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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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And we mustn't forget he was Story Consultant under the execrable Chuck Pratt at All My Children here for about a year. I think his work visa expired and he chose not to renew it.

Bonnie Langdord is joining EE as Kush's mother. It seems to be a short-term role for now. I look fiorward to her and Maria Friedman performing at a Duelling Divas Night in the Vic.

Edited by TimWil
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In totally random news, Bonnie Langford will be guesting as Kush's mother. Always happy to see more Who actors on Eastenders, and I do have a soft spot for Bonnie.


Those Carter scenes last night were awful, especially the duff-duff. Linda Henry is wonderful but so much else is bad. And Matt di Angelo needs a better hairstyle to hide his thinning hairline.

Everything up to Alfie realizing Kat had taken the pills was strong (especially her saying goodbye to Stacey and Alfie and trying with Tommy), but the scene of him carting her around went on too long and was too much about him, not her.

That paramedic was hot though.

I liked the bit where Jane and Ian were going to put the wreath in the back of her car and then remembered Lucy had been in there. I just wish the Cindy and Beth drama didn't feel so repetitive for Ian and Jane. And I still wish they weren't together, but I can't take more prossie or cheating drama.

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Scott Maslen said he was asked to return at one point and declined - I wonder if this was why.

I guess we can't say we're surprised at what will take precedence.

I watched yesterday's and had to skip about 80% of it - just watched Denise, and then the Kat stuff (which mostly involved people talking AT Kat about how THEY felt, although Stacey tried - anyway, no wonder she tried to off herself).

I know a lot of people love the Carters but I don't think any family on EE have collectively annoyed/repulsed/depressed me this much. Even the sight of middle-aged Tina dressed like Punky Brewster makes me want someone to slap her.

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It took a while but I finally realized who Jenn Brown, a contestant on the current season of Survivor, reminded me of: Maddy Hill (Nancy). Besides looking quite similar physically they seem to also share basic personality traits.

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Hah. No. It is in that regard where they are quite different.

Thanks for posting the video, Carl. I'm pretty sure it was produced initially for Channel 31/WNYC, which first carried it here. Anita Dobson, Leslie Grantham and a few others made a promotional appearance at a bar on Ninth Avenue in Chelsea and I was too ill to attend. I was bummed.

Edited by TimWil
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