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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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They're still rehashing the same story, although at least he is finally actually out. He is now there mostly to be a sad panda who has to be told to love his father, blah blah blah.


This doesn't really seem like Michelle and the show seems to have forgotten her personality. I guess we'll see. 


James Bye has settled into the role of Martin and is now one of the best men on the show.


The reason I mentioned UKSoapShare is because they go back to late 2011, but yeah, new episodes are usually up on Youtube (briefly).

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She has been gone 20 years though and being 46 is quite different to 26. She's the most intriguing thing about the show for me at the moment, though I am partial to a re-cast.



EastEnders does. You'd never see Coronation St be as brave as that. I know Hollyoaks does a lot of deaths but none of their characters are iconic anyway. Not sure about Emmerdale though I've heard it's over the top.

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It'll never happen. US soap are too pristine to do anything UK soaps do. We'd have to adapt to the grit and honesty UK soaps possess to do any material a UK soap does. It won't happen here. Especially, on a daytime soap. 


Love and adore Mal Young but I think he is best thing he can do is restore Y&R to its greatness. That's about it. CBS would never allow him to go dark and real.



So agree. Holly's death has been one of the best crafted stories I've seen on a soap in a LONG time. I love too that her death is still impacting the canvas to this very day, which deaths are supposed to do. 

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What surprises me is that the US has never had any 4 or 5-weekly prime-time soap operas as part of their schedules, mirroring the UK ones. Why is that?


That Holly death sounds interesting. I might have to watch Emmerdale anyway as Kasim is calling me.


Michelle's re-cast is not going down well at DS. I wish people would give it time before getting so irate in the first week or 2.

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B/c a 4-5 weekly prime-time soap here would not mirror the UK at all. We would not get the grit and drama promised. Instead, it'd be the sensationalized crap we get now. Plus, I don't see any of the Big 4 (FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC) willing to push the envelope in social issues like ITV and BBC do. You have to go to cable TV to get all that, and not everyone has cable. Especially not now when people are finding solace on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc. 


Honestly though, the 4-5 week model is killing the UK soaps too. All of them need to trim back down to 3 episodes at the most again. Especially, Corrie and EE, which have been giving sheer filler sh*t for awhile now. 


Emmerdale is the only soap that entertains me all week, but at times even they get a side eye from me.

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I think EE is fine at 4 but doesn't Corrie do 6 eps a week. I'd never be able to commit to 6 a week. However I do love Neighbours 5 a week, though they're only 20 min eps as opposed to EE's 30 mins.


I can't really get into Emmerdale or Corrie due to their northernness, obviously Neighbours is my favourite one, wish some of you would watch it more I'd be interested to hear your views 

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Most of the northern identity has been stripped from the shows, if that helps you any.


Eastenders would do better at 3 episodes, but the main problem is wildly uneven material. The poor writing for the Lee story has dragged down the rest of this week so far.

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Yes! Lee's story has become hot garbage. I feel like the story has become more about Mick bitching over Ollie being in peril (again) instead of Lee's condition.


I hate how any story that could flesh out the Carter kids ends up being about 'poor ole' Mick.' 

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 They did the exact same sh-t with Nancy's exit story. I'm sure the same will occur when it is time to further flesh Johnny out. 


Last night was even worse when they had Mick come in and save the day, but still scold Lee. 


I'm praying 2017 is the end of the Carters. Just have a mass murder and finish the remainders off. EE was bold in killing off Pat, Peggy, Nick, Lucy, Roxy, and Ronnie in recent years. Might as well continue the trend. 

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I already went on and on about this at Walford Web, but the whole thing bothers me because yet again a story that is supposed to be serious and important is just more shock value and bile. If they were going to be honest about the culture of Mick (that Lee worships - essentially the hard done by white man who is making his way in the world as best he can), then they would have had him come back bloodied and beaten, because he went up against a strong guy 15-20 years his junior, in good shape. Instead, he had to be the bad-ass, because just like with Phil, the show has to remind us of his superiority. The abusive behavior from Mick, along with Whitney being written as so unsupportive and dumb, has just ruined this plotline. It's sad how no matter how many producers come and go, this writing for fathers never seems to change. 

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Now you know that Danny Dyer was not gonna allow Mick to be beaten. 

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 He would've had a fit. 


It bothers me too how they have Mick, Phil, and even Grant when he returned walking around beating young ass men, who are in more shape than they are. 


I feel like Lee's depression has been bastardized in this story, and instead of educating people, it is being made a mockery. They are making it seem like Lee being depressed is a weakness. I don't like it. 

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It didn't bother me as much with Grant this time around, although the scene itself was stupid, because these were scared young men (who miraculously still managed to pull off a home invasion in the middle of the day in a packed Square - I had to headcanon that everyone just really hates the Mitchells and hoped they all died), he was with a young man, and he was waving a bat around. But this with Mick was just silly and makes a mockery of the story. I guess we're supposed to see this as Mick trying to show control the only way he knows how, and he can't help, and so on, but it doesn't come across that way because Lee doing the raid was so extreme and had no buildup. As a result no one in this is sympathetic. I also question why the "villains" in the story were cast with MOC up against our white heroes. 


What really bothers me is that they had all that about Lee getting a Samaritans card to use if he needed help, and then Mick found the card and told him he should have killed himself. What the hell kind of message is that to send to people struggling with suicidal thoughts???

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I didn't like that either. This is why I haven't been tuning into EE like I usually do b/c I feel like the severity of some topics are being tossed aside for sensationalism. This is what is occurring with Lee's story now too. I wouldn't be surprised if they have Lee swinging from the rafters (via hanging) as his exit. This show cares more about murder and mayhem over the impact a story like this could have. 

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Glynis Barber went all the way with that morgue scene. The sounds she made, particularly as Glenda walked into the post mortem viewing area, were so guttural and real. Glenda's pathetic whimpering, telling Jack they "need to sort the funeral"...you nearly felt sorry for Glenda, as if, after Ronnie and Roxy were gone, it had dawned on her just how badly she'd failed them as a mother and that there was nothing to be done to make amends. 

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