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Tomlin and Pratt to AMC!?

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SOD is reporting that, despite ABC's denials (remember Colby isn't being re-cast?) sources tell them Gary Tomlin and Charles Pratt Jr. are (or were) being courted to take over AMC!


This would make Rayfield, McTavish and B&E look like writing gods. Tomlin's shows are superificial, T&A-obsessed, campy crap. And the same goes for Pratt.

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God help us. Pratt is a repetitive writing hack who almost destroyed GH and did destroy Melrose Place. His only rules are that no couple can last more than five minutes and everyone must blackmail and betray someone. Tomlin nearly destroyed OLTL with his inconsistent, plot-driven, and idiotic stories. Why don't they just promote from within like OLTL?

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Tomlin was a producer for a while on AMC in the mid 90's....

And Pratt was actually quite good at Santa Barbara.

Is the rumour that Tomlin and Pratt will be Co-HW's, or is Tomlin replacing THE HORRIBLE JHC as EP? I don't care for Tomlin, but at least he has a backbone, something JHC obviously doesn't have.

Anyway, Pratt especially costs serious money, I don't think they'll shelve out in order to get him....

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They've gotta be kidding. GH became somewhat watchable when Pratt left the writing team (emphasis on "somewhat") and Tomlin can be an absolute nightmare given the right, or the wrong, circumstances. The only consolation with Tomlin is that he's worked on AMC before. Get ready for the "Joe Martin revealed as pedophile" storyline.

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Why is Charles Pratt suddenly so bad? He was writing for Santa Barbara from 1984 to 1991. Of course, I have no idea how he did on General Hospital because I never took an interest in that show.

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Both have hard-ons for mobsters, so yeah not much better than the Bears

This is what it says:

Might another behind the scenes shake up be in the works at AMC? Sources say Gary Tomlin (who last served as EP of OLTL) and Charles Pratt, Jr, GH's ex co head writer, have been approached about taking over the writing reins from JHB and BE.

"Not true" counters a show rep.

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Pratt worked with Chip Hayes on Melrose Rose and I guess with Carruthers on Santa Barbara. Will be like old times! Ugh! I really hope this is not true. I can finally stomach the show as is, with most likely Agnes consulting/ghost writing and Babs and Jimbo throwing paper airplanes and blowing spitballs in the writers' room.

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Anything has to be better than the claptrap they're serving right now. And McTavish.

Tomlin is harmless. And Pratt helped make DH a hit it's first season. So really, I'll take SOME kind of direction over the mess they've giving us right now.

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If Tomlin might be going to AMC as an EP, it might be good, but if he might go as a Co-HW? Definately not good, because these past few months that he's been HWing OLTL haven't been that great. Not the worst writing, but not the greatest.

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You are so lucky you didn't see his tenure at GH. The show became much better after he left. He tried to destroy any chance of Liason, backburned Liz & Lucky, and turned Carly into a weak Sonny doormat. At MP, I don't know how much of it he was responsible for or if it was Frank South, but he constantly had Allison and Billy breaking up and getting back together and he turned Amanda into a weak, whiny anti-heroine. He also had a sick obsession with having women(I.E. Jo, Jane, Amanda on MP, Emily on GH) be raped or abused by the men they loved. The only thing Charles is good at IMO is writing scripts.

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I think Pratt tries to write a daytime soap like he does a nighttime soap. He sees them as interchangeable, which is really not the case. Daytime is very unique. With the faux-film thing, the show has come to resemble a traditional soap less and less, and I think he would just enhance that feeling, which would not be a good thing. Tomlin as EP or HW, not sure which would be the lesser of two evils! When he was EP at OLTL, he turned it into a campy quasi-Chippendales review. The show really can't catch a break :( KAY ALDEN, WHERE ARE YOU?

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Thanks for posting the actual piece! I figured Tomlin would be EP....so it's co-hw? I don't know if that's better or worse.

Seriously this would be the worst headwriter pairing in history of soap operas. Just keep whoever is writing now. Yes it's boring at times but it's not bad. Tomlin and Pratt are pure sleaze.

It would be like the pole dancing scenes 5 days a week.

AMC does not deserve to be a dumping ground for strike writers Frons promised jobs to!

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