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AMC: Friday, June 13th

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Ok, I'll admit - Greenlee suing Kendall is ridiculous. I'm so tired of this sextet crap. Throw in the Jabe/Ritchie crap, and today's episode is one big snoozefest.

Angie/Jesse/Frankie/whore stuff is good so far, except I'm not buying the whore's acting. She is great to look at, but she's not selling me on her acting. :(

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My pretty Zen :wub:

GO RYLEE! Ride off into that sunset together, wow actually made each other tolerable today.

Poor Josh he's got such bad taste in women to go from Babe to Hannah to Greenlee

LOVED Jesse & Angie and Frankie & Randi

Junior leave my Richie alone

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LOL. That's what I was thinking. Someone might actually "pay" for a crime commited. Lawsuit: too stupid to comment on any futher. I'm waiting for the day where Zach and Kendall can talk about anything besides Greenlee. That's all they've talked about and/or fought about for the past year. It's ridiculous. Hopefully everyone will be allowed to move on to kicking Richie's ass and will drop the Green obssession. Yes writers, I'm talking to you.

Greenlee still continues to show no self-awareness for her part in the the toxic relationship of hers with Kendall. The more she says and does, the less I want to root for her. She needs to grow up of move to the other side of town.

Frankie and Randi will look pretty together, but yeah, I'm not seeing anything stellar from her in terms of acting.

Annie is scary. In a good way. Hide your cats.

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How deranged is Greenlee to lie to her amnesiac friend about her relationship with Kendall? Her story about the bridal fair a few years ago where she painted herself as Kendall's victim was just ridiculous and so different from what really happened. I hope when Ryan's memory comes back, he realizes how she played on his sympathy (I know that's probably too much to ask, but Greens needs to be confronted with the truth, imo).

I was slightly distracted during the Rylee scenes because it looked like they were at McKay's and we haven't seen that diner in years!

I loved the scene at the end with Annie waiting for Greenlee. I can't wait for Annie to go psycho on her!

Kendall asking Josh to sleep with Greenlee again reminded me of the old Kendall. Maybe she can team up with Annie. :)

ITA, the actress playing Randi is not very good. I don't understand why they brought her on anyway when they supposedly aged Colby for Frankie. I actually thought Frankie & Julie had good chemistry, too.

I can tolerate JR & Babe in small doses usually, but I was glad to hear her apologize for not believing in him. Richie's exit storyline has the potential to be a great murder mystery.

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