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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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That's the whole reason why DTC even did the plot--so he could be the one who did it before he left. What he failed to see is that it further proved to the audience how much of a hack he is. How he thought it was OK to greenlight that paternity reveal--the biggest secret in UK soap history is mind boggling. 


IMO, Mark's reveal should've consisted of Peggy and should've never happened if Ross Kemp was gonna take a hiatus during the arc. 


At the end of the arc, Mark & Grant should've grown closer, and Mark should've left w/ Grant & Courtney to become better acquainted with them. I could not believe the ending we got with Grant not wanting to have anything to do with his child. Not after we all saw how he fought so adamantly against Tiffany for Courtney decades earlier. It was abysmal (too) to see Mark flirt with his baby sister and act like it was OK. 


SOC is gonna have to do some serious overhaul to Michelle's clan to fix them if he is gonna bring them back. That's what he might wanna focus on instead of Michelle's secret. 

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This was the only part of the story I actually liked. Grant was badly screwed up and was very abusive to Sharon, but he was someone who did grow and change. The show's claims in his return that he was some headcase compared to good and kind Phil was bewildering. He seemed to do his best for Courtney (other than giving her money to his worthless brother), so I could believe that after his initial rant and rave, he would change his mind to do what was best for his son. Mark deciding to stay with the family he knew also made sense to me as a way to end the story. Now that Michelle is back it does seem more odd though. There are rumors that Grant is going to make another brief return for this plot. I guess we'll see. 

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My worry is that Mark Jnr will return played by the same actor, still with a British accent. I can't see how that would work long-term, neglecting the character's history completely. The thing with SOC is that I don't find him very predictable so I can't see how he's going to play it from here.


On the other hand it seems inevitable that Mark will return. Obviously Michelle has her brother and his family around but if she is to stay long term, which presumably she will otherwise re-casting an original character would be worthless, I imagine SOC will want to focus on her kids.


What does he do though? Bring them both back played by the same actors, with British accents? Bring Mark back played by the same actor, this time with more of an American twang to his accent? Re-cast him with an American actor, but bring back the same Vicki? I think they could get away with British Vicki again, as she's spent a long time away from America with her British boyfriend presumably, and moved to the US as an older child. But I'd prefer them to re-cast Mark, I don't want the same actor back with a British accent, or an American one as it would seem too artificial knowing he's already been on screen with a British accent.


SOC certainly has his work cut out, it will be interesting to see what happens. I fully expect to see Michelle's husband(?) at some point. I'm so glad they re-cast Michelle though. I don't get why UK soaps are so hesitant with re-casts, I mean I only think they should be done if there is no option and the character is really needed, but I think it really made sense in this instance with Michelle. I just hope it works out as well as Martin did as re-casts can be tricky.


ETA: I get the feeling SOC didn't like what DTC did with Michelle/Grant/Mark either which is why he's brought Michelle back imo, if it hadn't been for DTC going ahead with that story I don't think Sean would have brought back Michelle.

Edited by Edward Skylover
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I think it's too late to say he has an American accent. They may as well stick with what DTC started. 


I do wish UK soaps recast more but I also feel wary of it becoming too common, as it was overused on US soaps for many years. I'm waiting and seeing about Michelle, as I'm not quite sure the fire is there. I'm hoping we'll see it at the right time. 


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I think they might have miscast with Michelle, even though I am glad they took the plunge to get the character back. From what has been said about the re-cast, SOC chose the actress for the part having previously worked with her, knowing that he wanted her to play Michelle. I presume this is without holding any auditions for the part. I think soap producers should be more careful than this with re-casts. I think they have to put more effort in than when casting a new character. Holding auditions and seeing how the actor fits with the other characters they will be interacting with is essential.


I think SOC was blinded by the fact that this actress has rave reviews and is acclaimed, which of course is a massive plus but it's not everything. Having said all that, re-casts can take a fair while to bed in and I want to give her a chance.


ETA: I agee with what you said - UK soaps shouldn't end up relying on them too much like US soaps have done at times. But on the odd occasion I don't think it should be an issue -- like a character having been absent for 20+ years.

Edited by Edward Skylover
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He and Jessie Wallace were written out in mid-2015, with the announcement they would be on a new primetime spinoff called Redwater (another show I believe they said would be a Twin Peaks homage). It's been delayed and delayed, and they returned briefly to the show this past January. I think the show is supposed to air in spring 2017 now. 

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That's DTC for you - he wanted to make everything his own. MAB with more talent.


He turned against her at the trial (after she'd already turned against him) and then disowned her, and refused to come calling when she decided to forgive him. Really she's just a bitch.

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As someone with little attachment to the previous Michelle, who isn't coming back and hasn't been on since the 90s, what's so bad about the current actress? She does have a similar look to her, IMO, and she's been back a few days, what are some expecting? I think she comes off a little sad. I've liked her sitting on Arthur's bench and talking to him and wanting him around. I see a sadness and emptiness to her, which is probably where she should be at this point. Let's give it some time.

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