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All Soaps The Most Irritating Characters Ever!

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Oh my, yes, the new Singing Kid. Kinda like the final seasons of Nell Carter's Gimme A Break.

Part of me thinks "this little girl is kind of the next Dru". But, mostly, it feels like a classic jump-the-shark move.

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ITA! OLTL is the only soap I watch regularly these days so I have to reach to think of two that offend me more than those you named.

#1 Cassie Shane/Princesswhatevah/Lewis as portrayed by Nicole Forrester -- the actress responsible for me abandoning a soap I followed since I was in high school (a looooooong time ago). I loved her (Cassie) before she became a princess. And I would love to lay all that at Nicole Forrester's feet, but I started to hate her when she (as portrayed by Laura Wright) was pitted against Wendy Moniz's Dinah, and that continued when Gina Tognoni took over the role.

#2 Kelly Cramer as portrayed by Heather Tom. The Sonfockker. <shudder> She makes my skin crawl. The "I abducted somebody else's child because I couldn't tell you I miscarried" added to the "I phocked your son in a church because you hurt me" clinched it.

Numbers 3 through 10 are so distant . . . there is no measure. The two characters I name I loathe beyond reason. Beyond even my Jessica loathing. Lucky Jessica.

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1. Lucinda Walsh - ATWT

1. Brooke Logan Forrester - B&B

1. Kayla Johnson ( DAYS)

4. Jackie Marone - B&B

5. Shawn Brady (Jason Cook) - DAYS

6. Belle Black ( Martha Madison) - DAYS

7. Amber Moore Forrester - B&B

8. Dr. Rolf - DAYS

9. Laura Spencer Horton (Jaime Lyn Bauer) - DAYS

10 . Luke Snyder - ATWT

11. Sonny Corinthos - GH (He just had to be on the list)

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Babe Carey (AMC)

Ryan Lavery (AMC)

Kendall Slater (AMC)

Zach Slater (AMC)

Sofie Duran (ATWT)

Katie Peretti (ATWT)

Paul Ryan (ATWT)

Jack Snyder (ATWT)

Alison Stewart (ATWT)

Rick Forrester (B&B)

Nick Marone (B&B)

Hope Brady (DAYS)

Stephanie Johnson (DAYS)

Lucas Roberts (DAYS)

Lulu Spencer (GH)

Damien Spinelli (GH)

Johnny Zacchara (GH)

Remy Boudreau (GL)

Ava Peralta (GL)

Natalia Rivera (GL)

Rafe Rivera (GL)

Starr Manning (OLTL)

Jeffrey Bardwell (Y&R)

JT Hellstrom (Y&R)

Adrian Korbell (Y&R)

Amber Moore (Y&R)

Heather Stevens (Y&R)

Adam Wilson (Y&R)

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I have to go with that wise beyond his years Matthew Buchanan on OLTL as the most irritating character. Everytime he shows up, you just know you're in store for one of his junior Dr. Phil life lessons. He is the poster child for why soap tots should be seen but not heard, and then shipped off to boarding school for some sorasing as soon as possible.

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