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EastEnders: Discussion Thread

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Doing some catching up with some recent episodes.

Janine has definitely become the best character on the show again, and probably the Kirkwood era's biggest success. After the awful and damaging material Santer gave her, I'm surprised at how much more complex and interesting the character is again.

I'm enjoying Dot, Rose, and Cora too, all that is missing is poor Ethel.

Don't really care about Tyler and Anthony...

Mandy has made Ian somewhat fun again. She might be using him in the longrun, but I like the unlikely friendship they've struck up.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I think killing Pat off is a mistake, especially on Christmas day. It seems that death waits most of my favorite characters, or even worse (poor Sue). I hope Carol isn't going to be killed off when she leaves.

You'd think they might at least get one or two people to return, but who knows. I think Nick Berry said at one time he might return.

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I too was was unsure about killing off Pat, and yes another traumatic Christmas is going to add to bleak tone of the stories going on around the end of this year (Apparently the climax of the Yusef story will be playing out as well). However, with all that said, I can't help but to feel that at least in the end, Pat will be reunited with her one and true love Frank Butcher. To add to that, it's not like St. Clements will be returning to EE.

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