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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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If this is the last we'll ever see of Kat (and Alfie), then I am glad we had this little stint. Its reminded me a lot more of the character I fell in love with from 2000-2005, and the character that's rightfully the show's biggest icon of the new millennium.  


They didn't get her right for most of the past 5 years, but Kat Slater (she's always Slater to me) will always have a special place in my heart. Her first character arc was the last time this show (and probably most soaps in general) had a strong character arc where we got to see an evolution of a character. This stint proved, if written correctly, the character still has a lot to contribute to the show. 

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Are Nancy and Tamwar about turn the launderette into a restaurant? Their whole story is confusing as hell. I feel like DTC is just throwing conflict against the wall and hoping it sticks. Plus, do we really need another restaurant on the Square? I'd like to see something different like a clothing shop, some other small business that isn't centered around food and booze....



Kush continues to make me hate him. DTC has done a fine job in killing his creation in a year flat. I went from adoring him to wishing he'd just go away. Carmel is his only saving grace at this point. I didn't care for him groveling to Shabnam about wanting to tell Martin the truth when he's done nothing to show her that he can distance himself from Stacey and Arthur. I'd just wish it'd all end so that Shabnam and Martin can move on. 


So glad that Denise is getting some shine but I am over her moping about the Square. It's time she gets some loving and a proper mate. 


I was baffled that Ronnie kept trying to justify what Phil did. Does she have selective memory? Did she not remember how Danielle was killed--via vehicular manslaughter (thanks Janine)? That was odd for her to feel that Sharon should forgive Phil when he almost killed Dennis in a car accident too.


Also, does anyone think that Phil might end up getting his liver from Peggy? I get this inkling feeling that's gonna be Peggy's parting gift to him and Phil's way of getting back on the wagon. :rolleyes:

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Woohoo! So glad that Masood knocked the fire out of Kush. So deserved. So deserved. But I am not happy that Shabnam wants to run once again. I am with Masood. Kush needs to leave the Square. 


Ronnie having and epiphany and giving money to some random girl was so stupid. Who writes a check for some girl who comes and try and place pity on you? This was just filler mess. 


Some other filler crap was Shirley and Buster's banter along with Nancy having a seizure again. Just stupid. DTC is still trying to shove the Carters down the viewers' throats and I am not here for it. I don't care about any of it. 


Poor Denise. I hate seeing her miserable. I cannot wait for Jordan to return so she can regain a sense of importance. 

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How did things get turned on Shabnam? Why is everyone giving her so much grief? Masood. Jade. Tamwar. Even Kush took a shot of Shabnam about her wanting to flee, which amused me. Kush trying to imply that Shabnam was a coward was pure hilarity. This coming from the same man that can't even grab his balls and tell Martin the truth. 


DTC is doing a damn good job to get the viewers to care for the Carters but again, I just don't. There's nothing likable about any of them except for Lee. Mick is bland. Linda is whiny. Nancy is whiny. Shirley is a moron. Buster is withered. I just don't care about any of these characters.


Nancy moaning about peeing on herself after having a seizure was stupid. Did she seriously think that people were going to pick on her for something she can't control? And why is Tamwar responsible for her? Regardless if he was there, she would've had the same ending result. Him not being there wouldn't have changed the fact. I am glad this stupid union is over. Where is Afia? Libby? Bring back one of these ladies and pair him with them b/c at least there is history. At least I liked both girls. At least I can get behind a pairing with either girl. 


Once again, the saving grace was Diane Parish/Denise. She and Don Gilet (Lucas) are magic together even though Denise was bitter towards him. I do like the growth they instilled and Lucas. Good to see that he has grown out the delusions he is having. It was also a good writing choice for Denise to question her skills as a mother seeing as Dean was sitting right across the room from her. It was a genuine human moment to see her doubt her abilities. I hope there is lighthearted stories coming Denise's way. She is the character on this show that needs the most happiness. She has been stuck in limbo since DTC took over. 

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That's how it's always been in this story. They've always made sure Shabnam is the one who gets the blame. They suggested she was trapping Kush into a relationship, that it was her fault that Kush cheated, that it was her fault that her baby died, etc. I think DTC expected viewers to love Kush and love his attraction to Stacey, and see Shabnam as an awful burden. And that's what we will continue to see.


I can't stand Kush. I also think that Davood spends way too many scenes making sad panda faces and wet eyes.

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