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AMC: Thursday: November 20th, 2008

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Tad and Krystal: He kept talking to her and I kept telling him she is asleep!!! Then they show her and oops she is awake. They are arguing!!! Quick David swoop right in!!!!! Man this is so easy David hahahaha! Krystal left without taking a shower oops!

David,Krystal, Amanda: Wow Amanda is gonna become the new Hooker Babe!!!! ROFL ROFL! Oh and the way he unzipped her outfit. Mmmmm!!! Come here David I need help with my zipper. Oh and then Krystal goes straight to David!! Hahahaha!!! Break her down David!! Break her down!!!! He kept touching her face. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! David you have to teach me how to kiss! I really need help. Mmmmmmmmmmm!! Oh sorry. I can't help it.

Erica: HA! DIVA IS IN THE HOUSE!!!! She tells the father we are all God's children. AMEN!!!!! Yeah you tell him Erica! The way she talked to Amanda and Randi!! Go Erica!!!!!

David Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

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YAY Kendy opened her eyes for a sec.

Erica telling off the Priest and demoting Amanda ROCKED!

Gaby's Chirstening was beautiful!

LOVED Spike and Mimo finally speaking!

The female minister was totally a lesbian.

I'm eating up KWAK's pain like it's CANDY! She was having a great tiome back when Bianca couldn't get out of bed wasn't she.

I want Binks to tell her i now how you feel so bad i can taste it.

Loved Zach giving Reese adive on how to be a daddy.

Will we being seeing Reese's Mother? I think Lucy from PC would be great in the role.

Line of the day goes to Amanda:"OMG an Erica phone."

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What a great episode!

I loved Erica taking charge at Fusion and then telling off the minister. It's about time someone got in trouble for showing up late for work and I hope Erica's demoting Amanda is foreshadowing for the showdown when Greenlee finally returns to Fusion.

The christening was truly sweet.

Erica & Jack were exchanging such longing looks at each other!

Krystal's tirade at Tad pissed me off. He though Kathy was dead for years and he wouldn't understand her pain at losing Babe? I do like her with David, though; they're much better suited than she was with either Adam or Tad, imo.

I can't wait to see the Amanda/JR scenes tomorrow!

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Well given recently Tad didn't give two shits about finding Kathy/Kate and was too focused on the blessed baby Jenny to be bothered to find HIS and Dixie's child.

Shockingly David makes KWAK tolerable, but I still want him with Mandy :wub:

Bianca, the me, me, me stuff has gotten tired, now I think I finally see why Greenlee was so nasty to her all those years, gah what a selfish twit

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That is a weak argument, and kind of insulting. She's a female minister, so she's gay? :huh:

Good episode today. MUch better than yesterday. Erica :wub: rocks! Probably the best thing Pratt has done since he came aboard, made her central and true to her character again. I was glad and relieved Tad and J.R addressed the whole Di thing, that would have been so lazy if they didn't.

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