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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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I agree re: Brocklebank. I didn't like him at first but he's grown on me, I really like Billy's friendship with Eva and Aidan and he really stepped up to the plate in last night's episodes. I just want Sean GONE.


I think Kate is definitely the weak link of the new Connors although the actress is fine and nice to look at. I have a feeling that she and Caz might just go off into the sunset together sometime this summer and Kate Oates will come up with a new love interest for Sophie.

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She definitely didn't know at first, she was led to believe by David and Kylie that Callum's body had been thrown into the canal. On DS someone wrote that they were forced to tell her where Callum was buried a few months later when a body found in the canal turned out not to have been Callum's but I don't think that's true.

Edited by TimWil
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There's a version of this on Youtube with the first 10 seconds missing, but I found the full version (I'd always wondered why Ken wasn't in the other one...) as part of a junction, so I put it on Youtube.


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Why has God forsaken me?! -_-




Who's d-ck is he sucking to last this long? 


In other news, Carla/Nick's wedding episode tonight ... <_<


I just thought this was one arc that went on too long. Even though I love Carla, I can't even pity her at this moment. I'm kind of glad she's going away. I just wish she'd kill Tracey in the process. 

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Did everyone enjoy Corrie tonight? 


I knew Carla would miss Tracey and hit someone else. I just hate that Carla and Roy's relationship will be destroyed in the process. He was her surrogate father for the longest. 


Fiz & Tyrone.... <_< Can we give these morons a stable income so we can move on from this story? I don't care about them struggling at all. Seriously, I don't. Plus, I am over Fiz and her constant moaning. I was hoping her ass got ejected from the car and died instantly. That would've been a perfect ending to this stunts week. 


Glad this Callum story is being wrapped up even though much like Carla's story, it was worthless and should've ended right before it even took off. Kylie killed Callum, who was assaulting Sarah, so this shouldn't even be a big issue. They should've went to the cops from the start and I am sure Kylie would've gotten off with a slap on the wrist. 

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I saw the end, and while I appreciate the attempt at a big umbrella effect, the way it was done was so oddly stodgy and slow. Tracy's "shocked" face and the acting from Fiz and Tyrone...and I am ashamed to say I LOL when Cathy went flying. 


I did love Gail slapping Carla (not so much the huffing and puffing from the family like she was some zoo animal). That was old school Gail.


Carla did look gorgeous. Nick doesn't know what he's missing.

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A lot of people share the same sentiments when it comes to Gail. Everyone enjoyed seeing old school Gail, who wasn't the comical dolt she's become now. I miss uptight, high-strung Gail. Gail being comedic doesn't do anything for me. I am OK with Sally being comedic b/c her pairing with Tim is everything. Gail, on the other hand, I don't buy it, and I didn't like her always sniffing after Michael's whiny ass. 

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I heard a lot of "worst exit ever" "disgrace to Corrie," and so on, but the real disgrace was what's been done to Carla ever since the Peter relationship began in 2010. This was just - an exit. Not a particularly inspiring one, but what can you do. I would have had her talk about Liam, but he doesn't really exist on the show anymore. I might have had a goodbye with Maria, and way less of her drama queen insta-sister, and a final scene in an empty factory, but the rest was...alright, I suppose. The goodbye with Michelle and with Johnny (I continue to think Johnny could be a great character if given proper treatment), and with Roy (although I couldn't understand most of what she was saying).


I would have taken out the goodbye with Tracy, as it was just tired, and even they both seemed over it. Her hospital scene with Roy also had this theme - she knew it was rinse and repeat, she just wanted it all done. 


So anyway, I'd say it was not that memorable, but not really awful either. Just an exit, in the end.

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