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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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FFS I just tried to post a really long post and it disappeared!

Anyway, the gist was...I agree that a few of those characters should be developed instead of being axed. Especially Vanessa. It's such a waste getting rid of her. I don't think they've written Vanessa as a character you can easily identify or empathise with, and ultimately that's where the character has failed. She comes across as a stuck up selfish WAG. But actresses as talented as Zoe Lucker don't come along very often so it's a shame they've axed her. As for Greg, I'm glad he's going. I find the character too sickly-sweet and bland, and the acting is fairly poor IMO - he seems like a bit of a 'reading the script' actor. I wish Max and Tanya weren't getting back together though, as it doesn't seem very in character and like quite an unnatural path the writers have taken. I believe that they wouldn't have gone down that route had Santer still been in charge.

As for Phil, never in a million years would they get rid of him. Somehow he's one of the most popular characters in the series, which annoys me because he ran out of steam a long time ago!

Ben, I don't like the adoption storyline with C/S or Christian as a character. I think he comes across as very steretypical (as a matter of fact I prefer Anthony from CS as his sexuality doesn't seem to be thrust upon the viewers in the same way that Christian's is) but I love Syed as a character. He's very relatable, and Marc Elliott's a great actor, I have his fan card. :)

I'm looking forward to Mandy's return because I just love character returns in general even if I don't remember the character. I'm interested after watching all the clips and reading the description of the character that Carl has posted, and she seems like my kind of character. Like you said in the Neighbours thread, those damaged, vulnerable characters are often the best and because I see a lot of Stacey and Janine in the character, that is something that draws me to her.

I still miss Glenda. Most underrated character ever.

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Given that Santer utterly destroyed Tanya and made Max totally irrelevant, I can't imagine what he would do with the characters at this point.

I'm just sorry they have, yet again, made Max all about Tanya. He's a very isolated character and he's gone from my favorite person to watch to someone I barely notice. That's the "Tan" touch. I hear a lot of talk about how Max drags Tanya down, but she interacts with a variety of characters, she has a great new friendship with Syed. Max has...

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I was so busy reading various boards talking about the episode that I never had the energy to comment on it myself. I thought it was pretty good, excellent in places. The only real complaint I have is in story mechanics - it was all too distracting, I was constantly reminded I was watching a TV show (a character is created just to overhear a conversation and blurt out a secret; Denise destroys a table of food; Yusef's cousin has to very blatantly, and repeatedly, tell us that Yusef started the fire).

That aside, the Masood drama was top-notch, with wonderful performances from everyone, and high drama all around. Hamesh Patel's best performance so far was the scene where he told everyone he and Afia were already married. The scene where Masood punched Yusef was sudden and brutal - exactly what soap violence these days often is not. Seeing Christian and Syed integrated more into family life is a smart decision and it's been very well-paced. Syed is more of a mommy's boy but his steadfast support of Masood in the last few months, in spite of everything Masood has done to him, is touching, and I really wish we could see some more Syed/Masood scenes on their own.

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ITA! EE needs to create some variety in their male characters. I'm so tired of reading how this new guy is going to be bad, or trouble, or a ladykiller; I'm so over it. To me, it's all uncreative and boring. This is why I love Greg, as he's different. I don't find him bland at all, just under developed. You need characters like Greg, but most viewers just find decent guys boring and bland, and I don't get that.

I've seen more saccharine characters than Greg. I don't think they've given him much to do at all, and what little they have thrown at him is big material, so I kinda see how you might see him as just "reading the script".

That's what annoys me with Phil, is he's propped by TPTB as some God. He's had his day, and many fans do feel the same, but I think the majority don't.

I'm glad you find Syed relateable, as I do to. I don't think Santer knew how to develop him, so I'm grateful that Kirkwood does and has done in the last few months. I think Christian's sexuality is very much a part of his character, and I think that's natural for him, and it creates a contrast between Christian and Syed. I also think he's probably quite relatable for many, but I've never really seen him as a complete stereotype, not like CS' Sean. There are other thinks going on with Christian that don't relate to him being gay. I wish they would remember that Christian too, had problems with his parents for being gay, as I think that experience has shaped the way he is. CS' Sean doesn't have much going on, and everything he does always reinforces that he's gay. Anthony Cotton is also the worst actor I've ever seen (worse than Neighbours' Ned), who is basically playing himself, and is deffo one of those people who are "reading the script"; he's also been guilty of phoning it in in the past, which is ironic, considering he has no acting ability even when he's trying to emote. Sean is also a character who out stayed his welcome a long time ago, and is part of the problem at Corrie.

I loved Glenda, too. I think we can safely say we like similar types of characters. Glenda was wasted. The majority of her stories did nothing for her character, and really, she was just coming into her own, when she left.

Those are soap staples, though, and a reason why I love soaps. Sometimes, you just have to have Character C overhear Character A & B talking, so they can reveal a secret - it's good drama. Plus, I loved Shameen - probably more-so b/c I love the actress, who is awesome, and I wouldn't mind it if Shameen was brought back on a recurring basis. It would be nice for Afia to have some family outside of her in-laws, as it does look likely that Yusef will be leaving. Plus, she's a good contrast to Zainab.

My only criticism of the Masood drama, is it looks likely that Mas will get away with kidnapping and threatening to pour petrol over Yusef, a crime that deserves some punishment. He was wrong to do that, but they play it as if he's innocent and just another victim of Yusef's evil plot, simply b/c Yusef is the villain. I think that sends out the wrong message. Plus, it's Mas' fault that Yusef was able to beat himself up and frame Mas!

I've liked how they've used Yusef's past to enable him to push for Zainab to reconcile with Syed. He was disowned by his family, and knows how Syed feels; he wants his family to forgive him, so has pushed Zainab to allow Syed and Christian back into her life, and I think Yusef was being quite genuine with this, even though he revelled in the conflict it caused between Zee & Mas.

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Funny what you've said about CS Sean. To be fair I don't watch CS on a regular basis, and have only ever watched it briefly for a few weeks around the ram crash, and also between about March and May this year. So maybe my views aren't that informed, I've just never found Sean to be a bad character or actor, I feel that Christian's sexuaity is thrusted upon us moreso than Sean's. But as I say, maybe I haven't seen the worst of it. I guess they are trying to have that contrast between Syed/Christian, but I just wish Christian wasn't a stereotypical gay. I get that it's part of his character, but why do they have to be so full-on about it? I mean, as a gay person, everyone always assumes that I love people like Lady Gaga. My taste in music is actually more dance/Drum & Bass/Dubstep. Of course some characteristics should show that he may be gay, but an important thing is that many people don't feel part of the gay culture or community because they simply don't like the values and attitudes that community hold as a lot of them fit the steretype. Maybe Syed will always be the less stereotypical gay. I hated it when it was Christian's birthday and they went to like a drag queen party or something, I'm not sure if that's right because I only had the episode on in the background, but I hated the use of 'QUEEN' in the dialogue.

In regard to Greg, maybe you're right that had they given him more of a variety of things to do, h could have been a better character. But if I had my way, I would have casted someone else in the role. There definitely is a place for nice guys, but IMHO Stefan Booth doesn't have the ability to develop into a strng long-term character. Alfie sort of fills that nice guy role, though I'm so over him and Kat. I think I'd rather they left and Sharon returned to take over the pub. Now Sam Womack is leaving, I definitely see a spot for Sharon in the cast and I think she'd fill a gaping hole. She might also be able to breathe some life into Phil. What are your thoughts on Sharon, Ben? I don't think she's necessarily needed, but I think she was such a popular cast member who would be welcomed back easily, and even if her story did sort of come to an end, characters like that always have a place in the show. Having said all that, I don't think her story did truly come to an end. I'd love to see her interact with her child.

I agree that we like similar types of characters. I was appalled and quite offended at how poorly Glenda's character was handled and how her exit was written. IMO BK listens to the fans too much and lets them influence the decisions he makes too much. At the end of the day, he's at the helm and should decide what's best for the show.

I like that aspect of Syed coming back into Zainab's life as well. TBH I would much rather that Yusef never came back as a villain. It would have been much more interesting if he was a nice person. He's hot too :blush:

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I am really loving Rainie. She's pretty much my favourite character right now. I have hated her most of the time, but I don't know why it is that she's been drawing me in recently. I hope they make her a permanent character. What are your thoughts on the character, Carl?

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I think Rainie has great potential as a character, if they get her away from Phil and find stronger relationships with other characters. Unfortunately I can't think of a lot of male characters on the show now who are interesting. Perhaps a violent relationship with Michael that ends in her killing him.

She reminds me so much of Donna Ludlow. I would use that to bring Kathy back. Have her go on the run and Kathy, who is in hiding, saves her.

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Believe it or not, today was the first episode where I liked Rainie as a character, and not just the actress. I liked that she seemed to be on the top of things at the cafe, how she wanted to keep Phil from getting one last hit, and how she ended her friendship with Phil(I think?). This is the kind of character development I want with Rainie, not the pathetic one that bedded Jack.

Speaking of Jack, if there's one thing I do like about his character, is how he's sticking by Ronnie these days. It really endears me to the couple.

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I'm so sick of Tyler Moon already. Why do new characters and returns always have to be written in such a sensational way? I know the characters have to establish themselves, but many characters like Tyler always arrive and are so OTT to begin with.

And like has already been said in this thread, the bad boy womanizer thing is so overkill. I can't hardly understand some of his lines either. :unsure:

^Btw thanks for the heds up. I will be wathing that. I hope they show Janine's exit from 2004 even if she has returned now. :)

Edited by Edward Skylover
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Isn't dance music kinda stereotypical, too? No offence meant. That is true, not every gay person is into "the scene". I think they have that in Syed, and will always have that. Although, Christian is changing, as that b/day ep showed, he cringes at the thought of clubbing with the drag queens, like he used to, but I think he will always be the more out there of the two. You notice I talk as if the show will never introduce another gay character? I don;t think they have the gut to break up C&S long term, as they seem like the end game. Syed took him to a club and a drag act or something. I've never liked the word "Queen" when referring to someone that's gay.

Ronnie and Sharon are two different characters anyway, and really they both would have fitted into the show quite well. I know Kat & Alfie are here to stay, so Sharon running the Vic, again, isn't an option. I think she should come back and run R&R, and have stories involving her son, and maybe the ghost of Denis. She'd have to interact with Phil, but I wouldn't want them to go there again, at least not with Sharon. Phil can have unrequited love for her all he wants, but I'd prefer it if Sharon found someone new. I don't think there's anyone on the show right now that is suited to her, so maybe she'd have to return with an American b/f in toe.

I get that feeling too, about BK and the fans. He does seem quick to respond to them, and I'm glad he takes on board fans criticisms, but it sometimes feels like it's on a whim. I'm pretty sure he dropped the Vanessa/Harry story last year b/c of (online) fan reaction, when really he should have just altered it, as it had potential, and ended up leaving Vanessa in limbo for months. I'm sure he's said that he listens to online fans more, like from DS, etc.

What's everyone's thoughts on Michael?

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