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There's been a lot of controversy among some fans over whether or not he gets along with Marc Silcock, and the comments about whether Marc will win Best Newcomer sort of fed into that.

I think it's a very very bad choice to play Aaron as totally shut down emotionally and physically, because it means viewers will not care.

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It's story idea time!

Feel free to add your own. Or tell me how awful this is. Or...ignore this. :(

Jackson and Hazel leave the village for treatment at a first-rate clinic, paid for by Declan.

Aaron begins to realize that he is asexual, and never has any desire for anyone of either gender. Aaron moves away to try to reconcile with his father Gordon.

Jai begins a secret affair with Debbie, sure to infuriate Cain if he ever finds out. A spiteful Ella, who wants to get back at Jai after he exposes her long history of mental illness to everyone in the Woolpack, tells Cain, who beats Jai bloody. Cain, afraid that this will get him sent down for a long time considering his lengthy record, goes on the run. Debbie stays away from Jai out of some misguided sense of loyalty, instead taking up with Nikhil. Charity has no such qualms, as she is sick of Cain, and she begins a casual affair with both Declan and Jai, which slowly poisons their friendship. Debbie is furious with her mother.

Nikhil, meanwhile, is the perfect boyfriend to Debbie and father figure to Sarah, but is never fully there. He freezes out when Debbie goes to visit Jasmine after Jasmine is assaulted in prison. Finally he admits to Debbie that he used to be in love with another man, and they were lovers, and like how she feels with Jasmine, he has tried to move on but never entirely does. Debbie is fine with this, and they move on to an even happier relationship together, but then one day, Jai announces the new business partner in the company...a VERY familiar face to both Debbie and Nikhil...it's Robert Sugden.

Ella, with her tricks only leaving her further isolated, decides to attempt suicide, knowing she will be found in time, as Declan's father is supposed to be home as its her birthday meal. Unfortunately for her, he decides to stay at the Woolie for one more round...then another...then another. By the time he returns home, Ella is dead. He is devastated, and leaves the village forever, but not before telling Declan that his biological father is actually a man named Matt Skilbeck!

Declan is very disturbed by this, although now he understands why his father has always had little time for him. He tracks Matt down to an increasingly poor existence on a rundown farm Matt can barely keep going, and asks him to return to Emmerdale. Matt does not want to face the past, either with his son or with the village he once called home, but he finally changes his mind, and tries to adjust to an Emmerdale he barely recognizes. Edna and Pearl are more than happy to help him smooth the transition, but he still carries a torch for Dolly Skilbeck, who returns to the village with son Sam Skilbeck (her son with Matt), a rough around the edges type who has no real relationship with his father.

After DC Henshall's crimes are revealed, a guilt-ridden Katie leaves the village forever.

Holly is quietly fading away and her family are too afraid to talk to her, as they don't want to damage her "recovery." Holly is inspired by Ella and, as her family plan a big surprise party for her recovery, she takes a fatal overdose. Her body is found along the roadside. When the doctors reveal that Holly must have known she was taking enough to kill herself, Moira is furious, and blames everyone but herself, verbally abusing John, Adam, and Hannah, saying words she cannot take back.

Hannah disowns her mother immediately goes to live with her grandmother. Adam, embittered by his sister's suicide, tries to use it to make a clumsy pass at his dream woman, Eve. She sees through him, but is genuinely attracted to him, and they begin an affair which slowly becomes something more. Moira and John divorce. John sells the farm to Declan, who lets Matt and Sam, along with Andy, run the place. Sam is tough and angry, similar to Andy, and as Andy tries to keep him on track, he finally begins to face his disgusting abuse of Jo. He tracks Jo down and, after convincing her he does not want to harm her, they have a long and painful conversation in which they finally say goodbye, and Jo puts Andy in touch with people who will genuinely help him.

Rhona gives birth, but decides that her job at the vets is too demanding and potentially dangerous to help her raise a child with special needs. She leaves town.

Moira and John, now divorced, revert to their wild teenage years. She has a one night stand with Marlon, not particularly noticing or caring that he assumes it will be much more. A crushed Marlon leaves town to be platonic co-parents with Rhona.

After flings with Carl and Andy, Moira begins an affair with Ryan, which infuriates his mother Faye, who sees Moira as using her son for a midlife crisis. Ryan dumps Moira after she calls him "John" during sex. Ryan finally notices a starry-eyed Gennie's interest in him, and having a nice guy who genuinely cares about her and accepts her causes her to pursue her dream of a wild and ridiculous beauty salon.

John works his way in and out of even more beds than Moira, including Alicia, Scarlett, Mia, Chas, Charity, and Bernice, along with many others we don't see. He slowly becomes a sex addict. It's the one woman he doesn't sleep with - Eve - who tries to pull him back from the brink, resulting in much fallout for her relationship with Adam, as John and Eve have very strong chemistry together.

Diane finally gets the pub back, and her daughter Bernice returns as manager. Bernice struggles to form a relationship with daughter Gabby, and spends more and more time with Ashley. Laurel becomes convinced they are having an affair, until Ashley reveals to her that after the endless carnage of the village in the last few years, he no longer believes in God and is stepping down as vicar. Emily Kirk returns to replace him.

Eric and Val sell the B&B, as Eric buys an interest in a local TV station and producers a boisterous talk show hosted by Val. The new owner of the B&B brings horrors to many of the older residents...it's Steph Stokes, fresh out of prison!

Kathy and her teenage niece return from Australia, with surprise guests Paul and Jonny. In spite of his better instincts, he missed his mother and his family, and wanted them to meet the baby girl he adopted with Jonny. Nicola and Paul soon become very competitive about their kids.

David's Council seat is thrown into jeopardy when it is revealed that he was once a stripper and escort. Edna, outraged and feeling betrayed since she had once supported his campaign, runs for the seat, and beats him. Leyla, who has recently lost "J-Kup" to his biological father before he left town with Alicia, rakes David over the coals day after day until finally he has enough and tells her he doesn't regret what he did, that he even enjoyed it a lot of the time, and that he's not going to apologize to her ever again. Leyla takes his words to heart, and they reconcile. When her spending runs up big debts, she begins pimping him out to rich clients in order to help pay the bills.

A takeover bid on the haulage company roils Jimmy and Carl, especially when they realize it's led by their oldest sister Georgina, who has not spoken to them in decades! Nicola is initially impressed by the sophisticated Georgina, but is furious when Georgina makes a play for Nicola's father Rodney.

When Lizzie won't leave her house after a date with Derek, Lisa tries to talk to her, but Lizzie can't face her, or anyone. Lisa realizes Derek raped Lizzie. She confronts him, and in a fit of rage, kills him. She wants to turn herself into the police, but Chastity decides to cover up the crime. Carl, happening upon the scene, helps Chas, and, his past guilts and grief returning, confesses to her in a drunken moment that he accidentally killed Paul Marsden and murdered his father. Chas is unsure of how to use this information but ultimately her love for Carl wins out, and they finally marry, with some ambivalence over whether he genuinely wants her or is just plotting to keep her quiet.

When Zak learns about all of this, he falls into a depression, as he no longer feels like the head of the family. When he tries to make Lisa feel guilty for leaving him out of it, she berates him for his selfishness, saying that nothing ever happens to him or involves him because he's a selfish and lazy man who has watched the world pass by. A shamed Zak quietly leaves the village for good, leading Lisa to become a single mother to a resentful Belle.

Edited by CarlD2
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Carl, that's all quite interesting - I do like most of it, but there are parts that aren't quite right.

Like, Robert Sugden being bi and having a past relationship with Nikhil. I like the idea of Nikhil being bi and having experienced something similar to Debbie, but not with Robert.

I'm in favour of any story that ships Jackson/Hazel/Aaron out of town that doesn't involve some tragic suicide.

Love the idea of Eric buying a TV network and Val having her own talk show (as long as it's nothing like the horror that was Jack & Jen's In The House on Days).

Don't like the Lisa murders Derek story, as not only would it be another murder cover-up, but I don't want to see Lisa taken down that route. And I don't believe Zak would ever leave his family under any circumstances. And I'm not so sure about Lizzie being raped, either - something about violating a blind woman doesn't sit right.

Would you have John & Moira reunited in the end?

And you don't seem to have any real story for Faye!

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Thank you for getting through all that and responding. I always look forward to your posts.

I know it's a bit ridiculous that Robert would have been with both Debbie and Nikhil. I just wanted Robert back and thought that would be a dramatic story. You're right though.

I probably would have John and Moira reunite, but only after a long road.

Initially I was going to have Moira/Faye get together but I don't think Faye would be with Moira after she was with Ryan. But I do think that Faye should explore her sexuality and I could see her in a lesbian storyline, as a real story, not just a tease -- I don't know about you but I have always gotten that vibe from her.

The reason I mentioned Lizzie was because I thought the show was starting to hint at it, and also because Lizzie seems to have no purpose. A story about a blind woman struggling to overcome a rape would be interesting and I think it would be a test of the woman who plays her.

I see the current Zak, who seems very detached, as possibly leaving, especially if he feels emasculated, but you have a good point, as you also do about another murder. I guess I was trying to recreate some past dramatic stories, most of which I enjoyed on Emmerdale, about covered up murders.

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Oh Carl, what about Victoria? :mad:

I agree with Ben, though the rape with Lizzie is interesting to me. The worst thing is Zak leaving his family, which I just couldn't believe, especially after how he viewed Shadrach etc ...

I also didn't like Debbie sleeping with Jai and the David story is just weird. I think the John/Moira stroy could be good but I just don't see or would never want to see Moira hooking up with people like Ryan, Carl or Andy. Or John hooking up with basically children in Scarlett and Mia. I think the point could be understood without that ickiness. Also, Carl just went through that story with Lexi, what would be the point in watching it again?

As for the Kings, I'd write them all out, that includes Nicola and especially Rodney.

The strongest point I felt was the Ashley story, which is very Emmerdale FARM to me.

Question: After Debbie figured out Cain and Charity were her parents, was she still close to Emily?

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That was part of my point - that they were basically just sleeping around with people and not thinking much of the consequences. I don't think of Scarlett or Mia as children though - I thought they were about 20-21. I mostly included them because they did/are dating Adam.

He has a much longer history with Chas and she was a big part of his life throughout the deaths of Paul Marsden and Tom. Lexi wasn't. The show was even going to have him tell her about killing Tom the day he married Lexi, but the actors vetoed it. I think it would add a lot to his relationship with Chas at this point if she knew.

The David story is weird but then so are the characters. :lol: I just get that sense from David and Leyla and always have, that they would be more suited to somewhat odd stories about sex and so on than about most of what the show has given them. I can also see Leyla doing that type of thing, since she has run up debts before. She slept with Nathan, or almost slept with him, for money, I believe.

Jai would sort of fit Debbie's pattern - distant, older men.

They kept in contact but were not overly close. Even when Emily helped Debbie give birth and was an unpaid sitter for months, Debbie wasn't that crazy about her.

Edited by CarlD2
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The one element that I liked about their story is the Eve angle. So much of that went unexplored and a lot of development could come out from that without resorting to sleeping around with every available girl in the village. Plus, it's too much to have both John and Moira sleeping around with everyone, as the same story beats will be presented, and it'll come across a bit repetitive. I'm not sure how believable it would be with John, as so far he's never come across as a big drowning-of-sorrows kinda guy, and is actually quite controlled, whereas Moira, I could see it happening, but do I want to see yet another woman taken down this path? Not really. Wait... I think you said that John could have a sex addiction, which could make it more believable. Like, he could have sought counselling for it years ago, and this could be a relapse - his usual controlled manner can be explained as a result of his therapy. OK, now I like this.

I've never gotten that vibe from Faye, but I could see it happening. Where's Zoe Tate when you need her? I wish they'd bring her back, as she was my fave character for so many years. I miss Zoe. Have you noticed how you seem to have a lot of sexuality/sexual stories happening all at once? Nikhil revealing he's bi/experimented w/ guys, John and Moira sleeping around, Faye exploring her sapphic side, Layla pimping out ex-stripper David for money...

I think Faye needs a new character to enter the show, a man who'd be her prince - figuratively and literally. I really want her to be lady of the manor, and I could also see Ella feeling threatened by that, as she's currently the lady of Home Farm. Speaking of, I did like your idea to give Ella a mental health past, but I wasn't a fan of her killing herself in a botched suicide. I think there's a lot that can be explored and developed with her, and killing her off would curtail all of that possibility.

It's true, Lizzie has zero purpose. But, if the writing wasn't there, it could come across as bad taste and tacky victimizing the blind girl. It would be interesting if done right.

I keeping forgetting about Victoria! And so it seems does Carl - and the show. I think there's scope for Victoria in the Eric/Val talk show story, as that would definitely need more purpose, and involving Victoria and Amy would do that. I think Victoria could get a taste for acting or something, and they could explore the dark side to achieving that. The off-shot could be that Amy is out for celebrity and fame, while Victoria is wanting something more real and substantial, like an actual career. It's easier for Amy to achieve 15 minutes of fame, while Victoria struggles to get noticed, and thus falls into sinister hands.

This is why I went with the David & Layla story, b/c they are quite weird characters, while being quite ordinary at the same time. I did have a WTF!? moment when you made David an ex-stripper, but I can see that they are characters that would suit the more OTT crazy stories that Emmerdale used to do. Not sure how easily David would agree to being an escort, considering the drama that blackmailing chick with that DVD, created. And Layla would have to be pretty desperate... I'd also probably keep Alicia around as well, as I quite like her, and she's hot, too.

I'd get rid of Mia and Scarlett, as the latter has out stayed her welcome, and the former is too dull and ill defined - a wet match has more spark than her.

Edited by Ben
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There was a line, back when I actually paid attention to the Bartons, where Moira implied that John had been pretty wild, or they'd both been wild, when they were young. They also both admitted to using drugs, and the implication was that got heavy at times. I think they are both very passionate and out of control people who have reined themselves in. For me the only way these characters will be interesting is if they become out of control.

I guess I see this as where the show wanted to go anyway, as in the last few years they have gone out of their way to cast very attractive, very charismatic actors, and often does little to capitalize on this. Moira, John, David, Leyla, Nikhil, Faye, they are all very beautiful people. You can have David in only a hardhat and Nikhil in tight white boxers and Moira spilling out of her blouses and yet nothing seems to come of that. They can still have dramatic and serious stories, but why not use what they have?

I'd love to see Zoe again, for a story with Faye (I can also see Faye becoming like Kim Tate over time) but also because I don't see a point in Home Farm these days. I think we've talked about this before but I still feel like they might as well just give the place up. Nothing is done with it now, there's no glamour, nothing. I would convert it into flats or something.

The writing for Ella so far, or non-writing, doesn't help, but I think the actress is poor and I don't think she can do very much with the role. I hope I'm wrong though - I would eventually like to see why they brought her and boring Mia and the annoying father in.

I took the DVD stuff as David worrying about his political career, and also not enjoying being in such a weak position, and he was trying to be a "good" person. When David first came on the show he had much more of an edge.

Alicia is OK but I think most of her stories have been weak, and the decision to give her a child hampers both her and Leyla.

If the kid weren't around then I would be interested in a story which explores the differences and also the similarities between David and Alicia's husband/Leyla's ex - they look and act so much alike - and between Leyla and Alicia. Would Alicia fall for David, is Leyla with David because of the ex, does David feel something for Alicia.

As for Victoria, I did forget about her. It's also tough to write for her. I would bring back Daz, as I thought that story had potential. Other than that I don't know.

I also wish she'd explore more about her mother. We never knew anything about Sarah, did we, other than running a library on wheels and marrying Jack?

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What stories would you come up with for Paddy and for Bob? I couldn't think of any.

I would probably write Bob out, or at least send him away for six months. They could have some of his other kids come in, and he could be a supporting figure to them. Otherwise he's dead weight, and unlike some of those who have been dumped, like Viv and Terry, I don't think he's interesting or strong enough to work as just background.

It's kind of sad that I have no real idea, or any real interest, in any story for Aaron. In about six months the show took away most of the possibilities the character ever had, and Danny Miller's recent interview made it clear that he is a big part of this decision. If I want to watch emotionally shut down people constantly suffering for no reason other than suffering, I can find that anywhere. It's a waste of airtime.

I don't know if there's much purpose for Brenda either. They've ruined her character in the last year.

Edited by CarlD2
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They haven't given her much story at all for a long time. They seemed to lose any idea of what to do with her or Ryan - I will be shocked if James Sutton is still there within a year's time. They should have tried her with Cain, or even Andy.

But then there are a lot of characters who are just sort of aimlessly wandering around these days.

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Damn. So much wasted potential. At least this leaves more airtime for Hazel and the boy who cried wolf. It's also weird for me because I started watching because James Sutton joined the show and now he's the only one left from his main story. When he goes, which I'm sure will be soon, it'll be a sad day for me.

Edited by Amello
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I wonder why Hazel is even around. She has had little purpose beyond caring for Jackson.

James was really good in his first year on Hollyoaks. I guess that was a real combination of writing, acting, and chemistry with his family and with Craig, but it's a shame none of this ever came together on Emmerdale. They have had no idea what to do with the character - the stuff with the prison guard still baffles me.

Edited by CarlD2
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