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Those heavily manufactured couple names used to drive me crazy. The worst was OLTL's "Java." Jessica and Antonio Vega. I imagine whoever came up with that one was the envy of the entire fandom for quite some time.

Also, where in the heck did "Scrubs" come from to describe Patrick and Robin. That has never made sense to me at all.

Liason would have worked if that was the actual spelling of the word lol

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But, see, i liked the fanbase didnt manipulate the spelling of the characters to fit the spelling of the word. Liason is LIz+jASON.

OK WHATEVER AMS! You outed me. I am a crazy Liason fan who defends anything/everything related to it.

I am JP, i am a hypocrite. LOL. I also dont care. LIASON IS LOVE!!!!

Moving on.... Hope is a character that hasnt worked on Days in a very long time. Since the 80's actually. Tho she was great as Gina. I feel Hope limits Bo.

I am also glas days fired its "vets" aka supercouples with crazy fans that were not happy unless their couple was on front and center all the time, but happy. Days let itself get so pigeonheld into couples, and losing all of the couples reaqly made it character driven again. I also think the show is much better without them and dont miss any of them, even my beloved Marlena.

Carly is an awful character on ATWT.

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My work here is done :P Any other closet fangrrls, fanbois, or fanwankers out there?

Totally agree on both. DAYS has been less full of BS since John and Marlena left, to be honest. Half of the weird [!@#$%^&*] involved them, so with them gone, it's actually more about normal stuff again. I *gasp* watch DAYS every now and then now. I would have kept Steve and Kayla in exchange for Bo and Hope, though.

And god, I am so sick of Carly. I'm tired of her and her damn adventures. I can't wait until Maura, who I LOVE and ADORE, to go on mat. leave.

Also, one of my own, from the other side of the ocean. Coronation Street's Len and Gary aren't that horrible, they're interesting characters. It's Gary's parents that are unbearable, especially his doormat of a mother.

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Generations, on paper and the idea around it was great. But the execution was awful, they danced around the race issues and when they confronted them, it was done in a cheesy, terrible way(i.e. Ruth finding the words "N***** GET LOST" spraypainted inside the house she wanted to buy where her mom worked in as a housekeeper in a rich, white neighborhood). It also could have been a network/FCC issue too, but Sally Sussman-Morina's method of confronting these issues were simply not up to par. Which is shocking, considering she was fairly young, had ownership and creative control over the product(via the Senior Executive Producer title), so you would think she'd have something to prove, at least given how energetic she seemed at the time.

Generations may not have been more successful, but it would have been a helluva lot better had they not whitewashed everyone and made race a non-issue. That alone could have easily driven the show for a number of years(through the L.A. Riots, O.J., etc).

I commend Morina for "taking one for the team" and getting this show out there. But Jesus, I just feel like it was a masterclass in wasted potential.

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