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I wrote to Laura Pritchett, Jim's daughter, and who appeared in a few episodes as a candy striper. I got a lovely note from her in today's mail (and she signed my screen caps). It turns out that years ago, the Pritchetts were erroneously informed that the episodes were wiped and gone forever. In her words, "Imagine our delight to find that was SO not so!" ❤

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That's so lovely Amy.  Have you reached out to Anna?  I wonder if she's been watching at all.  I really hope someone sent Susan Lucci a link to her featured extra appearance, I imagine she never expected to see that again. 


Do Steve and Annie end up having a fling?  It certainly feels like that's where they're headed. 


I can't compare AA to the previous Mikes besides the last one, but was the character always such a hothead?  AA definitely has that intense Methody post-Brando New York actor thing going on.


So Mike raped Toni and that's how Michael Paul was conceived? :wow:  During their conversation in today's episode they mentioned he was conceived by force.  Yikes.

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According to an interview with Stuart, she left TD with the intention to not do soaps again. GH kept bugging her to join the cast. She eventually agreed to a one-year contract.


I recall seeing an interview after she left TD where she was very vocal about her unhappiness with the show and the direction that the writers take Mike Powers in, in terms of his career.

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As June 1975 is coming to an end... we can see the next stories taking shape (whether the next writers maintain this or not.. will be interesting to see).


I will be curious to see what Anna Stuart said was the reason she became disenchanted with how the show is writing her character... I think it had to do with how the show resolves the Mike/Toni/Alan story.  At this stage of the story, the writers are making it seem like Alan/Toni are end game with Mike as an obstacle for them to be together.  I know the Pollacks are getting close to leaving.. and I'd always wondered how they would have resolved this story... and will we get a scene of Matt/Maggie eating humble pie because they thought Greta was crazy (good use of history with the rabbit bite and mental issues she had after her sickness)... and I'm curious to see if Penny will interact with Mike again... since her crush kickstarted the whole story that is playing out two years after it started.

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Rabbit bite, oof, lol.


How long has Julia Duffy been with the show at this point?  I know she wasn't the original Penny.  It seems I saw her name in the credits long before I ever saw her on the show.  I may have just missed her but I get the impression she was written out for a bit while she was with her father in California?

Martha and that bourbon-soaked voice, lol.  Very Tallulah.

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Her Penny came back in January 1973 and left in October/November 1974 after she was proven innocent of murder.. and after she had an emotional charge showdown with Althea.  She caused quite a bit of trouble for Althea, Nick, Ann, Toni, Mike, and her step father John during that time period.


She just recently returned in the April/May 1975 episodes announcing she wants to start college and become a doctor.. not because she cares about saving lives but to be better at it then Althea... plus is obsessed with that singer Andy.  I'll be curious to see what other mischief she gets into in this stint.

Edited by Soaplovers
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