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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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I saw various comments about how the show wasn't taking David's cancer worries seriously and we're being asked to laugh and this wouldn't happen if he were a woman, and so on...I was surprised to actually watch and see that they did take the matter pretty seriously, and that they used the comedy of the naked photo and Leyla's great one-liners as a cover for just how scared David is. I thought they handled it the right way - Matthew Wolfenden is not a big dramatic actor and shouldn't be given heavy dramatic material. The way they did it, we got some laughs alongside his concern. 


I still wonder what they were possibly planning to do with this story under Oates compared to what they're doing now - spoilers mentioned Leyla being jealous of David and Tracy flirting, and that never happened - but I especially wonder if Macleod is the one who suddenly had Jacob assuming Alicia would return and they'd all be a family again. Jacob has barely mentioned her since his return, up to this point.


I love the relationship between David and Leyla so much. They still work so well together, whether as friends, or as more, if the show ever went there. I actually think they are even better together now than they were the first time around. That last scene where they said they loved each other really got to my cold, dormant soap-loving heart in a way few things have on this show or most shows in ages. I don't even care that it was just for Jacob to overhear. That scene was exquisitely shot and acted. I don't care about the rest.

Edited by DRW50
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The David/Leyla scenes were beautiful to watch, in a myriad of ways. I've been hesitant to want David and Leyla to reunite, just because I was so hurt by how they were torn apart. I don't trust that the show wouldn't do that again, and I don't want to watch it again. That their relationship has evolved into the strong loving friendship it is now should be held sacred. Let David and Leyla make messes of their other relationships, but leave theirs always united, coming together as each others strongest rock. I couldn't bare it any other way.


Lisa and Zak actually divorcing, Lisa selling the Dingle home, and Faith Dingle returning all give me an anxious false hope for a Jane Cox exit announcement with each passing day, but it never comes. Like Lisa said herself, she has nothing. She is irrelevant. She needs to go.

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I don’t really understand what they were trying to do with the Liv scenes.

She didn’t just steal a candy bar or a magazine. She stole money, and she then assaulted David. She also claimed she would falsely report him for assaulting her.  There was a very unpleasant undertone in these scenes, “comedy” or not.

I’m not surprised that Aaron didn’t care, because Aaron has repeatedly and seriously assaulted people in the last few years and has never shown any remorse, but am I supposed to be pleased that he’s fine with what she did? Am I supposed to think he probably should not be any kind of authority figure to her? Because after today I do. 

Say what you will about Chas (and I certainly have), she was the only one who took it remotely seriously. 

What were those scenes? Why did they exist? 

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I hated them, too. The worst part was I knew David couldn't really do anything to stop it because then he'd have all the dumbass Dingles harassing him in return. Bringing on Aaron's father and sister should have been the best thing that ever happened to his character. Instead they went down the worst route possible. It's just sad. David and Jacob on their own were great scenes, at least.


I also did not like that Tracey would ever want to go near Andy again. I guess I can fanwank that she felt insecure after David was cold to her and Jacob was outright rude, but it just felt icky to me. Also, they should have had Aaron having fun with the Victoria group with no other purpose in the episode. Not only is Adam his best friend, and Robert his lover, but I just despise that the show refuses to acknowledge how well Isobel Hodgins and Danny Miller work together. No that Danny Miller actually has chemistry with his love interest, they shouldn't be so afraid of that relationship anymore. Of course, I'd be showing plenty more of Victoria all around, so I'm already out of luck before I've even begun.  On a random note, is it wrong of me to want Robert and Leyla to hook up? I hate that they basically put Robert's balls in a cage when he told Aaron he'd wait for him.


I have to wonder if Holly was only brought back to be killed off. Moira will end up blaming Cain for reasons and that'll, unfortunately, break them up. He'll want to self destruct as a result, enter Charity. 

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I don't really understand what has gone on with Adam and Aaron. I'd almost think Danny and Ryan Thomas fell out, but Kate Oates has dismantled or downplayed a lot of friendships and family relationships for no apparent reason (Paddy/Aaron, Marlon/Paddy), so I guess it's just her style. I'd like to think it would change, but I have a feeling they will continue to keep Aaron isolated. 


The sad part is I thought Andy and Tracy had a lot of chemistry together, so seeing them in scenes again just so that hag with the bad haircut could purse her lips dramatically made me angry. I ended up cringing throughout all the Sugden family scenes because none of them were about the family, and were so tense and awkward. I guess it's time for me to give up on this family ever being invested in. The Andy/Chrissie shite is the last straw for me.


I would have enjoyed Robert and Leyla at one point (and I still think Aaron should have been given a new love interest), but I can't imagine the fan hate she'd get.


Does the show remember Zak had testicular cancer? Can they involve him in David's story? Please...?


I agree with you about Holly. I've always been weird about Sophie Powles, in that I think she's simultaneously a good and lousy actress. I don't like her story but I do end up watching her. But I wish they'd just do Ross/Charity over Cain/Charity - they're a lot more fun.


I still don't know how teen detective Ethan from Hollyoaks popped up on here. He wasn't too awful. I still think of the scene where he stripped Doug (pre-Ste's lapdog Doug) naked. Good times.

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With Sophie Powles, I think it's her eyes. I could swear they actually shimmer.


When did Zak have cancer? As interesting as it could be to see Zak in meaningful scenes with David, especially when his own family aren't giving him the time of day, I'm really hoping David doesn't have cancer at all. I mean, were you not wholly against Wolfy shaving his head? LoL

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I don't have them all up (I have a few more to go) but the episodes from late June-August 2001 that are on Youtube (my channel Still Steph, and someone else's channel, Emmerdalepastandpresent) cover the story. Zak found the lump, kept the news to himself, and pushed Lisa away. Marlon and then Sam forced him to go to the doctor, where he learned he'd have to lose a testicle. His resulting loss of confidence led him to cheat on Lisa. 


I'm hoping David doesn't either - I'm hoping that's what the new producer tweaked. Matthew's doing better than I thought he would but I don't want to see this for David. 


I prefer David with hair but I have to admit the shaved head wasn't as bad a look as I remembered. I think it's because on Dancing on Ice he wore such eye makeup.

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Who decided to have tons of Lachlan (an unrepentant sexual abuser of multiple women) in the same episode as Gordon? Way to undercut any meaning the Gordon, Liv, or Aaron scenes were supposed to have. Double standards on such a high level render the story all but meaningless.

It makes as much sense as having Aaron talk about being like Paddy to Liv when his relationship with Paddy has been badly damaged and is now barely shown.

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I thought Aaron comparing himself to Paddy was idiotic. I just rolled my eyes when he said that crap. I do wish that they'd wrap this molestation story up now. It's gotten too far from the important issue at hand and is more about Gordon and Chas/Robert/Aaron trying to pull one over on each other.


Is it just me or did Bernice seem a bit jealous of Andy/Chrissie? If so, why?! Bernice is a bad a** bitch; she can take Andy back from that sniveling twat with ease. I just don't care for Lawrence and his impending plot against Andy though. Just stupid. 



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I didn't mind the comparison, because he wants to be there for a screwed-up child the way Paddy was, but having this mentioned when Paddy (and Adam) has been sidelined from this story was just dumb. Kate Oates did her level best to remove many of Aaron's loved ones from his life for reasons I don't understand. 



I think Bernice was put out more than anything, but probably some jealousy. I wish they didn't always make Bernice so weak. I wish they could let her find strength, instead of passing that bowl cut bitch as some ideal woman. 

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So this is the "twist" the new producer did for David's story.




I'm not a big fan of this (it basically overshadows David's story and tells people not to trust their doctor) but at least it only lasts an episode, so hopefully it won't be that bad.

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