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AMC: Thursday 9/25/2008

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This was the first time in months that I've hated Ryan again. He went right back to being the smug, hypocritical jackass that he was under McTavish.

Kendall needs to have a house fall on her! What a stupid bitch she's become.

I made the mistake of watching Aiden's fantasy segments just to see what they were about. UGH!

Jesse's revelation to Angie should have been powerful but the dialogue was the worst imo that it's ever been on this show. Ditto for Frankie/Randi who were spouting some of the dumbest cliché's I've ever heard to each other.

I'd take Beall's precious and funny dialogue over Thompson's clichés any day!

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I don't want to hate Kendall, but I do.

I don't want to not care if AM leaves AMC or not, but I don't.

Normally I would be able to resist such a deliberate butchering job by the writers. I don't usually let the writers turn me agsinst a character I love. But this time I can't help it. It's that bad. Literally every single line she speaks makes me want to crush a glass in my hand (just like in those really dramatic soap scenes).

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I said it before and I'll say it again: Beall leaving is going to be a loss for AMC. And now, having seen what we're going to get from her replacement, I'm even more confident in that. Beall to Thomson, for now, is a net loss for AMC.

There are those here who have legitimate issues with Beall's writing and can lay out those issues. That's one thing. But I think alot of people started to dislike her just because it became the thing to do. But, at least since Pratt started, I think Beall's episodes have really stood out from the rest (in a good way).

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Well my [!@#$%^&*] VCR (yes I still use a VCR) didn't tape AMC today, but it looks like I didn't miss much, all said...

I still think that Beall let down yesterday's and last week's episodes--great plotting for the most part and underhwelming dialogue that never quite connected but it does sound like Thomson is a definite step down :(

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Sorry Angie, but you are so unbelievably hypocritical when it comes to Saint Kendall.

Kendall is the same woman who used Spike to seek revenge on Greenlee, seeked to conceal Emma's true parentage from Ryan. So she uses children just like Annie does to manipulate the situation so she gets what she wants.

I didn't think she was all that bad...... Thompson that is. The main problem with this episode was Hypocritical Kendal..... but that's not her fault because that's been the same Kendall for the last year or so.

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Cut Thomson a damned break. First of all, it's her first AMC script ever. I doubt any of the best dialogue writers had a stunner right out the gate (it never happens). Second, I think too much blame is placed on the individual writers of the show. Yes, they write the dialogue, but they still work off of what the HW wants. In this case, she was working off Pratt/Walsh/Little/whoever the heck's thrust. As for today, I thought the show was sucky (mainly due to the story direction), but I didn't think the dialogue was terrible. But let's watch a few more of her shows before we decide that we should fire her. Kate Hall has had her clunkers, too.

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I agree! One script and people are demanding her to be fired! Say what? LOL!! Shades of poor Lisa Seidman who after writing one or two "bad" episodes - now she's considered a "hack." Come on now. LOL

I agree on that.

Thomson's an AHW so I'm guessing she's writing off her own "breakdown" or whatever the heck they're doing at AMC now.

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