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I would like this and in their drug filled hazes they can [!@#$%^&*] the night away! ;)Hopefully, then, we can get rid of Scarlet. The actress, as does Diane, bug the crap out of me.

I really hope Victoria will get a story soon. At least they seem to be rightfully using her in the Aaron story.

Marlon was totally right about Chas, I can't see her giving two shits that Aaron's gay. She's the epitome of everything a fag hag should be. LOL

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Adam/Victoria could be what Sasha/Fletch should have been on Hollyoaks a few years ago. I want to see more stories with Victoria, the girl who plays her is very good, I especially like her very nebulous relationship with Aaron.

Didn't you love that random scene of Adam in his underwear. :lol: Emmerdale has the hottest guys on soaps, it's about time they put them to use. I want to see Pa Barton in his underwear.

What do you think of Natasha's story? I've heard some say that the aftermath of Mark's murder has been disappointing. I guess I can see why they feel that way, but I like seeing the more understated and methodical exploration of what happens when you kill someone and cover it up. On Eastenders you have Lucas screwing his eyes up and obsessing over a damn tree. On Emmerdale, you have Natasha slowly losing all her money and struggling to keep her head above water. Those scenes where she told Maisie about the money and Maisie promised to help and told her that she was the one who had always been there for the family, not Mark, really got to me.

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I'm not disappointed at all. Killing Mark was the CLIMAX to a story that had been going on for over a year. I'm glad they are taking this route. I like how the show has one HUGE story, two B stories and then other minor/short stories throughout.

That Adam scene was definitely a pleasant surprise. Dance, boy, DANCE! [!@#$%^&*] Scarlet ruins EVERYTHING! (I swear I hate her more everyday.)

I could do with Sutton in his underwear please. He is the reason I ever watched this show in the first place. LOL

Also, please tell me Olena is actually going to leave with Eli. (Since we know Eli is exiting soon.)

And I agree about that Maisie scene. On paper the character could have EASILY become some one note shrew, but the writers took the time to give her layers and being some hot spoiled rich girl is only the beginning to her character. It's refreshing.

Although, I do think the show is missing a BITCH! I know Chas/Nicola can have some good tete a tetes but I want something more. Of course, I'm sure she would just be contrasted with Kim and I know they failed there with Nicola at one point.

Edited by Amello
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That's true about the big story leading into B-stories. That's what soaps should be about. At its best Emmerdale is the soap which most knows how to tell this type of slow burning story, but these days viewers expect stunts and stunts and stunts and more stunts and more yelling and screaming and illogical plot twists designed to get attention.

Sutton has never had the typical soap hunk body but he does look good in his underwear, from my Hollyoaks memories, like when he lost a bet to buy beer in his boxers. He looks pretty good on the show recently, I like the gray shirt. I'm also glad he and Faye have made up, and I don't get those slightly incestuous vibes from them that I got early on.

I think Olena is leaving.

What do you think of Eve? Anyone who annoys Andy or Katie probably should be someone I like...I don't really know what to think of her. Suzanne Shaw is OK but is still trying to fit in. She reminds me of Louise.

Edited by CarlD2
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Oh me too. Sutton is in my top 5 celebrity crushes right now and has been for a long while.

I pray she is. I want to see Sam heartbroken. Maybe he'll became a little harder of a character then?

You don't like Andy and Katie? I'll admit that scene were they were totally mean to Eve pissed me off, considering their own histories, especially Andy's.

As for Eve, I don't really have too much of an opinion yet. I do like that she seems to have a strong head on her shoulders. But apparently she'll have a few love interests on the horizon, which I don't like. It bothers me when one person has multiple people after them.

Turning the conversation to Jamie, I hope they reveal the Gennie/Bob affair before he leaves. But I fear, what the hell are they going to do with Gennie now? Not that she's some huge favorite of mine, but I like that she has a different look, though she can be quite hypocritical which pisses me off. I also want to see what Viv is like when she's being something other than a nosy cow.

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I think Katie is self-absorbed and dumb, and somewhat smug. She does have moments of being a true friend and a nice person -- she's better in the supporting, friend role. Unfortunately most of her friends die or leave town! In late 2008/early 2009 she said goodbye to about 7 people. My reasons for disliking Katie are more based in a story a few years ago that you may not have seen, when she was surrogate to Grayson and Perdy.

Andy is OK these days but I can't forget about how he was with Jo.

I hope they won't do a Katie/Ryan/Suzanne triangle. I heard she is going to kiss John Barton, so that might be fun.

I don't know what they should do with Sam. I felt so sorry for him after his wife died and after what happened with Jo, he loved her and was battered by Andy when he tried to stand up for her. Unfortunately he seems somewhat obsessive with Olena and a lot of fans seem to be sick of him. It sucks because James Hooton is a very good actor.

I'd love to see more of Viv, she's a great character when she gets material besides interfering and comic relief. She's had a very tragic life, which they never use onscreen anymore. I wish they could use some of her history, and possibly recast Scott or Donna.

Gennie seems to be adrift as a character. I know she got a lot of flack a few years ago for her stories, especially the one where she kept accidentally killing animals. I think she is a very sweet person who sometimes makes mistakes. I don't like the judgmental side of her. I really liked her with Jamie, I'm sorry that has to end. Initially they brought her in for Paddy but that never worked for me. I'm not sure who they could put her with. I wish they did more with Terry and Brenda. Is Brenda still on the show?

I wonder if CHas is going to be one of those "He's gay because I was a bad mother" types.

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Nope. I don't even know who Grayson and Perdy are. LOL. I'll admit I think I like Katie mostly because of how absolutely gorgeous Sammy is. She is perfection. Do you think Andy/Katie could reunite after their pasts? I think the actors have chemistry. And kissing John? That seems very random, but intriguing. But I hope theirs no affair or anything, this regime has already went down that road quite a bit in the short time I've been watching.

I would have loved to have seen him play out dramatic material. Too bad YT is scarce in Emmerdale clips. Random question ... I keep hearing Tricia Dingle's death was pretty sad ... do you agree. I know she died during some bug storm or whatever.

She's one of those characters that, without doing research, could just be seen as some crazy old person. Eric is the biggest victim I believe. I mean, I read it's still questionable as to if he killed his ex-wife during the plane crash. They have made so many of the characters seem completely harmless, almost nuisances, unfortunately.

Hmm, I don't know about that. Chas, though knowing her faults, doesn't blame or victimize/villainize herself too much. She one of the strongest characters on the show. Again, going this route would indicate she'd be one of those "disappointed" parents of a gay child and I don't see that being true. We'll see I guess.

Is Rhona sticking around? I like her.

Looks like Alan's return didn't amount to much, eh? On quick, yup he's back and back to the attic for him. LOL Did the actor leave for a medical reason or did he just want a break like the actress playing Viv did?

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I think Rhona will be around for a while.

They seem to have no real story for Alan and they haven't since his daughter was around (I miss her). The actor has been battling health problems for many years. He has had some foot problems, and he has a form of leukemia that he treats with medication.

Alan is the father of all characters who have had a personality transplant. For years he was a pompous and selfish man, constantly driving drunk, neglecting his wife and children. He became a cuddly grampa by the mid-90s but his past slapped him in the face hard when his psycho daughter and even more insane, sick son returned to town.

The Grayson/Perdy story was basically they had a lot of marital problems but they wanted a baby, so Katie, Perdy's friend, agreed to carry their child. Katie then decided she wanted to be with Grayson and allowed Grayson to shut Perdy out of their lives and the baby's life. The story was just horribly written and the actors weren't up to snuff. The only good part was the end, as Katie changed her mind about Grayson and gave the baby to Perdy, who fled town.

Tricia's death was moving. I know some hate Marlon's mugging but it fit there. There was a very good scene where her ghost visited him after her death and urged him to move on. When she left, he looked down at his feet, and there was a letter which was now in pieces. It was the letter he'd written to her before she died, with 100 reasons why he loved her so much. They'd had some problems because he was so lonely when she went to make a Bollywood movie that he'd slept with his cousin Charity. She was leaving town for good but sat in a phone box reading his letter, waiting for a storm to pass. Unfortunately when she went outside, the Woolpack roof collapsed on her. She was declared brain dead and they had to take her off life support.

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'Emmerdale' character in suicide bid

Emmerdale character Aaron Livesy will try to kill himself in an upcoming episode.

Aaron, played by Danny Miller, will make the suicide attempt to stop people discovering that he is gay, The Sun reports.

He punches his new boyfriend Jackson Walsh to stop him revealing their relationship, meaning that he gets in trouble with the police. When he is released, he decides to gas himself in his car to stop people asking questions about his sexuality.

"It's make or break time, but Aaron is terrified of what the future holds, and he feels ending it all is the only way out," Miller explained. "It's like he's been backed into a corner."

Aaron is rescued and taken to hospital, where he eventually comes round. However, he still fears that people will find out that he is gay.

"He feels a mixture of raw emotions, really," Miller continued. "Scared, angry, depressed. He tells Paddy he wishes he was dead.

"Ironically, this marks the start of Aaron's journey, not the end as he intended. He's going to have to come to terms with who he is."

The scenes will air later this month.

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