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AMC: Monday, July 21, 2008

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Point taken, but I would much rather that they had written up until June 23rd with the (mistaken) belief that they had a chance of saving their behinds before their contract cycles came up...rather than being allowed to write the show knowing it didn't make a lick of difference whatsoever what they did.

Look at McTavish: By late 2006 she knew her job was on the line and so the writing actually improved (somewhat) in her final months as she tried to save herself.

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No, she'll have some sort of brain tumour that will explain her odd behaviour, followed by a miracle cure that doesn't upset a single glossy hair on her head and then it will be back to nice, sweet Annie...

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That's how I feel. Erica's finally out of jail and AMC chose to have Zach and Kendall stuck at ConFusion talking about Ryan's love life rather than supporting her during her release. She had a knife to her throat while Zach ordered drinks for two people he and Kendall should hate. Ryan's freaking sperm and Annie's lies were a more important story for Zach and Kendall? GMAMFB!!!!

Mind-numbingly bad.

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good lord Annie is an absolute idiot. WHY would she lie to Ryan about the vasectomy not going through and WHY would she let Ritchie blackmail her over that. She didnt think that Ryan would assume she cheated when she miraculously ended up pregnant? WTF are they doing with my favorite character? They are making her dumber than Babe

Oh and F-CK off Dips-hit Lavery. Look how quick he was to dump and want to divorce Annie bc he thought she cheated. WTF? He was trying to jump Kendall's bones a few months ago and declaring his love for Greenlee and lusting after her.

Its obvious the writing is on the wall for Annie. If she has to leave the show, can they have her go out with a bang and cut his d--k off? You dont think you can make a baby? Good, bc ya never will. Give her a knife and let her chop it off and mail it back to him. Yes I'm REALLY hating Ryan at the moment

Oh and Kendall and Greenlee...STFU! Two sanctimonius witches who couldnt wait to come and judge and come down on Annie for "cheating on Ryan". And Kendall's comment about how they were Ryan's real family...oh shut up already

She always could. You guys just needed to give her a chance. I loved her from the getgo and loving her more now
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Annie's behavior has no basis in logic at this point. I was hoping B&E would stick closer to their template for GL's Annie 10 years ago and have her cover up her scheming but so far, it's transparent that she's lying about everything and I think TIIC are expecting us to root against her. Dips-hit Lavery (love that name for him!) expected Annie to sit back faithfully while he lusted after both Kendall & Greenlee because he's the "hero" and she's his loyal lapdog of a wife. I'd love for a Lorena Bobbitt twist, but doubt it would actually happen.

Perfect description of Kendall & Greenlee.

I'm glad someone behind the scenes recognized that. I'll give the credit to Beall since she wrote this episode. I'll also give Beall credit for letting Adam call out Krystal on helping Babe get away with her crimes.

ITA. She's on a par with Ambyr now but I still would prefer to watch Ambyr anyday!

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