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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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Thank you. I haven't gotten to those yet.

I kind of prefer Seth in those years, when he was written a bit more seriously.

I don't know if you saw but I've been putting some of the 1991 episodes on my channel (I don't have all that many). Chris and Kathy's wedding. And I have some of September and October. I'm curious to see when Henry's last airdate will be. The guides said September 5, but he isn't in that episode, so they got it wrong. Alan has a phone conversation with him (one-sided) in the September 3 episode, so maybe his last episode had already aired. I don't know.

Seeing his funeral will break my heart.

Here's the wedding episode. It's beautifully done.

(let's see how many can guess the in-joke during the helicopter ride)

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Agreed - with Lisa and Marlon being the top of my list to meet their makers.

I really like the disaster trailer, it got me so excited for what's to come. Am a week or so behind on the show, but I loved the TeddyCam storyline so much!

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Firstly, I really love your Lady Tara avatar, Carl. Secondly, reading all your rage is kinda sad.

I think this is what's so frustrating about ED. It has a lot of positives, but so easily becomes plot-driven. I've felt from the start they wanted Robert to be the new Cameron, which doesn't suit him. I hate all the faux killer stuff they're trying to pull with him. This whole story from the start relies heavily on being character-driven, otherwise you have a hollow mess. Chrissie was conceived purely to be a plot device, and that sadly shows; Lawrence has become quite irrelevant; even Robert & Aaron have become a weird toxic mess, despite having the most potential to be something great. Robert should have a lot of depth, but they've reduced him to a selfish, arrogant two dimensional jerk. I no longer understand his motivation for wanting to stay in the closet - is it a money thing? Or about power? Does he really love Chrissie? Is Lawrence's "status" sending out mixed messages to Robert? (He's out, but he married a woman anyway.) I can understand how Lawrence defines himself could be quite confusing to someone like Robert who is scared to come out.

I think they should have had Paddy confide in Rhona about Robert's threats, thus eliminating the need to have Paddy send Chrissie that note, and thus avoiding the whole attempted murder stunt.

ITA about Ross. I think they've taken him too far, but it's thanks to Michael Parr that Ross doesn't completely feel redundant. They've totally lost Ross' essence as a character. Why they've turned him into a remorseless thug, I don't know. I like Carly, but I think they over play the same old beats with her. I get it: she's a lost soul, who has issues with morality, but genuinely wants to do the right thing. I did like the scenes with Brenda finding out everything. Her slapping Val was long overdue.

I don't know what to think about the weird Jimmy/Tracey/Rodney stuff. I think Tracey kissing Jimmy was predictable and unnecessary. Also, I don't really buy that Rodney would act the way he has. He'd turn on the charm and try to hit on Tracey. Plus, I sometimes feel the scriptwriters forget that Rodney and Bernice are father/daughter, as some of their dialogue crosses a very wrong line.

The story that is working for me, and is the best, is the whole Vanessa/Kirin/Rakesh/Priya saga. I'm really enjoying all of their characters and so far I'm liking where the story is going.

I also think they should have continued more with the Harriet/Ashley/Laurel story, as it was quite interesting and layered. Sadly, they're going back to Maurel.

Yeah, 'cause America never blocks anything for international viewers. Try watching anything of B&B that CBS uploads from outside the US.

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Rodney would definitely make a move on Tracy, not judge her. To be honest I think Rodney has pretty much served his purpose as a character and I wouldn't be sad to see him go. I'm not sure what the point of the kiss was, as Jimmy and Tracy work fine as friends. I've actually grown to like Tracy a lot.

I think we're supposed to see Ross' vulnerability through his relationship with Debbie, but the actors are so lacking in chemistry that it falls flat.

Thanks for the compliment. Tara's a wonderful character (and Anna Brecon a very good actress - I had no idea until today that she's married to the guy who played the hot, dull doctor Maxine had a baby with on Corrie). Sometimes I wish they could bring her back.

The show can still be good. Brenda's reactions on Tuesday were great - one of the best moments of the year for any soap. Lesley Dunlop was incredible. It's just...you have to get through so much else for these moments, and the show can't afford that, because it doesn't have the cushion of viewer goodwill that EE and Corrie have.

I realize they have 6 episodes a week and are constantly pushed to cut and so on, but just a little less crime and plot and a little more character would be a big help.

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So, Hilary died today. I wonder if they ever thought of bringing her back. I also wonder if we will ever see Laurel's sister.

Hilary was very shrieky and annoying, but she did have her moments in the Daniel/Arthur story.

BE, can you tell me if Doug and Hilary were still married when he came back to the village?

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