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AMC: Monday, August, 18, 2008

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I wish Kerndall would do everyone a favor and shut up! She cant go one day without yapping about Annie. She really worked my nerves today

Good lord and now she's trying to interfere in Jack and Erica's lives. Hating on Carmen now? Kendall needs to get a LIFE

Loved Petey and Colby today. He looked really cute today. I think the hair is too dark though. I love their banter but dont want them to cross the line and become a couple. They are great where they are at now.

Loved that Kathy let Krystal hug her. I hope she opens up and tries to accept her

btw, I loved the way Annie was grilling Greenlee with her eyes


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OMG - Kendall needs to STFU! She has gotten on my last nerve. It's one thing to obsess about hating Annie and getting Rylee together....but now she's moved on to trying to hook Carmen up with Adam or any single PV man just to get her away from Jack??? MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS FOR ONCE BITCH. Ugh!

I actually really enjoyed Ryan and the way he was dealing with Annie today - much more believable - and way easier to swallow than when he's an arrogant ass to his wife.

LOVED Petey Cortland vs. Adam Chandler today. Petey was looking really good today too!!!

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I also think Pratt's stuff has started--or is in transition--I thought this Friday too and actuallyw as surprised his name wasn't on the credits--it felt different. I actually enjoyed today's ep--the Cathy story makes sense to me and so far has been well done (the fantasy sequence on Friday while corny was CLASSIC old school AMC whichalways had fantasy/dream sequences), the Petey/Colby stuff was really good, even the usual stuff (Annie, Kendall etc) seemed to be actually going somewhere for once with more believable reactions. Maybe I was just in a weird mood since no one else seemed to have liked it but...


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I wasn't in a weird mood when I watched it and ITA that this is clearly a combination of Pratt and B&E. There has been more depth the past two episodes than B&E have given us in the past year.

The Pete/Colby/Adam scenes were classic AMC with character-based humor.

Kendall finally stopped just obsessing over Annie, Ryan & Greenlee and started caring about Erica again. It makes sense for her to see Carmen as a threat to Erica & Jack's happiness.

Annie even got some great lines about how Greenlee & Kendall treat her, for example: "Ryan, those two are obsessed with me. I am the bitch who took you away from them. I mean, they even insinuated that this baby isn't yours. That's how they look at me. How am I supposed to deal with that? I work with these people. I go to Vegas with them."

B&E were painting Annie as a one-sided psycho and I doubt that they would let her come out with such truths about Greenlee & Kendall. Ryan's attitude toward his wife has been kinder, too.

The Kathy story has been well done so far. Of course she has abandonment issues and a fear that her mother figure will leave again. I loved how Kathy pretended to accept Krystal but then ripped off the doll's head at the end. I can't wait to see where this is headed!

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Ah, I'm glad you agree with me Steve--some McTavish issues aside, I think we largely share a common view of what works at AMC. I'm still not ready to be all accepting of Pratt but I have to say if this is his influence--and I don't see why it wouldn't be--then I'm optimistic. The balance of stories and dialogue just made a lot more sense--and yeah finally Annie actually got a lot out--stuff she shoulda said to Ryan months ago (ditto his reactions to her).

About Jack and Carmen--I've always liked Jack as a character but I didn't realize till today how boring he's been on AMC for a while now--it was great, even if it was minor, to see little scenes of him being kinda nervous asking Carmen out, etc.

I agree re Cathy (kinda rmeinds me of some things Bianca would do as a kid). I just hope they don't make it *too* "Bad Seed/demon child" but so far the balance seems right and makes sense (there's that term again--things on AMC making sense! Wow!). I also liked how they addressed the fact that Tad wasn't helping and he was adding to the problem by in a way wanting Cathy all to himself.

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^^ Hey Eric. I liked Monday's episode, too.

...although I haven't watched AMC in a couple of years. So perhaps I'm not a good judge. As a result, still cannot get used to NuBabe.

Am I meant to hate Annie? Because I kind of liked her. Hell, I felt sorry for her. When she talked to Ryan of feeling like the outsider, of being ganged-up on, I was actually rooting for her. Greenlee and Kendall, on the other hand, bugged me in this episode with all their cutesy quips.

Ryan = jackass. So nothing's changed there. The boy still can't act his way out of a paper bag.

Um, TEAM Kate! KWAK was a major reason I tuned out of AMC in the first place, and seeing her sanctimoniously tell JR that she was wrong about him made me want to slap that baby-napping saint six ways to Sunday. Best part was seeing Kate twist the head off her KWAK doll. :lol: Especially with all the adults downstairs congratulating themselves on being such great role models.

OK, who is the actress who plays Carmen? She is so real and natural. Love her! Loved how she was totally thrown for a loop by Jack asking her to go on a date.

Petey is adorkable. :wub: I actually prefer his chem with Adam more than Amber (no, not that kind of chem). But I don't understand -- why didn't they show Palmer?

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Carmen is natural and charming.

Palmer is still on the show but when he's on he's usually propped up in a chair like Opal. The actor was in poor health a while back, but rebounded and I suspect they just didn't want to call him in for one scene--i hope we see him with Petey (or even Opal and Petey) soon. The actor is nearly 89 years old....

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