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Edge of Night (EON) (No spoilers please)


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I just have a couple of random soap memories (RSM's) that I hope other fans can help me fill in the details. 


In 1984 EON had a literal cliffhanger in the episode before the break for the Summer Olympics.  Preacher, Jody, Raven, and Sky were in a car chase that wound up on a cliff on the beach. Clips of the car chase were then inserted into the opening montage.  As I recall, the car chase had something to do with either the Van Dyne mystery or Preacher's father but I also recall that it was not the denouement of the story and it wound up being very inconsequential.  They got into the chase in Mexico (probably shot on location in The Hamptons) and they all wound up okay and returned to Montecello. 


Please reply if you can recall any of the other details of that cliffhanger.  Also, does anyone recall if EON had a similar cliffhanger for other daytime Olympic coverage (obviously they didn't need it for 1980 in Moscow)?  That one stands out because they replayed the heck out of those scenes in the promos.


Also, I grew up in Los Angeles where all the soaps are on an hour early (GH at 2, EON at 3, etc) but in the 80's was EON pre-empted monthly for the ABC Afterschool Special?  I don't recall how that scheduling worked or its effect on story continuity.


Finally, did the Correlli family really name one daughter Beth and the other one Liz?  Aren't they both derived from the same name?

Edited by j swift
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Jody was not featured in the 1984 location shoot, which was done in Mexico, not the Hamptons. The sequence involved bad guys on motorcycles chasing Raven and Sky in their Jeep to a cliff. I believe Preacher came to they rescue. The chase was not incorporated into the opening credits. A 1983 car chase involving Preacher and Jody (then Lori Loughlin) was featured in the opening credits.


The story had something to do with a formula. Both Alicia Van Dine and Del Emerson were included in the story.


Yes, their names were Beth and Liz. And the family name was Corell, not Correlli. 

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