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Morgan is a prefect example of why Bianca shouldn't have had any other kids than Liam and Tiffany. It really distracts from her character the amount of kids she has, there was no reason to make her Carol 2.0. Whitney, the way she's written, is as useless as Morgan, too.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Yeah, I guess they saw Whitney as the new Bianca, at least in her relationship to Carol, but it never worked out because they gave up any plans for Whitney as soon as Billie showed up. I've rarely seen such a rapid upheaval with a soap character.

It's never a good idea to bring someone in as the "new" someone else.

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So, today was Danny's last episode, right? :)

I did enjoy the stuff between Glenda and her girls, and Glenda and Peggy.

I enjoyed the scenes between Denise and Patrick.

I don't understand what Liz sees in Patrick...

But I did laugh when Patrick put his hand on Dot's ass at the dancing event.

Does Stacey have some secret set of feelings for Ryan, and vice versa? It kinda felt that way.

Jean and her sausage surprise. :lol:

I guess the seeds of Peggy's exit and feeling replaced and isolated were planted today, even if she said she belongs there at the end.

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Danny left with a real whimper, didn't he? Just dumped early in the episode. Not that I care. What an awful actor and character. And the endless mushmouth talking. I barely understood him even as he left.

I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop with Glenda. I'm glad they didn't have her doing any side smirks when she was alone or anything but I feel like they may want us to think she is going to be just as much of a problem for Ronnie and Roxy as Danny was.

Why did Patrick turn against Liz so vehemently?

Anyway, I enjoyed the scenes at the dance. They were the most I've enjoyed the show in quite a while. I loved the scenes with Patrick and Dot, and seeing him grope her. Then Liz talking to Jim about how this music was too old for her, ending in Jim putting on some Elvis so Liz could dance. The Patrick/Liz dance at the end was sweet.

How many times are we going to have to see Ryan lord over Janine as she turns to yet another silly scheme? I swear this has been going on for all of 2010.

The Denise/Patrick stuff was good insight into Denise.

Poor Pat seems to have no life or future. I was so annoyed when she went on about people staying in her room. Selfish Bianca and her kids live in that house rent-free and treat Pat like a pack mule.

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Ryan is damn sexy. But don't tell me he actually has feelings for Stacey. Does he suspect that he could be the father? And sorry, but I don't feel sorry for Stacey at all. I was totally rooting Janine on when she was rubbing in the fact that her kiss with Ryan was a bet. Stacey is so gloomy and depressing. Has she always been like this?

Also, is the actress that plays Janine good at dramatic material?

I hate Adam. What a disgusting dirt bag. He needs to be slapped HARD!

I really like Glenda. How did Roxy become owner of The Vic, anyway?

Edited by Amello
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Well, she was raped by Archie, indirectly caused her love Bradley's death, and is heavily pregnant at the moment. :lol:

She hasn't always been like this, I'm sure it will pass once she gives birth. She's usually a feisty character for the right reasons when they write the material for her.

Stacey was originally devised as a younger version of her cousin Kat Slater. I guess the "tart with a heart" label can apply to her too.

Most of Janine's big storylines have been dramatic. It's only the final year of the Santer era where she's been used as a comedic schemer.

Archie left it to her in his will...

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I guess we know what's planned for the HD move, a stunt is on the way...

Though, it's not the first time the pub has been blown to pieces, and probably won't be the last. :lol:


I guess Kirkwood may be recycling the The Dog fire stunt he used on Hollyoaks to write a good number of characters out and to rebuild the pub set for the HD move.

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The big change in Stacey came after Bradley had her abort their child. That story was basically used to make her depressed, vindictive, angry, and aside from a few moments here and there, she's been that way ever since. I remember when the bipolar story started and fans immediately knew something was wrong because Stacey was actually in a good mood.

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Today's epsiode:

Adam is such a nasty pervert. I guess this is beginning of him being written out.

Libby is a cow too, being jealous of Darren and Jodie when she barely gave Darren much thought at all over the past year.

I really enjoyed the scenes between Lucy and Ian.

Max getting Abi a Jedward CD for her birthday. :lol: :lol:

I really liked Glenda and Peggy's little banter. I think Glenda can be an interesting character if they give her the material.

I always enjoy Whitney more when she's away from Billy. Today was a good example of that. I like when Whitney and Ryan share scenes together, they are siblings after all.

Jean is hilarious.

Pretty enjoyable episode overall and a great set-up for Wednesday's big episode.

I can't wait for Wednesday's episode, I hope it won't be a let down.

BTW, today's episode was the first episode where Bryan Kirkwood was listed by himself. It's still Santer's storylines going on, but Kirkwood is putting his spin on them, I guess.


Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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