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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I'm not entirely sure what the script's intention was for the Martin and Stacey "proposal," but it made me feel sad. Sad because Stacey's sole emphasis - to Martin and to Kyle - was that Martin keeps her safe, Martin loves her. Not that she loves Martin or feels any particular desire for him. That's a recipe for disaster, especially when Martin does eventually stop being everything she wants out of a partner (saying yes, no questions asked, when she says that a man who was, as far as he knew, stalking Stacey for months wants to move in with him and their small children; saying yes to going to see Kush with the baby, even though he loathes Kush). And if Martin does remain perfect, she will grow to resent him, because he will be a permanent reminder of her failures. 

The scene with Kyle and Stacey was pretty good, but, as I've seen someone else mention, I'm not sure Stacey saying Kyle being trans is equivalent to her being messed up is the best message. Then again it's miles better than most of what Kyle has gotten so far. I hope a new chapter is finally starting with this story.

The version I watched didn't have the Phil party-ruining scenes, which is probably for the best, as I've already seen them 500 times anyway. The Paul and Ben scene where Ben talked about having nightmares of Kathy's death, in spite of her now being alive, really got to me. I'm not entirely sure why Ben is only having these scenes NOW and why they are only building his emotional bond with Paul NOW, but I guess I shouldn't complain and should just be happy I'm getting this at all, rather than more of Abi smirking.

I felt for Nancy in her talk with Shirley, because Shirley is saying what she wants and needs, not what Nancy needs. It's patently obvious that Mick has problems with Nancy and she's right to want to stay away. As for Babe and Mick, it's mostly just another reminder of what Babe could have been if she hadn't been made such a grotesque caricature. I saw a comment saying she was going to try to get Mick to sell the baby, and it made me laugh, because that is probably what I will always end up thinking of as well.

I guess it's a good thing that poor woman who had a vague resemblance to Cindy Beale (Sr) left the Square before Carmel arrived via Kushdar, siccing her feral cat on her to punish her for corrupting the purest boy around. The spoiler photos I saw mostly focused on Kush's pert backside, which, admittedly, is of better quality than anything Kush has had storywise in ages, but I'm glad the episode itself had slightly more restraint in camera angles. 

Kudos to Letitia Dean for making it clear in her body language and such that Sharon is filling in behind the bar and not acting like The Vic is still hers (even if I sometimes wish it still was). Many actors who play pub owners have too much ego to make that distinction. 

Yeah it threw me too. I mentioned it in my blather over at WW (I didn't mention you as I didn't want you get any nasty PMs or whatever).

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OK. I was rooting for Martin before but I am back to disliking his ass. He's such a big ass baby. I get that Kush betrayed him but why isn't he spewing any of that venom to Stacey? That's one of the many things on this show that's annoying--Stacey getting away with whatever along with being rewarded for it. Even though Kush is just as big as a baby, I am back to rooting for him. I hope he files for joint or even full custody of Arthur just to stick it to Martin. 


So over Phil and his daily drunken woes. It's played out. I could've seen a mile away that Billy would stupidly leave his kids with Phil and for Janet to run off. Such a stupid plot point to drive home that Phil is a drunk. A sane person would've just opened their front door and got one of the people on the Square to watch the two kids until Billy got done doing what he did. 


Abi capitalizing off Phil's drunken rage just shows how stupid both of these arcs are. 


Kush and Nancy boinking.... -_-


Mick still whining over Oliver after everyone moved on and holding a grudge against Nancy.... :rolleyes:

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You answered your own question.


Kush and Kush/Stacey were DTC's wet dreams - Martin was always supposed to be hated and seen as inferior. When the story got backlash he didn't expect, he course-corrected.


Kush is a user and a loser who was borderline abusive to Shabnam and only sees his "boy" as a consolation prize. He doesn't care about that child. Never has, never will. I don't really care what anyone else says or does in the story, I'll never root for him. His constant "poor me" face only cements it.

Edited by DRW50
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The scenes of Ben rampaging after Abi's "miscarriage" were so bad. They never should have been let on the air.


And we're still expected to pity that wrinkled old ballsac Phil and be happy that his cadre of enablers hover. Oh Phil might die. Boo hoo. He's not going to die. Oh we have to protect the business. Boo hoo. A broken down garage and car lot. Only in soapland does this constitute property of value. I already saw people saying they were upset Ronnie and Ben and Sharon were trying to "steal" his businesses. You mean bail him out? Phil will always be a victim to some fans...especially those fans who root for child abuse and violence. 


When Shirley warned Ben to leave Phil alone after what he did to Heather, I wanted someone to remind her that Phil covered up Ben killing her and left Shirley to find her corpse. Shirley never gave a damn about Heather anyway. Wretched woman. 


Edited by DRW50
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I thought Shirley bringing up Heather was so damn bizarre and out of place. She hasn't even mentioned Heather in the past few years and  to have her drop that line in there was so stupid. No one cares about Heather or Shirley. I wanted Ben to mush her in the face. 


Ben's tantrum scenes were bad. I thought they were more funny than they were 'heart-wrenching.' I think this whole miscarriage story is so damn stupid. So stupid. And were supposed to believe that Abi is the next Janine? <_< Yeah right. This isn't something Janine would even do to keep a man. She's just kill Paul (to remove the obstacle) and put the blame on someone else. 


Moving on,  Tamwar read Kush for filth. Of course, we got that stupid puppy dog face from Kush as he whimpered over to Martin/Stacey's with his tail between his legs to denounce Arthur yet again. :rolleyes: We all know that this is bullish-t because something else will happen and he'll want to reclaim him yet again. I loved Kush when he first came on the Square but DTC has made me hate him ever since he got tossed in Stacey's orbit. 


So over Mick. I just don't care about him, his feelings, or that damn baby as bad as it sounds. I just don't. Nancy would actually make me like her more if she'd read Mick's ass the riot act and tell him to f-ck off. 

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Why am I not surprised that Louise was the one to be under all that rubble? I knew Jay's girlfriend was gonna be a red-herring. Ben and Phil are both to blame for this incident. 


I am sick of the writers pegging Phil as some damn drunken victim when he does something stupid. At this point, I wish they'd kill this old ass fart and relieve us all of his presence. I wish that Steve McFadden would find some hobby or something and just decide to quit the show b/c Phil holds this show hostage. He does the same sh-t year in and year out. 


Shirley whining over Heather is stupid. No one cares. At least I don't. 

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She should be struck by lightning. She was awful to Heather. All she did was call her fat and ugly and said no one would want her. Even now she only brings her up because she's upset about Phil. This old bag is never going to be a moral voice, whether DTC wants her to be or not. 

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