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AMC: Thursday 9/25/2008

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I was so nervous when Angie came home and Jesse was already there. My stomach was tied in knots. Then he told her about him meeting a woman and then he ended it. That woman won't except that it's over. Okay okay. I can deal with that. There is MORE to the story I just know it! I mean why is he telling the woman he loves her? Unless she is someone different. Maybe she is a daughter. I hope!!!! And the choking with little A was pathetic. If you are choking you don't make noises ROFL. But I can accept it cus he is just a little boy. :) He is so cute! :) And when Annie was helping little A, Kendall told her to stop that she isn't a doctor! Shut up Kendall! What did you expect her to do? Stand there? Come on!

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Kendall must have forgotten about the loaded gun she kept in Spike's diaper bag, & I think I remember seeing her handling the gun while holding Spike! I also think if Annie had just stood there, Kendall would have called Annie "evil" for not helping, & now Kendall says Annie only saved Little A. to score points with Ryan! I guess whatever Annie does will be "wrong" in Kendall's eyes! :huh:

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oh Kendall STFU! What did she think Annie was going to do to Lil A, kill him?

She also happens to be one of the biggest hypocrites on the show today. She attacks Annie and asks how could she leave a gun around Emma and when Zach tries to calm her down she asks what if she had been around Spike with a gun. Um excuse me but didnt Zach find a gun in Spike's stroller that Kendall had placed there last year when she was trying to frame Greenlee for kidnapping?

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Kendall's gun wasn't loaded and unlike Annie, Kendall wasn't going to kill Greenlee.

Hmmm I wonder what would make her think that? Maybe the fact that Annie killed her own brother and used her own child to manipulate Ryan?

All I could do when she was saving Little A was roll my eyes. Super Annie to the rescue :rolleyes:

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OMG do you have to defend EVERY single thing Kendall does?

Regardless of whether Kendall's gun was loaded or not - THAT IS CRAZY. She was using it to hurt someone and kids don't know if it has bullets or not.

Kendall has used her children to manipulate her loved ones.

Good God - how do you not see that or at least recognize that Kendall can be a hypocritical BSC biyatch too???

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Annie's gun wasnt loaded either. Ryan mentioned that when they were all talking about it.

Does Kendall know that Annie kill Richie? Its ridiciulous for her to think she'd try to kill Little Adam. And its not like Kendall hasnt tried to murder anyone herself. She attempted that unsuccessfuly twice with Michael Cambias. And of course its also not like Kendall hasnt used any of her children for revenge. Hypocrite is what she is

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