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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Oh. So now Bobby is going to become "The Bad Seed" now I guess. 


*heavy sigh*


Had Bobby not been onscreen all his life and just popped up disturbed then I would've believed it. After all this time? Not so much. I feel like story is going to result in ruining the Beale/Fowler clan for good. Even Kathy coming back is not going to be able to clean this mess up. And don't get me started on Sharon being involved in this story. As much as she loves Ian, she would've never kept quiet about this. She would've instructed Ian to come clean and get Bobby some help. Plus, we already did this story back in 07/08 with Steven being the 'bad seed' and torturing Jane and Ian. Had I known all I known now, I would've been glad had Steven killed Jane when he shot her back then.


And I am over Dean's arc. Either punish him or let it go. I just wish that they never made him into a rapist. Seeing as they won't and haven't made him feel remorseful for his acts, they have already written him into a corner.  

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Well Carol's exit was underwhelming. Glad she got a Julia's Theme exit but gosh they could've at least built to her exit. I didn't care for Jane paying her off out of guilt. That just made me hate her even more. This Bobby story can only take a turn for the better if Bobby actually offed Jane. 


Poor Lauren. She actually told the truth and the officer just brushed off everything she said. That has to be disheartening. But the cop was hella smug, which is so funny b/c Carl, you said that you hated that aspect to whodunnit stories. :lol:


All the other stories were just too boring my taste. 

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I'm just glad she got a happy ending, which was a welcome surprise. I loved that she got to say, "I'm free now." Rumor has it they nearly killed her off - what a mistake that would have been. 


I will forgive the cop almost anything because I loved him as Malachy on Hollyoaks.


Ian seeing Kathy was lackluster as hell. The suicide scene was unbelievable, came out of nowhere, and had a very poor performance from Laurie Brett, who really needs to go when this story has finished. If the planet is still spinning by that time. 


It's also laughable that they're trying to say Paul has feelings for Ben when none of that was developed onscreen.

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I'm glad they didn't kill Carol either but I wish that they would've had her exit either running with Max OR leaving with her believing Max, scolding Abi, and vowing to comeback and smother Ian and Jane upon the truth coming out. 


And yes, Ian and Kathy's reveal/Ian's suicide attempt was horrid. How many times has Ian threatened to off himself to keep a woman? At this point, I wish a small breeze of wind would've blew his ass off the highway rail. And Jane bringing up Peter and Louie in her argument to keep Ian from jumping was stupid. Peter couldn't barely stand the sight of them upon his exit. I doubt he'd care if Ian jumped at this point. 


Paul and Ben is just sex. I've never seen affection between the two. They're just two young chaps humping each other. I don't see how this is supposed to transform into some love story. I don't see it either. But I guess now that Kathy is about to return to the Square, Ben will need some 'loved' one he can trust and be his soundboard. :rolleyes:

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Last weekend in an interview on LBC Radio Prime Suspect creator Lynda LaPlante revealed that there was an ongoing search to find a young actress to play Jane Tennison in a prequel to the hugely popular series on ITV. LaPlante remarked that she specifically wanted a fresh face to play the role. She said "Not anyone from EastEnders or Coronation Street although both those shows are great." Well, I think it's quite possible that Maddy Hill is in serious contention for the role or might even already be cast for it. 

The speculation tonight that she might be departing EE adds a lot of fuel to this possibility. The prequel to Prime Suspect begins shooting in January in Hackney and its environs. I can see Miss Hill completing her second yearly contract in the next month or so, going into "training" for the role in December and ready to start shooting in January. I think she'd be an absolutely brilliant choice as young Jane Tennison, who will be seen joining the force in 1973. I can totally buy her as a younger version of Helen Mirren, for starters. She's around the same height (Mirren is 5'4", Hill is 5'5") and their coloring is similar. All in all Hill could be a complete revelation. Something tells me LaPlante has had to modify her opinion regarding a "known quantity" or "soap actress" as Jane Tennison. This is a star making role and it could be Hill's to run away with and make into something special. 
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It's interesting you posted this (I wish you posted more) as I saw someone on DS saying she was out in January. 


I've grown to like Nancy, especially with Tamwar. I'll be sad to see her go. Not devastated, but sad. I don't mind Lee, and I can tolerate Linda, but Nancy's the only Carter I actually come close to liking. 

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Hi, Carl, yeah, I've been crazy busy with work and personal matters so I unfortunately haven't been here as much as I'd like.

I must chime in with agreement about Ian's suicide attempt and subsequent "reunion" with Kathy. Wow. Awful. The only interesting aspect of tonight's episode was how, side by side, Jane and Kathy are so similar looking and sounding.

On last night's episode of EE on WLIW Stacey accused Bradley of "attacking" her when in reality Deano had spiked her drink. Deano said to Stacey "He (Bradley) doesn't look like he'd attack anybody" and Stacey snapped back "They all don't, do they?" Heh.

Edited by TimWil
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The Eastenders scenes with Ben and Kathy went about how I expected (strong work from Harry Reid, decent enough work from Gillian Taylforth, mediocre-to-poor, timid writing). Still, I have to complain…


- It would be easy for me to make Jay a saint, when actually he’s a 21-year old who easily gets fed up, especially with someone as volatile as Ben. With that said, I have a difficult time believing his only reaction to Ben being angry about Kathy’s lies was that he’d be thrilled if his parents came back from the dead (which, as Abi pointed out, is laughable), and dismissing Ben’s pain as just being in a “psycho” mood. I guess we had to see Ben isolated yet again, so we could see him lean on Kathy. Lazy writing. And yet again, for all the huffing and puffing about Sharon being “Ma Mitchell,” I don’t get the impression she gives two [!@#$%^&*].


- Perhaps the show will talk about this later on, but there was a whole lot of a whitewashing of Ben’s childhood in order to make this into “Ben hated himself for not conforming to Walford norms.” It wasn’t just about Ben falling apart because of the shunning of singing and dancing - he was physically and mentally abused by Phil’s girlfriend Stella for an extended period of time. Not even getting into Phil’s own years of child abuse, since Phil can do whatever he wants. 


- “I hate myself more than you could ever hate me” is a rotting turd of a line, and if anyone ever said that to me, I would shoot them out of a cannon. 


- Ben’s self-hatred and jagged coming out should have provoked more than “I told Phil you were gay” (which should have angered Ben as he likely would have taken that as another reason Phil was so ashamed of him) and, “whatever you are doesn’t matter.” Clearly it DOES matter to him, given what an absolute wreck he is as a person. Generic “you be you” platitudes can be saved for a less emotionally fraught period, surely? And is it deliberate that the closest to open acceptance by a relative is from someone who is conning him? Is this supposed to make us be more admiring of Phil’s “you make me sick and I might hit you or strand you naked in the road, but if you do everything I say I might tolerate you” rulebook of parenting?


- Is all this being done to yet again make Ben into Phil’s foot soldier? Kathy is fairly obviously manipulating Ben for whatever is going on with that boring old man she’s married to, while Phil’s own part in all of this is mitigated because he’s off, I don’t know, being tortured by cold oatmeal and marathons of Are You Being Served Again? 


Why is this story so rushed? Why did Ian and Ben have to get over their anger so quickly? If they get angry over the lies she’s telling with Gavin, then it will just overshadow the more compelling confusion and hurt they should have felt for a longer period of time. Are we in for weeks or months of Jane mean-mugging in self-righteousness and Kathy attempting to look “scared” of the latest Archie Mitchell knockoff? 


Sorry, that wasn’t supposed to go on so much…


Anyway, at least the acting was good.

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Ugh! Why?! I like Ricky Norwood/Fatboy! I feel like Dot is gonna be so isolated now. Yeah, she has Abi but she really don't need her since Cora is around. Fatboy was her surrogate son in a sense--the one she could actually be proud of unlike Nick. I pray that they don't kill him off. I think that Dot has suffered enough grief in the past 2 years. 


But again, I hate they never did anything with him. I wish that they would've brought back the Olubumni clan (Mercy/Faith/Grace) and reunited Fatboy and Mercy. I actually thought they were cute together. Or even put him back with Denise. Yeah, the pairing wasn't my favorite but it at least gave both of them something to do. 


With all these people leaving EE within the past year and half, I am scared that the next one to get the boot is Denise. If that occurs, I am going to be SUPER pissed. 

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I'm enjoying Linda/Mick/Elaine. That's fun.


Les and Pam? Unbearable. I'm liking Claudette more and more, though.


As for Kathy's Return, they certainly fumbled the ball. Big time. Massive disappointment. She gets a shift in the Cafe and nobody bats an eyelid. Not even Marie. Really terrible.

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I kind of wish they'd have Mick and Elaine run off together. You know he wants it.


I haven't watched the last few episodes but I read that they had Denise belittle Kathy for returning from the dead. I guess this is DTC's way to make us pity Kathy (he clearly doesn't like Denise at all) but this and Dot's shrug of a reaction really undercut how meaningless returning from the dead has become on this show. I have a feeling the only reason they even brought Kathy back was for the boring old man Gavin, the latest attempt at an Archie Mitchell clone, and his boring feud with Phil that will change Phil forever...or for about 2 weeks.

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