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ATWT: Thoughts on Noelle Beck as Lily?

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Okay so she's been in the role for a few months now. What are people's thoughts on her? Do you like her? Is she accepted as a good recast? Does she stink? Do you prefer Martha, etc....

I have to say I love her. I like her in the role much better than Martha Byrnes. I never cared for Lily before but I have to say when I do see NB as her on ATWT, she's one of my favorite characters. She's made the role her own and Im not finding her Lily as annoying as I found MB. What do you ATWT fans think of her?

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I really like her in the role. She's as relatable as Martha Byrne was, but she has that edge of class and refinement (that Byrne lacked) that Lucinda Walsh's daughter should have. I just wish they'd give her something more challenging to do than Lily and Holden's on again off again relationship.

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Anyone can be recast, I've never truly believed an actor owns a role.

However, I find Beck a little too polished and "beautiful" to be Lily. I've always thought part of the appeal of the character was that she looked like a real woman, Martha Byrne looked like a real woman, that doesn't mean she's ugly, just average and beautiful in a more atypical manner. Noelle Beck is more mainstream "beautiful," and in a way, her Lily is a completely different character from what Martha was playing over the past three years or so.

Noelle's a good actress, but the role she's playing is severely damaged. The Lily character seems directionless and they're not really giving her anything substantial to showcase herself.

Also, Martha does look a lot more like Lisa Brown (Ex-Iva ATWT, ex-Nola GL) than Noelle does, but I can easily let that slide.

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I've tried , but she just isn't Lily to me. She has zero chemistry with Jon Hensley or Elizabeth Hubbard. I keep thinking how much better the confrontations with Carly would be if Martha was still in the role. Also, she is awful when it comes to crying scenes.

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I find it doesn't really matter to me. There's an odd disconnect when she tries to own Lily's history, like when she exploded at Lucinda after Dusty's return. But having a different actress in the role helped me accept some of her out-of-character behavior, like boinking Mike or trying to run Carly down.

On the cost/benefit analysis, I wish they'd waited to recast the role. The fact Goutman used the Holden/Carly story to justify recasting the role immediately is laughable. Especially since the fallout ended faster than a 100 meter dash.

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Just my opinion, but if they can write Lily with an edge the minute Noelle Beck came on the scene, why couldn't they have done the same thing all those years that Martha Byrne was in the role... I am not going to say that it's all Martha that didn't bring depth and spunk to the role of Lily, but possibly the way the powers that be dumbed her down so much. That's just a thought to think on.

Can't always blame the actors/actresses for the way the character is or say that they didn't bring this or that to the role; it also takes the writing material too, and there were way too many times in recent years that the writers just gave out crappy stories that could have been excellent ones for the character of Lily.

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