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AMC: Lead male planning 2009 exit?

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SOD reports that a lead AMC male is planning to make a 2009 exit.

I have no idea which actors contracts are up in 2009. With that in mind:

There is one person who immediately came to mind because he is extremely candid with the staff at the soap magazines, and someone would have to be pretty candid IMO to let this out this early, even off the record. However I would think TK would want to see what Pratt could do for Zach. And I remember he once referenced the writing on GH as sort of what he wanted, and this is his chance.

And before I get labelled as a hater and wanting TK to leave, nothing could be further from the truth.

Other than that him, I could maybe see Jacob Young exiting.

Cameron would never tip his hand this early. If he were ever to leave AMC he would deny it until the last second.

Aiden Turner would be a complete fool to leave AMC and I'm sure he knows that. Unless he wanted to leave NY or something.

Darnell has a 4-year contract. I would assume the same is true for Cornelius. RPG obviously isn't going anywhere.

David Canary, in an interview last year or earlier this year, stated he was close to signing another multi-year deal.

MEK's contracts (I believe) always expire in the fall. I can't imagine he is already telling people more than a year ahead of time that he plans to leave. Although I guess it's possible.

Walt's contract just recently came up so if he wanted to leave he could have left then. But maybe , for whatever reason, he signed a one year deal.

Am I missing anyone? I can't really see them talking about MVP, who could leave whenever he wanted since he is not on contract.

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Uh TK's contract is up in 2010 and I can't see TK ever wanting to be on GH, he would be one of many males on the show, he'd no longer be a lead.

I doubt he's going anywhere. I think if anyone does it's JY or AT. What's left for AT once Rylee reunites? I don't consider AT a lead, but I am sure the show and the mags do...

From what I've read AT's wife HATES living in NY.......

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How about James Mitchell (Palmer)? I don't know when his contract is up (or even if he has a contract), but he might be thinking of retirement.

Just a theory.

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Yeah I really doubt TK has an "out" in his contract. If Lish leaves, I doubt he would. He is there to do a job, he LOVES the show.

Oh and PASoapFan, don't believe everything you read that comes from RavenBeauty, the same ish she posted about TK wanting to go back to OLTL? SHe's now using the same exact blurb in regards to AT.......

LOL you did call that one Ryan.

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