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Almost a decade on the show, and I don't think Denise has ever really had an big signature storyline of her own. Even the Lucas stuff I wouldn't say was entirely her's or her moment to shine. It's really sad, and I assume job security is the only reason Diane hasn't left.

I don't think she'll ever get something that will push her to the forefront at this point, unless a new producer comes in and really takes a liking to the character (which obviously hasn't happened up to this point).

Edited by BetterForgotten
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Good God, Roger Sloman is giving one of the most grotesquely awful performances ever on a soap. Les Coker can't croak soon enough for me but I suspect it will happen on the centenary of Cokers & Sons in late July.

Jonny Labey as Paul Coker made a fine debut. He's handsome, charming and, yes, sexy. They should have dialed back on the perma-tan, though.

Edited by TimWil
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I am not going to even attempt to watch it if you said it was that bad. :lol:

I am glad to hear that Jonny Labey had a good debut seeing as his character is just a replacement for Johnny Carter. Hopefully, Ben is given a well told gay story/romance.

But back to Les, I always felt like they should've made the Cokers the culprits in Lucy's murder along with killing other deadweight on the Square in hopes of boosting their funeral sales. I would've found that to be more entertaining.

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The Cokers are just unbearable. I think most of DTC's new characters are, in one way or another. It's ironic because Donna was probably the most hated of his creations but I think she's the one who has now settled in.

I haven't watched yet but I saw that he and Ben are making out on his first day, so I guess DTC is making up for lost time since Ben/Johnny didn't happen.

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I go in and out with Donna nowadays. Sometimes I think she's fine and other times I want to slap her.

Jonny Labey totally went for it in that kiss on last night's episode. He was very, uhh, forceful. Good for him. I have a feeling the actor really is gay.

Edited by TimWil
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I think I read somewhere that they were flatmates, too, Bright Eyes. Of course that doesn't mean he's necessarily gay but...

On tonight's episode, in his scene with Labey, Roger Sloman may have given the single worst performance ever seen (and unfortunately heard) in an episode of EE. Atrocious doesn't begin to describe it.

Edited by TimWil
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The kiss was awkward but perhaps it was supposed to be. Otherwise, I thought Labey and Harry Reid had chemistry - more than he did with Sam Strike. And Labey helped make an unbearable Christian-knockoff role more tolerable.

Ron Sloman truly is heinous. I try with him and he starts that awful mugging all over again. The new cast members are making Letitia Dean seem like Lindsey Coulson.

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I really am starting to wonder if the Mitchells would have a meeting to watch Phil wipe his backside. I have no idea why they were all needed to sit around and wonder where Sharon was, although I'm sure Roxy was glad to have another chance to dump off the kids. Speaking of Roxy, the best laugh in the episode was her turning her nose up at Council Not Dad - give him a trim and give Roxy a few G&Ts, and he'd be in her bed faster than her sister's latest boyfriend.

This episode also provided a great example of good camp/bad camp. Good camp - Abi's hilarious wigging out at the vet do, Sharon and Council Not Dad, Sharon and Vincent (his eye-bugging seemed to subdue even her), Sharon threatening Ronnie. Bad camp - Les killing scenes dead with the worst acting display since Vicki Fowler. Between his rictus grins and the heavy uber-tan on poor Paul (who did what any logical person would do - avoid him whenever possible), their scenes looked like one of those "scandalous 1973 program no longer allowed on television" specials.

Oh and Ian/Jane/Cindy were there, rehashing stories I stopped giving a hoot about the first time Jane's uterus became the subject of the Beale household nearly a decade ago. The show is trying to make us see how scary Bobby is, but it is mostly a child actor somewhat pleasantly reading his lines. The frightening person in that house is, and has been for a long time, Jane.

Edited by DRW50
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Tracey looks the same.

That hair color doesn't suit Kacey.

BetterForgotten, I wondered if you'd seen the last few episodes - it's probably some of the better material I've seen for Sharon since her return. Sadly, it's ended already, but I really enjoyed it. And I think Letitia Dean's given some strong performances. The bit where she used Kathy's memory to force Phil into fessing up was great.

I know it won't last but I enjoy seeing Paul Coker skewer repulsive Les, and make that hammy Claudette squirm too. I also like that Paul is a bit of a stirrer and isn't just there to be Ben's boyfriend.

Abi - pathetic. I almost pity her.

Cindy story - pretty close to unwatchable. The Bobby story just isn't working for me. I don't believe him as a threat to the family - the kid actor just can't pull it off, and it feels melodramatic and one-dimensional (just constant refrains of "I want everyone to be happy [pause for evil hint]"). I hate that yet again Ian and Jane want a baby they should not have. I have serious mixed feelings about Mimi Keene. I think she has great potential. She feels so unpolished - sometimes this works (like in live week), but she was abysmal in the scene with Carol and Liam, with that awful crying and shouting.

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I think the Bobby story so far is campy as hell. I almost think DTC is doing his homage to The Bad Seed.

Paul looks rather nice shirtless, does he not?

Mimi Keene seemed to be hyperventilating during Cindy's ranting and raving at Carol's. She no doubt worked herself up into an emotional state but she's not a trained actress so it ended up looking very bad. She's got potential, though. I enjoyed her snarky "Do you really care?" to Jane when asked about Liam.

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Yes, he did, although that often isn't my type of body. But he did look good. I kind of hope they figure out what to do with his hair, but overall he's probably the new character I've most enjoyed on EE in ages. That will only magnify if he continues to humiliate his odious grandfather.

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