Jessica. Tess nearly killed Viki years ago (which Todd saw) and almost had a repeat of it again this past summer, yet he didnt lift a finger to stop her even though he knew she was out to get Natalie. All he cared about was protecting himself and threw Viki's kids under the bus to do so. he flat out lied to her and never showed any remorse for what he had done or didnt do here. I hope Marty lets Viki know this and that she tears him a new one bc that was unforgivable. Jessica used to be really close to Todd and I hope she attacks him as well for using her and jeopardizing her mental health to further his own sick plans

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It was a great Thanksgiving episode. Just what it should be.

The opening included new shots only for those Scotty mentioned plus Rex has a new shot. The others were all old. (Did Scotty say that KB had a new shot? She did.)

I think the pictures Jared was showing Charlie and Viki were of Chloe. Anybody besides me think Jared might be getting baby fever?

I loved Renee's line about her man never doing anything wrong. And I also liked how at the end she told Jared that he may not be a Buchanan, but he sure behaved like one.

One thing I missed. Cole was at the Buchanans, but did they explain where Marty was?

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Nora and Cole talked about Marty right at the beginning. Cole asked Nora if Marty was feeling up to coming down. Nora said Marty didn't want to be around people who knew the old her, or something like that. She was there, just not downstairs.

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What a great Thanksgiving episode! It showcased loved and family as it should be. OLTL definitely had the best Thanksgiving this year. It's a shame GH doesn't do these kind of Thanksgiving episodes anymore - damn you Guza. <_< Dena Higley didn't even care to bother over at DAYS.

I definitely could see OLTL submitting this episode along with one of their more dramatic episodes for Best Writing.

I'll PM the link to you. ;)

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Loved the ending. You know, I know this is a soap, and I know I shoul dbe loving it, but for some reason Charlie transforming Carlotta's diner (which I believe we've had as a set since it was Wanda Wolek's in the 80s?) into a time capsule tribute to Vicki and his first meeting place just feels bizarre, and even for some reason I can't place kinda distateful. I'm sure it's just me, but I had to get that off of my chest (plus there's no way they could completely transform the whole shape and style of the building which was burned but not destroyed. Just had to get that off my chest :)

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LOVED today's eppy! That montage at the end was so touching. There were so many moments that were small but important. Did you notice Michael's face when he saw the diner? No happy memories there for him. The glance between Viki and Dorian - no words needed. Jack meeting Shane and introducing him to Sam. By the way, how cute is Sam? LOL! Starr and Nora, Renee and Sarah.....

The song was so pretty - does anyone know who sang it and what it's called?

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I agree. It just showed a lot of disrespect to Carlotta. Whether she was behind it or not. It just rubbed me the wrong way, even though their heart was in the right place. I liked the idea of it, but when I stopped to think about the legalities, I would have much preferred Charlie built a makeshift diner on the Lord front lawn or something. To use Carlotta's diner just seemed a little "Your diner's nice, but THIS ONE is much cooler" And as much as I've been on the anti-Vega bandwagon for awhile now, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Carlotta.

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I definitely could see OLTL submitting this episode along with one of their more dramatic episodes for Best Writing.

I was thinking the same thing Toups. Its nice that someone else here enjoys the show as much as I have been!

Ever since Andrea's last show the show has been so "warm" and holiday like.

Its really nice.

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^^^ I wonder if that's a direct response of the show listening to the fan's complaints that it was getting too campy at some times, and too dark at others.

We're so quick to say the shows don't listen, but I agree the show has had a lot more heart to it lately, and maybe someone behind the scenes realized that's what it was lacking.

They don't always listen to the fans... but sometimes they do.

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OLTL has quite a few episodes to choose for best drama. They have the whole Dorian BE fallout with Nash's death they could submit or submit this wonderful Thanksgiving episode. IMO though they will submit back to back episodes of Marty's reveal/baby switch. There was too much drama there not to submit it.

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