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Ohhh, so the Gold's are Jewish, as I guessed months ago.

But Jodie says she isn't really religious in that spoiler, but still, it's interesting that they've made that family Jewish.

I see they're also setting up next week

It also looks like Roxy puts

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Short preview clip of Denise "funeral" that will air this Friday:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULSxv9_wqUU&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULSxv9_wqUU&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULSxv9_wqUU&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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Denise's funeral is gonna be so sad. I really thought they were going to have her gate-crash it, but that looks very unlikely, now.

I think next week is the climax to the Lucas story, right?

I know what you mean - those kinds of stories would be a complete bore on a US soap. That's not to say it can't be done, just they would have to inject more heightened drama into it; EE doesn't need to do any of that to make those kind of stories work. I think Syed becoming apart of the Beale's would be quite interesting - Ian would be his usual self, unhappy with it (b/c he's Ian, and you know he would), but loving winding up Zainab; could be some conflict between Syed and Lucy, after her blackmailing him, and basically being the catalyst that outed him; but in the end, they would become his surrogate family.

I don't want them to have too much legendary drama anytime soon; in 3 months, maybe, but they need to develop as couple first. And yeah, Amira did the get the shaft. I got the feeling as soon as Preeya announced her departure, that she'd become an after thought, as if she never really mattered. I know she was always collateral damage, but with her leaving, all respect for her character seemed to go out the window. I don't think Amira sending her baby to live with Masoods is realistic. What I'd like, is if she returned with the baby, and allow Syed to see it, before ripping it away from him, with intent of never letting him see it ever again. It would be cruel, but symbolise all that he took away from her.

I noticed yesterday how jarring it was seeing Syed & Christian being all sweet, and couple-y without angst, considering that we never seen that before. I like it. ME definitely showed the changes in Syed. I loved how messy and untied he is; really showed how free Syed is now.

To the person who asked about Roxy being a Chryed supporter - she's always been in their corner, but was against Syed b/c of the pain he was inflecting on Christian. Now that he has committed to Christian, Roxy is happy for them.

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Where the hell is Denise? I don't believe that she is really dead, but why would she put her children through the funeral? Is she with the police? Has she lost her memory?

Good point. I'll take about six months of relative stability for Christian and Syed. I did like it when Sharon and Dennis returned to the Square all loved up. It was nice to see them as a couple dealing with the regular stuff before all the drama started up.

I like where they are going Syed so far. ME was solid yesterday. I could see love when Syed looked and smiled at Christian. I need to see more of that.

I agree. I had no problem with Team Christian resenting or disliking Syed. Like Jane, Roxy was angry at Syed for not standing up for Christian. In addition to stringing Christian along for months, Syed rejected Christian publicly and never turned up after Amira's father had him beat up. I hope we see Jane skeptical about Syed's commitment to Christian. Christian is so in love with Syed that he can't see straight.

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No, it doesn't look like it, probably early August. Having read the detailed spoilers for next week, it doesn't look like Lucas is caught or figured out in any way next week. In fact, it seems like the Foxes/Johnson's don't appear all that much, though they're still present.

It seems like there's more to this story than they're letting out...

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I think Amira's situation could be bad enough for her to send the baby to the Masoods. Remember how she said that Syed had condemned her to be her father's slave from now on and no one would touch her. Her father and family could reject Syed's child leaving her desperate to find a good home for her child. If the character of Syed is around in a couple years, I would like to see this story play out. I think that would be a great drama with a social issue angle.

I wouldn't have missed Phil.

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I think that Phil is a character whose story relevance ended a number of years ago but who is seen as very important as some kind of part of the fabric. I was never fond of the "hardman" stuff they put on him when Grant left, although it was very popular with the public. The last time I really liked one of his stories was when he was with Kate. The Stella story had some fantastic moments (the woman who played Stella was unbelievable, and I can't believe she's Emma Thompson's sister!), but wasn't followed up on. The show I think made a mistake in not wanting to explore Phil's relationship with Ben, and instead, somewhat shamefully IMO, siding with Phil and treating Ben as some pathetic thing to be mocked. They stuck to this story and to Phil bedding various attractive women instead of actually writing for Phil. At least they are finally exploring more of the story now but because the character was so hyped up as being mythic you still hear some say "I'm tired of Phil being blamed" or "Phil is a hardman, why aren't they showing him be tough!"

Depending on the success of any other existing characters, or new characters, over the next year or two, I think it could be time for Phil to go. I think generally a lot of the Mitchell dynamics are played out. I guess it also depends on how the recast of Ben works and what they do with him, if he can give Phil a different type of storyline.

Apparently Soaplife is saying that in early August

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I enjoyed both episodes today. I think EE is on a roll.

Lucas is so cold. I'm glad Patrick supported poor Libby about the coffin. These girls are in a bad place. I loved Kim seeing through Lucas. She better watch out for Lucas or she could be next. Is Kim going to a permanent addition? I remember the actress from "Beautiful Thing."

It was great seeing John Bardon. He looks better. I can't believe Patrick chucked the girls out of the house. WTH?

My poor Tamwar having to put up with Zainab and Masood. I cheered when he told off Zainab for ignoring Libby's pain and then told them that they were both wrong, Syed's alive. I laughed at his comment about Syed leaving Amira for Christian. LOL! Glad that someone remembers Amira. Tamwar was so sweet comforting Libby. They would have made an adorable couple, then again they would have just given Zainab and Masood another target to go off on.

Okay, I'm beginning to buy Christian and Syed as a couple. Shopping for the new mattress together, Syed uncomfortable about being out, Syed's jealousy over that guy leaving the apartment, and actually having a conversation about their feelings and Syed's beliefs. However, I can't believe that Christian went to the mosque. It was so stupid. Hasn't he ever heard of the Internet? But it was good that he and Syed can talk about everything and resolved the issue. Isn't going to be easy street for them, but they are figuring things out.

The rape reveal was well done. I'm glad that Ronnie was so controlled as she told Roxy what happened. Glenda's reaction makes me think that she suspected Archie sexually abused Ronnie. However, she is glad to use it drive a wedge between Peggy and Ronnie.

That dress was ugly on Ronnie. I just don't like these Mitchell women, all these brassy annoying blondes. However, Glenda scheming against Peggy and then fighting over pushing Jack was funny.

I must say that I love how busy the Square is. Those extras must cost a pretty penny, but it makes the place vibrant.

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Today's episode:

I think they did a really good job of showcasing Patrick's hurt and anger over Denise's "death." they didn't have to and could have ignored him, but I thought it was really important to see Patrick's perspective, and they delivered on that today.

I didn't so much mind Christian and Syed today. They seemed to be doing normal things, and at least they touched upon the faith issue and with Christian wanting to know more about Islam and the impact it has on Syed's life. Today's episode also did well in showcasing how torn Tamwar is between supporting his parents and supporting Syed.

That little scene between Dot and Zainab at the Minute Mart was funny.

I thought Samantha Womack was really good in the rape reveal scenes, especially with Roxy and that little spat they had over it. I wonder if Glenda already suspected this. Womack didn't overdo the dramatics like in typical reveals, she was subtle and trying hard to hide her tears, but cracked and it was an effective portrayal for someone as cold and detached as Ronnie.

The repercussions of this reveal seem to be far from over, especially in regards to Ronnie's relationship with Peggy, and with Glenda using this wedge between them to her advantage.

I LOVE Kim Fox, so fierce and so unashamed to be herself. I loved when she roasted Lucas' ass and blamed him for sucking all the joy and personalty out of Denise's life. Kim is such a fun character to watch.

Yeah, I notice the square is a bustling and vibrant community again with tons of people just walking and hanging around. It was one of the things Kirkwood said he wanted to bring back to the show, and I guess he is.

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