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Loving/The City Discussion Thread


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Regarding the revamp, it was spring 1992. On March 31, Eden Atwood debuted as Staige Prince, the sorority queen that Ally Rescott admired. During the same week, Cooper Alden arrived in town to stay with Aunt Isabelle. Hannah Mayberry had already been around for a bit caught up in the Dinah Lee / Clay / Gwyn triangle.


The 1994 episodes are definitely Nixon.

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Question--in the '94 episodes, what was wrong with Curtis? I know that he was faking it in the moment, but what did he previously have to get therapy for? Also, wasn't that the department store that Ava ran? That was quite a lavish set. 


Doesn't Trucker and Dinah Lee eventually depart the show soon after this? 


I think that is so criminal that Robert Tyler never scored any acting work after leaving. I've always wondered if this was his choice or not. If not, his sexiness is terribly missed on TV. I wish another soap would've dug him up out the mothballs, much like they did his ex-wife, Jessica Collins. I always felt Robert would've been a great Cole recast on Y&R or Jake recast on AMC as he heavily resembled J. Eddie Peck.

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From what I've read, he was imprisoned by Dante, then there was a period where I think he may have been scheming but not hugely evil or psycho (which may be these episodes, which is why he faked an episode in this one). Then (I'm not sure if that had already started by this point) Gilbert, his friend Jeremy's evil twin, began gaslighting him while pretending to be Jeremy. This spiralled into him bombing a plane that Buck and Dinah Lee were on, killing Buck's just-introduced daughter (played by Elise Neal) and facilitating the recast for Dinah Lee. Chris Marcantel was then written out via asylum. I don't think a lot of fans were thrilled with writing Curts out or making him a lunatic. 


Trucker and the recast Dinah Lee leave in early 1995. Robert Tyler wanted to go, and I think he did retire. I do wonder if he would have been on The City instead of Buck if he hadn't quit, although he may have just been fired like many of the others. 


Long-term I think the show made a mistake killing off Clay. Dennis Parlato was very very good, and he filled the void that the show never managed to with dull as hell City villains like Sydney's husband Jared.

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Wait? Elise Neal played as Buck's daughter? Oh! Now that is a story I'd like to see. Also, I didn't know that Dinah Lee was recast. I'd only see Loving so much as a child, and that was when I was at my paternal grandma's house, which was rarely. I guess I missed that stint. 


Understandable if Robert Tyler did retire. I just miss his beautiful face on TV. 


I think that killing off Clay and Curtis was dumb. I think those are two characters that were needed to shake up The City. Has Chris Marcantel worked in daytime since Loving?

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Elizabeth Mitchell (who has always kind of annoyed me as an actress, namely due to her ER role that made me quit watching the show) took over the role. She was let go when Robert Tyler left. I sometimes wonder if they asked him got come back at all for that strange, brief Trisha return late in the year, or if they didn't bother. 


Elise was only on the show for a few months. I think she was introduced as a grifter and had most of her story with Frankie and Angie. She stowed away on the plane. I can't remember if she knew by that point she was Buck's daughter. He didn't know until either right before or right after she died. SOD criticized the decision to kill her off so quickly in their best/worst of the year issue. 


Robert was a gorgeous guy, and as time passed, not a bad actor either. I do think he could have easily gotten on the primetime soap circuit if he wanted. 


I don't think he's done much in television. He has a Youtube channel where he put up a showreel of old work. He also "liked" this, which he seems to be involved in:


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Well I wish that they would've asked him back and just reunited him and Trisha. From what little I've seen as a child and now, I didn't care for Trucker/DinahLee. 


Glad to hear that SOD criticized the decision. I know someone has to be kicking themselves as Elise would go on to have a phenomenal career throughout the 90s and early 00s. 


I agree that Robert grew as an actor. He exemplifies how eye candy can become a good actor ... with the help of good writing, directing, and co-stars to assist. We're lucky to get 1 out 3 of those things nowadays.


Sucks that Chris hasn't done much in TV after Loving. I thought he was one of the show's bright spots in its final retools.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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It's still so weird to me that Trisha's exit was leaving with Jeff Hartman. Then she returned with, I believe, no mention of him, and never got her memory back. And he went on to appear, as Jeff Hartman, on a South African soap for several years. Truly one of the strangest soap turns I can remember. I'd love to see some of that. 

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Egoli. IMDB says 1995 but I think it may have been a bit more. I'm not sure. 


(Egoli was a wild soap from the synopses I've seen) 

He did, yes. She had amnesia after a carjacking. 


Did you get to watch that 1989 episode? What did you think of it? I really enjoyed it. It's a shame the quality didn't hold.

Edited by DRW50
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