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Days: Week of June 2

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what an awesome episode!

Jawn & Philip were great. Jawn & Max's fight was great.

Philip & Victor were amazing.

Paul overhearing nicole & chloME talk was unexpected. Loved his scenes with Morgan.

Max is starting to lose it - i cant wait to see this play out.

Ejami were uber cute. Lucas... poor lucas. Oh well...

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I'm having a real hard time watching the show. Bringing back lucas with no positive changes to the character has pushed me over the edge. And since it seems impossible to watch the things I DO like without having to also watch/hear his crap (I don't ff - so it's either watch/don't watch/mute), I've advanced past mute to just not watching.

It's a shame they couldn't have given Bryan something different to work with -- as in scenes where he's not doing the same crap he did for months on end last year - or pretty much the entire year... In the meantime I'll rely on sites to look for any positive clues that it's safe to turn the tv on again.

If Days wants to go "green" they should realize noise pollution is a serious issue too.

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I'm still watching Days, but not feeling a necessity like i have to watch it right away...The show just seems like its in holding mode right now...Its scary saying this, but Dena needs to start shaking up the show a bit..And making it more exciting..She is really playing it safe right now...Having interesting character interactions, but boring stories that aren't really accomplishing anything big..

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Boy, Macon, this is something we can agree on. Back in the day when Lucas first came on the scene, I didn't like him, but grew to over the years. Then during JER's second run, he turned Lucas into Austin light and the character was ruined. I , too, had hoped that when he came back they would have at least moved the character past his previous incarnation He is being written very lame right now and it needs to stop. It's time to move on. I hate seeing some of my favorite posters disenchanted with the show, but I can understand why. I guess I have developed such a habit of watching Days no matter what in the past 42 years, that I just can't give it up! Call me crazy. Hopefully the stories will pick up and you will find a reason to tune back in on a regular basis. Or at least not have to mute! :lol:

Yesterday was alright. I do wish that Drake could find another way to play John other than being so ridged. He walks like he has a rod up his back(or someplace else). If he had boobs, he could give Chloe a run for her money pushing her chest out!! :lol: :lol:

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LoL at Drake/Chloe! :D And I totally think you're right plus the mental image is priceless! (Much better than the John and Max facing off that we're getting -- I mean "Max"???? :blink: )

This is the first I've not watched in a long time -- I even stuck it out thru the Stan s/l which I guess is saying something, but I'm not quite sure what ;)

It was during JER's second run that I started to despise lucas, too -- didn't care much for him before that but I sure didn't cringe when he was on. Sheffer's version seemed to accentuate the very worst of the character and Higley's, so far, doing the same. GRRRR! The interview with Bryan had made me hopeful things would be different: lucas with an "edge" / an empowered lucas -- with active brain cells and the ability to talk without causing noise-induced hearing loss; and a storyline that allowed the character to be developed out from under Sami's skirt. Honestly, I *think* I could deal with almost anything other than this same ol' same ol' - I hated it under Sheffer and I hate it now. (venting over)

But I *do* hope things pick up so I can comfortably watch again (with minimal muting). And I don't think you're crazy for watching --but think you're more positive and have much, much more patience than I do! :D

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I'm loving EJ and Nicole. I'm just loving Nicole period. I'm not liking Philip and the sorority girl. I have to agree with those who say the show is slowing down. It's taking on that "classic" soap opera feel of all chat and interaction and not much story. As far as the green thing, Peter Reckell is very committed to environmental issues. I think he is probably pleased with the story.

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The Stan story was bad, but but you were just counting down the episodes until Sami's mask got ripped off and she was exposed. So you kept watching because you knew the pay-off would be there. (Okay, Toups. You win. Yes, I said "pay-off". :P )

Now it doesn't feel like they're building to anything. It's just things happening, but you're not especially excited about anything, because there are no road signs saying "This is going to get really good! I swear! Hang in there!"

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Yup, exactly. I thought Stan was a bad story too, but I looked forward to Stan getting exposed.

Again, ITA. These stories are leading nowhere.

It seems like Higley is throwing pictures of the characters in the air and whoever they land beside is who she's gonna with for the next couple of weeks.

Now it seems like she might be hooking up Dan/Lexie (what was up with a that coffee scene in the hospital....he surprises her with coffee??? WTF), John/Ava, Chloe/Lucas? Huh?

And has anyone noticed that there's a ton of flashbacks now too? <_<

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Yeah, ITA on the payoff with the Stan sl - and honestly (imo) JER did give us that most of the time. Plus "Tony" was on and despite the very bad way he was written, that's usually a plus for me ;)

And all of this does lately does feel pointless. Annoyingly pointless and just plain annoying. Not a good combination.

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