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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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I read about that - it's taken me forever to get to see the episode, but I'm looking forward to/dreading that scene.

This has been such a difficult story to watch because - and I don't think a lot of viewers "get" this - it's not about her drinking, it's about what a truly screwed up person she has become in recent years, how much she hates herself and hates her life.

I'm glad they still remember Daniel in the story but this is likely either going to break my heart or make me want to kill her.

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I finally watched today's episode - I wonder if they are planning on putting Jai and Rachel back together. I wouldn't be sad to see them both leave, honestly, although I'd settle for Jai and Georgia. That toffee factory has never worked, and it only worked in earlier years when Steph was around.

I was horrified when Laurel mentioned Daniel, but it made a sick kind of sense that she used her sainted baby in order to offload blame onto a child she resents and sees as Donna from the grave. Those were such difficult scenes to watch, between Laurel insisting that Marlon smell her breath (grabbing his neck to make sure he smelled), shaming him about Daniel, working overtime to make sure he'd never ask April. It was so ugly, but everything about it has built up to where we are now.

And the scene at the grave was also very good - her begging forgiveness and swearing it won't happen again (yet again), as Ashley tries to comfort her even as he clearly has no idea why she's truly upset.

Such harrowing stuff which uses years of history, without beating viewers over the head with lengthy explanations about who Daniel was.

I'm not sure why the pacing and characterization on some stories can be so off and then with moments like this it's so right.

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Daniel was thought to be Laurel's and Ashley's son, but later it was proven that he wasn't. There had been a mix-up at the hospital and they had switched babies with Mel and Greg Doland. This was only discovered after Daniel died of cot death, in one of the most heartbreaking episodes ever. Charlotte Bellamy gave a fantastic performance in those scenes.

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So what do you think they should do with the toffee factory? Should they turn it into a textile factory? Or a factory that manufactures farm goods? Or should they just scrap the factory altogether?

And do you think that they are about to toss Laurel back into Ashley's orbit? I'm in the minority as I don't want Laurel and Ashley back together. I don't even want Laurel with Marlon. At this point, that triangle needs to be blown to smithereens and they all need to find new romances. I'd actually like to see Ashley tossed back into Bernice's orbit.

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Ashley and Harriet are a great couple and shouldn't be broken up anytime soon. There is no triangle going on, not yet at least. Talking about who Laurel should be with is way too soon in the story. There is still so much left to go through and most importantly UK soaps, generally, are not exclusively about who is with who. Characters are actually individuals.

However, though getting with Marlon ruined Laurel, until this fantastic story where she is finally must see again, the thought of Marlon infecting someone else is too horrible a thought.

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Laurel story difficult to watch but find the story very believable and her acting top notch. Kudos to the show for mixing such a dark story with more light hearted moments.

Also I really hope that Robert teaser isn't what it is meant to sound like. Aren't robert/Aaron popular? Be odd to dismantle that so quickly.

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I don't think the show has any idea where they are taking Robert or Robert/Aaron. I think they had plans for Robert and for all the fan hate he gets in some places, I still think he's been a lot more popular than they anticipated. Whether that affects their Cameron 2.0 plans, I don't know. I hope it does!

Danny Miller and Ryan Hawley have so much chemistry, not just in passion, but in tenderness and small intimate moments. I never thought I'd see Aaron rubbing noses with a boyfriend. Yet here he is. And it works.

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Burn it down. I think it's time for the factory to go. Corrie keeps theirs (which they shouldn't IMO) because it's an institution, but that isn't the case with ED. If they need a place of employment there I'd say David should just expand his shop. Or your idea about farm goods. Maybe turn it into a place Moira can work at, as we barely see her these days. Moira and Cain can run it.

I don't know what they're doing with Ashley and Laurel. The bit where she ran her hand down his face made me wonder. I still think they have chemistry, but I don't think they should go back. Not after the way she treated him.

I just hope this story isn't already peaking, because I'm starting to really get into it. Her scenes lashing out at people, shoving Marlon, and being so truly lost with Ashley, Ashley pitying her as she cut her hand and was so drunk she didn't even realize what had happened - amazing stuff. Amazing amazing work from Charlotte Bellamy. I am loving her performances. I know a lot of fans will always hate Laurel, but at least appreciate the actress.

I don't think Marlon's that bad with the right person. He was OK with Donna for a while. I just think he's not good when he's given too much dramatic material or too much comic material. There needs to be a balance.

I can't think of who to put him with though.

Maybe Chas?

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But Chas is his cousin!

Oh wait...these are the Dingles we're talking about! tongue.png

How far have Marlon and Chas gone in the past? (I know they kissed once but was there more?)

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No, that's as far as they went.

I thought it might be an interesting match, and it might knock Chas off her high horse.

I mostly just don't know who else to put him with though.

They could always bring Emily Kirk back...

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